The risk of developing autism may be passed on through - and not just to - future generations, researchers say. The international study suggests older fathers are more likely to have grandchildren with autism than their younger counterparts.
Previous studies suggested older fathers may be at greater risk of having children with autism than younger dads.
But the team of UK, Swedish and Australian researchers say this is one of the first pieces of evidence to show the risk can be passed on through - rather than just straight to - future generations.
The "silent mutations" - changes in genetic material - are likely to have no obvious impact on older fathers’ own children, but they may build up through subsequent generations, or interact with other genes and environmental factors, to increase the chance of their grandchildren developing the condition, the researchers say.
relay:動詞,傳遞。例句:I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.(我最先獲知這個消息,接著我把消息傳給別人。)
pass on:片語,傳下去、把(疾病)傳給他人。例句:It’s possible to pass on the virus to others through physical contact.(透過身體接觸可能把這種病毒傳給別人。)
build up:片語,增強。例句:Tension is building up between the two communities.(兩個社區之間的緊張關係逐漸升高。)
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