
北朝鮮專題 (7) 






[[民視新聞部經理 胡婉玲]]


[[平壤婦產醫院對外辦事科科長 文昌雲]]


[[平壤婦產醫院對外辦事科科長 文昌雲]]

“(進來多久了),十來天,(需要住多久) ,聽說再治療個二十幾天,應該可以痊癒,結果應該也不錯吧,(接受什麼樣的治療) ,低週波水治療,乳腺也有打針”


[[民視新聞部經理 胡婉玲]] 


“去藥局買藥吧,謝謝你 再見,這個藥吃兩粒,一天三次,謝謝”

“叩叩叩,是誰在敲門,醫生你好嗎,妳有哪裡不舒服嗎,醫生 我的身體,就像這樣很健康,如果有哪裡不舒服的,請一定要到我們醫院來檢查,好的,再見”









敬愛的首領金日成大元帥,在這樣美麗的萬景台出生,朝鮮的太陽 漸漸昇起,我們就用去追尋,美麗萬景台的心情,一起來唱歌吧”

“嬌豔的花朵 朵朵綻放,開滿了山坡上,這裡是大元帥誕生的故鄉”


民視新聞胡婉玲 李健成 蕭惟任在平壤的獨家採訪報導


Pyongyang: Women and Child Care (2013/07/17)

As part of our ongoing series on North Korea, FTV provides a rare look at a women’s hospital and a nursery school in Pyongyang. These facilities, together with child-rearing subsidies, are among the many measures the government is taking to raise the birth rate and better provide for women and children. 

Whether in the city or countryside, children roam the streets. Nevertheless, Pyongyang wants more. Population growth primarily depends on the birth rate and mortality rate, both of which are large. Raising fertility is vital.

But even in this authoritarian nation, incentives, not force, are the only tools the government has to encourage families to have more children. The country pays child-rearing costs, from pregnancy to birth, nurturing and education. But as women grow more independent, they have gone from having two or three children to just one or two. Further government subsidies to encourage having a third child include free formula for a year instead of two months and paying for all clothing prior to high school graduation.

North Korea also offers women professional medical care.

In Pyongyang there are at least six major hospitals that offer comprehensive services. One specializes in treating women.

Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
We hadn’t anticipated a trip to this Pyongyang maternity hospital, but our handlers arranged a visit. The hospital has a breast cancer research institute that was established within the past year.

Visitors must wear a white coat and plastic over their shoes to prevent the introduction of dust or germs.

Director, External Affairs
Pyongyang Maternity Hospital
Besides breast cancer, we treat cervical cancer in the adjacent wing.

Cancer treatment is highly technical. On our visit we saw X-ray, ultrasound and CT scan equipment.

Director, External Affairs
Pyongyang Maternity Hospital
The country pays the full cost for women who come to the cancer research institute for diagnosis or treatment.

(How long have you been here?) Ten days. (How long do you have to stay?) I’ve heard that I have to stay another 20 days or more. I’m expecting good results and even a full recovery. (What treatment did you get?) Electrotherapy and injections in my breasts.

After the short, limited hospital visit we moved to the Kim Jong-suk nursery school.

Anne Hu
FTV News Chief
Children’s education is free in North Korea. We received permission to visit the Kim Jong-suk nursery in Pyongyang, which cares for children six days a week.

What’s bothering you? Let’s take a look.

Go to the pharmacist to buy your medicine. Thank you. See you later. Take two of these pills, three times a day. Thank you.

Knock, knock. Who is knocking on the door? Hello, doctor. What is bothering you? Look at me, I’m very healthy. If anything is bothering you, make sure you come to the hospital for a check-up. OK, goodbye.

Kim Jong-suk Nursery School
Comrade Kim Jong-un’s compassion means all children of the workers and the people can come. Adults don’t need to worry, and children can grow up carefree.

This nursery school accepts children between the ages of 2 and 4. It requires professional teachers to provide care 24 hours a day. Children sleep, eat and study together.

Our beloved leader, Grand Marshal Kim Il-sung, used to play on a big rock with his friends in Mangyongdae. What was the name of this rock?



Below Mangyongbong a crystal clear river called Taedong flows. Repeat after me, Taedong River

Taedong River

When the beloved Grand Marshal Kim Il-sung was born in this beautiful place called Mangyongdae, the North Korean sun gradually ascended. Let’s use the feeling that the beauty of Mangyongdae inspires to sing a song.

Tender flowers blossom and cover the hills where our grand marshal was born.

Children under 2 and a half go to day care, before attending nursery school and then kindergarten at age 4. The North Korean system means that parents don’t need to rush from work to pick up their children, nor do they choose schools based on language or cost. When it comes to child rearing, the government treats everyone equally.

This is FTV’s Anne Hu, Johnson Lee and Hsiao Wei-ren, with an exclusive report from Pyongyang.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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