[[中央氣象局預報員 吳依帆]]
“因為強烈大陸冷氣團逐漸南下,加上華南雲雨區,水氣逐漸東移到台灣附近,因此下雨情況,會越來越明顯,而且氣溫會逐日下降,預計最冷的時間 ,出現在下周二 ,中部以北出現10到11度低溫”
Cold Weather Coming (2014/02/07)
A strong continental air mass will lead temperatures lower tomorrow with the the Central Weather Bureau potentially issuing a cold weather warning.
Wu Yi-fan
Central Weather Bureau Forecaster
"Because a strong continental cold air mass is gradually moving southward and the influence of rains from southern China moving eastward will bring more moisture closer to Taiwan, increasing the chance of rain. And with temperatures dropping each day, we expect the coldest day to be next Tuesday, and central and northern Taiwan could see lows of 10-11 degrees.
The Central Weather Bureau believes this current continental air mass could affect weather until next Wednesday. Unfortunately, it may be followed by another cold air mass next Thursday, as cold, wet weather may last for a whole week.