


紅磚牆,青屋瓦,和莊嚴的寺廟,動畫裡的場景,是不是很熟悉呢? 這部動畫,就是以大溪為背景,也是第一部以閩南文化為主題的3D動畫電影《我是隻小小鳥》,預計8月就要搬上大螢幕。


[[一隻小小鳥製作人 陳志強]]




Animated film to feature the scenery and culture of Taoyuan’s Dasi (2013/07/17)

The first 3D animated film featuring scenes from Taoyuan’s Dasi community will soon be released. On Wednesday producers explained that their purpose in making this film was to introduce the beauty of Taiwan. 

Red brick walls, roof tiles and this solemn temple are all part of the background of this animated film. Some may find the scenes familiar, as it is set in Dasi. It’s the first 3D animated film to feature Minnan culture. The film, "A Little Bird," is expected to hit the big screen in August.

A producer of the film, Chen Chih-chiang, decided to set the movie in Dasi Township circa 1980, adding elements such as local temples and temple troupes. It took him five years to create this picture of Dasi.

Chen Chih-chiang
Film Producer
We don’t really have a true Taiwanese film that introduces Taiwanese local characteristics, so I wanted to raise funds to do this film.

Producing sophisticated animation requires a professional team of animators. Many who contributed to this film previously worked for Disney.

Whether or not viewers have visited Dasi, this film provides a distinct look at this charming Taiwanese community.


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