《中英對照讀新聞》People who use dating apps more likely to use ’dangerous’ weight-loss tactics, Harvard study shows 哈佛研究顯示,約會應用程式使用者較可能使用「危險的」減重手段
People who use dating apps such as Tinder are more likely to use drastic or unhealthy tactics to keep themselves thin, according to a new study.
Researchers at Harvard University studied 1,726 adult men and women to look for links between using dating apps and body image. Results showed, men and women using dating apps are more likely to use unhealthy ways to control their weight than those who didn’t use the apps.
They found that dating app users had higher odds of engaging in six unhealthy weight control behaviors - self-induced vomiting, using laxatives, fasting, using diet pills, using muscle-building supplements, and using anabolic steroids.
Researchers said social media and TV shows reinforce ’ideal’ body images which may drive people to drastic weight loss measures.