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《中英對照讀新聞》People who use dating apps more likely to use ’dangerous’ weight-loss tactics, Harvard study shows 哈佛研究顯示,約會應用程式使用者較可能使用「危險的」減重手段

People who use dating apps such as Tinder are more likely to use drastic or unhealthy tactics to keep themselves thin, according to a new study.


Researchers at Harvard University studied 1,726 adult men and women to look for links between using dating apps and body image. Results showed, men and women using dating apps are more likely to use unhealthy ways to control their weight than those who didn’t use the apps.


They found that dating app users had higher odds of engaging in six unhealthy weight control behaviors - self-induced vomiting, using laxatives, fasting, using diet pills, using muscle-building supplements, and using anabolic steroids.


Researchers said social media and TV shows reinforce ’ideal’ body images which may drive people to drastic weight loss measures.



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中英對照讀新聞》Why Rich Parents Are More Likely to Be Unethical-為什麼有錢的父母親更可能是不道德的

Federal attorneys have arrested 50 people in a college admission scam that allowed wealthy parents to buy their kids’ admission to elite universities.


Some might ask why did these parents fail to consider the moral implications of their actions? When it comes to the wealthy, research shows that they will go to great lengths to maintain their higher status. A sense of entitlement plays a role.


Research shows that people are good at rationalizing unethical actions that serve their self-interest. The success, or failure, of one’s children often has implications for how parents view themselves and are viewed by others. They are more likely to bask in the reflected glory of their children. They seem to gain esteem based on their connection to successful children. This means parents can be motivated by self-interest to ensure their children’s achievement.


Feeling a sense of entitlement leads people to be more competitive, selfish and aggressive when they sense a threat. Research suggests that entitlement may come in part from being rich.



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中英對照讀新聞》Eiffel Tower climber in custody after daring ascent-大膽登高後 艾菲爾鐵塔攀爬者被拘

Rescuers successfully talked down a man who scaled the upper heights of the Eiffel Tower on Monday, and handed him over to police.


Television channels ran live shots as rescuers perched on the 324-metre tower’s wrought-iron struts, just below the highest viewing platform, tried to persuade the unknown man to give himself up.


The tower’s operator said he had entered the monument normally before climbing over the safety fencing on the second level and clambering up the outside of the tower.


"At 21:30, Paris firefighters succeeded in reasoning with the individual and he is now in the hands of the competent authorities," the operator said.


Police cordoned off several streets closest to the tower as crowds of onlookers gazed up at the perilous operation which began mid-afternoon.

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《中英對照讀新聞》Culture or cruelty? Camel fighting persists in Pakistan despite ban 文化或酷刑?被禁的賽駱駝仍存在於巴基斯坦

Thousands cheer as a caravan of camels outfitted in saddles and garlands are ready to fight. The camels wrestle with their necks and bite as they attempt to pin their adversary to the ground.


Eventually the referee declares a winner, with fans surging forward to encircle the victorious animal. The owner sits proudly on the camel’s back and has prize money of around 100,000 rupees.


The country has a long history of blood sports - with bears, cocks, and dogs, among the other creatures forced to fight. But according to the Pakistani law, all animal fights are illegal.


Enthusiasts brush away the criticism, saying the fights are a tradition in the country’s Punjab province. "It’s our culture. People gather here, greet each other and forget the anxieties of life."


Last year the government passed an amendment to its Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Bill which suggested the fine for inciting animals to fight should be increased from 50 rupees to 300,000 rupees.(AFP)

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Just because you don’t understand someone, doesn’t mean you can’t try to be considerate of how they feel.

門當父不對 (Meet the Parents), 2000​

#解憂電影院 No.339


“ 親愛的水ㄤ水某,我跟男友在一起好幾年了。





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《中英對照讀新聞》Tiananmen massacre a ’vaccination’ against turmoil : Chinese state media 中國國營媒體:天安門屠殺是對抗動亂的「疫苗接種」

A Chinese state-run newspaper has described the massacre that ended mass pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989 as a "vaccination" that protected the country from future "political turmoil."


Chinese nationalistic tabloid Global Times said the government’s decision in 1989 had ended "disputes" in the country and helped "all the Chinese people face the future." "As a vaccination for the Chinese society, the Tiananmen incident will greatly increase China’s immunity against any major political turmoil in the future."the article said.


In spring 1989, students and workers occupied Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in a massive pro-democracy protest. Many were killed in a brutal clampdown by the communist authorities. Reporting on the events is heavily censored in China.


Former 1989 protesters who have left China said the lack of political dissent in the country, and discussion of Tiananmen Square, was more due to fear than to a wide consensus.



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《中英對照讀新聞》The web is broken, so its founder is taking another stab at it 全球資訊網出了毛病,其創立者正在試點別的

The founder of the World Wide Web thinks it’s broken and has a plan to fix it.


Tim Berners-Lee, the British computer scientist credited with inventing the web in 1989, announced a new project that he hopes will radically change his creation, by giving people full control over their data.


The open-source software is called Solid. It allows developers to create decentralized apps that run on data that its users fully own. If Solid becomes widely adopted, then all your apps could talk to each other using the same set of data, which you and only you control.


