[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
“是啊 這個公投一定要修公投法,總統”
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[總統 馬英九]]
A televised meeting between President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang turned into a heated debate on Friday. Su wants construction immediately stopped on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, while Ma insists it should be finished but a referendum held before fuel rods are installed.
Ma and Su began with a handshake, but the peace lasted fewer than 10 minutes.
President Ma Ying-jeou
The Abe administration has announced that (Japan) must restart its nuclear reactors.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
President Ma, I have to interrupt you. If you’re about to simply make an administrative decree, then why are you spending taxpayer money on public service announcements in theaters?
President Ma Ying-jeou
Global conditions have changed. Japan has changed its methods.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
That’s not what Japan is like. I was there in February of last year.
President Ma Ying-jeou
The decision was made this year. At that time, it had not yet made this decision. The Abe cabinet recently announced that nuclear reactors must restart. I’m not making this up. It was in the newspapers.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
This is the only example you have?
President Ma Ying-jeou
I have another example if you’re willing to listen. Everyone should consider our next step carefully and calmly, not rashly. Especially because safety inspections are not completed.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Nothing is being done rashly.
President Ma said the KMT legislative caucus adopted a resolution on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant the previous evening. Once construction of the plant is completed, installation of fuel rods will not take place until a referendum is held. Su, however, was unwilling to accept this course of action.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Rather than an immediate stop to construction, this is immediate continuation of construction. More money will have to be spent to finish work on the plant.
President Ma Ying-jeou
Construction is ongoing. There is no such thing as immediate continuation. Civil engineering and machinery associated with the first reactor of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant are essentially completed. Safety tests are taking place. We pledge that a decision will not be made until these tests are completed. A decision is not necessary now because safety tests are not finished.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
So how many more tens of billions of NT dollars must be spent?
President Ma Ying-jeou
Chairman Su, you also budgeted more than NT$40 billion for the plant and hoped that it could be finished on time. Have you forgotten? You shouldn’t forget these decisions you made in the past.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Mr. President, I have not forgotten.
President Ma Ying-jeou
You have. Everything you do makes me feel as if you’ve forgotten.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Mr. President, I didn’t come here today to argue with you.
The meeting was like a debate without a moderator. The pair also argued over the Referendum Act.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
We should let popular opinion decide the plant’s fate.
President Ma Ying-jeou
I said we’ll hold a referendum.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
True, but an amendment is first needed to the Referendum Act.
President Ma Ying-jeou
Why is an amendment needed?
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
After you forced through the “birdcage” referendum, Mr. Lin Yi-hsiung…
President Ma Ying-jeou
We weren’t the ones who forced this through. Chairman Su, that bill passed when your party was in power. The thresholds relating to half of all voters were in the DPP, Cabinet and TSU versions.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Mr. President, you like to play these games.
President Ma Ying-jeou
I don’t like to play games. You like to avoid questions.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Six referendums have been held and none have passed.
President Ma Ying-jeou
All six topics have had problems. People didn’t feel they were real issues so they didn’t vote.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
That’s wrong.
President Ma Ying-jeou
How is that wrong? Presidential elections have turnout of 70 percent or more, but not referendums, so they can’t pass the required threshold. It’s not the threshold that is the problem but the topics.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Look at how strong public support is for the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant referendum.
President Ma Ying-jeou
Of course. So what are you afraid of?
Ma and Su failed to reach agreement during the 80-minute meeting.