The new project is a clear rebuke of the tech giants whose opaque use of personal data is core to their businesses. Facebook’s notorious grip follows people around the web, even if they’ve signed out or have actually deleted their accounts, and Google’s Android phones track people’s movements, far beyond just their coordinates.


英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1293236

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An Indiana bride was supposed to celebrate the happiest day of her life as she planned to marry her fiance Kendall Murphy on September 29, but instead she took photos in her wedding dress alone.


On November 10, 2017, the couple’s plan to spend their lives together suddenly came to an end when Kendall, a Montgomery volunteer firefighter, was tragically killed by an alleged drunk driver.


Kendall’s mother, Katrina Murphy, contacted photographer Mandi Knepp after Kendall’s death and asked to do a photo shoot on the day that the couple planned to wed in hopes that it would help Jessica through the healing process.


Mandi took photos of Jessica doing her makeup and putting on her wedding dress.


Jessica posed with several of Kendall’s belongings, including his uniform, his helmet, and his boots.


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《中英對照讀新聞》In Mexico, those searching for missing relatives can vanish too 在墨西哥,尋找失蹤親友的人也會跟著消失

70-years-old Maria Herrera is scraping at the earth on a hill in the town of Huitzuco, in southern Mexico, looking for the mounds that indicate a decaying corpse.


Digging in the dirt with a group of 100 other activists in the violent state of Guerrero, she wants to find her four missing son.


More than 40,000 people are missing in Mexico, which has been swept by a wave of violence since the government declared war on the country’s powerful drug cartels in 2006.


At first, Herrera and her husband used the profits gained by selling household goods door to door to launch gold exchange business, which involved traveling the country to buy and sell gold.


They did not realize a bloody cartel turf war was just breaking out in the state. They believe a local cartel mistook the brothers, Jesus and Raul, for members of a rival group and were captured. Two more brothers started looking for them but disappeared too.(AFP)

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W: Waitress  L: Lee
Cam and Lee are interested in trying to eat a live baby octopus, or sannakji, in Korea.
W: Have you ever had sannakji?
L: We have not. As a matter of fact, my friend here is frightened to try it.
W: Most people are anxious when they first try eating it because it’s squishy in your mouth. Also, it feels very weird to have the tentacles on the inside of your cheeks or on your tongue. You have to chew it or you may choke.
L: We want to try!
阿凱及小李對於嘗試生吃小章魚或韓國稱為 sannakji 的韓式活章魚很有興趣。 
服務生: 兩位有吃過韓式活章魚嗎? 

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《中英對照讀新聞》Chinese people rush to buy ’Donald Trump toilet brushes’ 中國人民爭相購買「唐納‧川普馬桶刷」

People in China are cheering for Beijing in a trade war against Washington by cleaning their bathrooms with ’Donald Trump’ toilet brushes.


Chinese consumers have flocked to buy toilet cleaning tools that look like the U.S. President as a way to support their government. ’Trump’ toilet brushes come in various designs. They cost around 20 yuan and are popular on Taobao.


One shop on Taobao claims its ’Trump’ toilet brushes are ’light’ and ’stylish’, and can be used for cleaning squat toilets or normal flush toilets. The shop says the brush has powerful, ’360-degree’ cleaning effect and can reach every corner.


One seller on Taobao is giving out a free roll of toilet paper with Trump’s likeness on it for those who buy the ’Trump’ toilet brushes. Some online buyers have joked that Trump can be "so useful" when cleaning their bathroom.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Airbus to build multimission satellite for MEASAT 空中巴士將為「馬來西亞—東亞衛星」建造多工衛星

Airbus has been selected by MEASAT Global Berhad, the leading Malaysian operator, to build MEASAT-3d, a new multimission telecommunications satellite to replace capacity and augment its core business in Malaysia, Asia, Middle East and Africa.


Planned to be launched in 2021, MEASAT-3d will provide C and Ku-bands capacity for DTH, video distribution and telecommunication services. The new HTS Ka-band mission features multiple user spot beams optimized to deliver high speed broadband communications over Malaysia to bridge the digital divide in the country.


Collocated with MEASAT-3a and MEASAT-3b at 91.5E, MEASAT-3d will serve the growth requirements of 4G and 5G mobile networks in Malaysia while continuing to provide redundancy and additional distribution capacity for video in HD, 4K and ultimately 8K in the Asia-Pacific region.



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《中英對照讀新聞》A Man in Kazakhstan Held Up a Blank Sign to See if He’d Be Detained. He Was.-哈薩克男子高舉空白標語牌,想看看是否會被拘留。果然如此。

To test the limits of his right to peacefully demonstrate in Kazakhstan, Aslan Sagutdinov stood in a public square holding a blank sign, predicting he would be detained.



He was right.


Mr. Sagutdinov’s encounter with the police in the city of Uralskon Monday, which was filmed and posted on YouTube, came as the country prepares for a presidential election in June, its first transfer of power in decades.


"I want to show that the idiocy in our country has gotten so strong that the police will detain me now even though there are no inscriptions, no slogans, without my chanting or saying anything," Mr. Sagutdinov said in the video.


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《中英對照讀新聞》China blocks Wikipedia in all languages 中國封鎖所有語言的維基百科

China has expanded its ban on Wikipedia to block the online encyclopedia in all available languages, the BBC reports.


According to a report by the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), China started blocking all language editions of Wikipedia last month. Wikipedia was no longer accessible in the country and this had impacted 1.3 billion people.


Wikipedia has been blocked intermittently in China since 2004. An earlier enforced ban barred Internet users from viewing the Chinese version, as well as the pages for sensitive search terms such as Dalai Lama and the Tiananmen massacre.


China has been clamping down on its citizens’ internet freedoms over the last few years. According to a study conducted by Reporters Without Borders, China is not just issuing censorships locally, but is also attempting to infiltrate foreign media in an attempt to deter criticism.



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You don’t calculate life, you live it; you don’t test a relationship, you protect it.

控制 (Gone Girl), 2014

#解憂電影院 No.340


“ 水ㄤ水某你們好!





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《中英對照讀新聞》Climate Breakdown Could Send Crabs And Octopuses Blind 「氣候崩壞」可能導致螃蟹和章魚失明

Climate breakdown is already having a massively negative impact on the world’s wildlife. Marine biologists have just demonstrated for the first time that low oxygen levels in the water can send marine invertebrates blind. The research has been published in the Journal of Experimental Biology.


The changes in the animals’ vision were striking. As soon as the oxygen levels dipped below what is typically found at the surface of the ocean, their eyesight declined - most notably in the rock crab and the squid larvae, which were almost completely blind by the time oxygen was at its lowest point - 20 percent of surface levels.


The oceans have lost a significant amount of oxygen in the last 50 years, with a significant portion of this due to nutrient pollution that leads to algae blooms that deplete the oxygen, and rising temperatures. This could lead to a situation whereby the crabs and cephalopods can no longer easily see the prey they need to catch, nor the predators they need to avoid.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1289853

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《中英對照讀新聞》Jobless rate hits 19-year high in April-南韓4月份失業率創19年來新高

According to job figures released by Statistics Korea, the total number of jobless people surpassed 1.24 million as of April for the first time since the government started compiling the data in June 1999.


The jobless rate stood at 4.4 percent, up 0.3 percentage point from a year earlier and marking the highest for any April since 2000, when Asia’s fourth-largest economy was reeling under the aftermaths of the Asian Financial Crisis.


The latest jobless rate was partly attributable to the increased number of applicants to take the civil servant test. About 380,000 took the test in April this year, while 200,000 had applied in March last year. Taking the heaviest blow from the sluggish employment trend was the retail and wholesale sector, which lost 76,000 positions in April.



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《中英對照讀新聞》British radio host fired for racist tweet comparing Archie Harrison to a chimp 英國廣播節目主持人 因為把亞契.哈里遜比做黑猩猩的種族歧視推文而丟差

A BBC radio broadcaster was fired Thursday after posting a picture of a baby chimpanzee when tweeting about the birth of the Duke and Duchesses of Sussex’s son Archie Harrison.


Danny Baker, who until Thursday morning was a broadcaster for BBC’s 5Live, was accused of making fun of Meghan’s mixed-race heritage.


Baker tweeted the offending image shortly after Prince Harry and Meghan presented Baby Archie to the world in his first photocall.


His original tweet, since deleted, showed a black-and-white photo of a couple, with the woman holding hands with a young chimpanzee wearing a hat and a jacket.


The caption read: “Royal baby leaves hospital.”

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《中英對照讀新聞》Can Japan end its love affair with plastic?-日本人對塑膠品的愛好有可能停止嗎?

From bento boxes to individually wrapped bananas, plastic reigns supreme in Japan. According to the UN, Japan generates more plastic packaging waste per capita than any other country except the United States.


Therefore, in 2018, Japan’s government unveiled a proposal with the goal of reducing the country’s 9.4 million tonnes of plastic waste a year by 25 percent by 2030. A key part of the proposal is to require businesses to charge for plastic bags.


However, the proposals so far still lack any specific measures on limiting other types of single-use plastic waste, such as straws or cups. With the national government moving slowly, local governments and businesses have in some cases taken up the mantle themselves.


While public awareness about plastic pollution is growing in Japan, the country’s famed waste sorting and pristine streets had the effect of "hiding" the scale of the problem. The Japanese government needs more ambitious goals.(AFP)



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《中英對照讀新聞》Destructive pest could spread to all of China’s grain production in 12 months 毀滅性害蟲恐在12個月內蔓延到中國所有糧食產區

The devastating armyworm pest has already spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production and could soon affect the country’s entire crop, a new US government report said.


The voracious, inch-long fall armyworm, the larval form of the armyworm moth, can breed rapidly, spread great distances and is hugely difficult to eradicate.


It has a large impact on a wide range of crops, including important Chinese staples such as rice, soybeans and corn. According to the US report, it may have already spread to a range of southern Chinese provinces including Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan and Hainan.


The new pest comes as the Chinese government faces a number of daunting agricultural challenges. Every province in the country has now been affected by African swine fever virus, which is devastating the pork industry.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1288793

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