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《中英對照讀新聞》Valley of the dolls:scarecrows outnumber people in Japan village 娃娃谷:稻草人比人多的日本鄉村



In the tiny village of Nagoro, deep in the mountains of western Japan, the wind howls down a deserted street with not a living soul to be seen



But yet the street appears busy, dotted with life-sized dolls that outnumber humans. This is the product of local resident Tsukimi Ayano’s bid to counter the emptiness and loneliness felt in Nagoro, like many Japanese villages decimated by depopulation.


"Only 27 people live in this village but the number of scarecrows is tenfold," the 69-year-old doll maker said. It all started 16 years ago when the dexterous Ayano created a scarecrow dressed in her father’s clothes to prevent birds eating the seeds.


Since then, Ayano has not stopped creating the life-size dolls. The secret to breathing life into the dolls? Applying pink color to the lips and cheeks with a make-up brush, revealed Ayano.

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《中英對照讀新聞》Gallup: Americans’ pride hits record low 蓋洛普民調:美國人的自豪感創歷史新低

American patriotism is ebbing. According to a Gallup poll, fewer than half of U.S. adults are "extremely" proud to be Americans.


The poll’s findings, from a survey of 1,015 U.S. adults, show that pride in being American has dwindled in recent years. The numbers are the lowest since the polling organization began gauging patriotic fervor this way in 2001.


Overall, 70 percent of Americans say they’re proud to be American, while less than half (45 percent) say they’re "extremely proud" to be American,


The Gallup report points to the polarization of today’s political climate as a possible cause for the decrease in overall pride. The report also show that women, liberals and younger adults expressed the lowest pride.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Irregular workers’ strike disrupts school operations - 非正職勞工的罷工打亂學校運作

Irregular workers at schools went on strike Wednesday, calling for an end to discrimination in wages and welfare benefits vis-a-vis regular workers and disrupting meal services at thousands of schools nationwide.


Six-hour-long negotiations between irregular workers at schools and education authorities fell through the previous day, leading some 22,000 irregular workers at schools - including cooks, nutritionists and administrative workers - to stage a walkout until Friday.


A total of 2,802 of 10,438 public kindergartens and schools were affected nationwide. School meal services were suspended at 2,572 schools. The students were asked to bring their own lunches or else they received bread, milk, juice or other simple food instead of hot meals. Some 230 schools cut classes short.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Decentralized Finance As a New Financial Sector 做為一個新金融領域的「去中心化金融」

Nowadays, decentralized finance (DeFi) is becoming one of the leading narratives for promising blockchain use-cases. It is not surprising as more than 85% of all cryptocurrencies market cap is already allocated to coins and tokens representing an industry of decentralized finance.


The DeFi sector will see the future of financial services in a digital light, the same as traditional finance through financial technologies (FinTech). Both financial sectors aim to reinvent financial services as automated software products with programmed business logic.


The trust source of DeFi is public blockchains while the trust source of traditional finance is public governance frameworks composed of laws, licensed financial institutions and financial authorities.


The DeFi sector is a more open system with almost no entry barriers as everybody who has programming skills can build financial services on top of public blockchains. In contrast, the tradition financial sector has massive entry barriers.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Mother and daughter pilot Delta flight from Los Angeles to Atlanta-達美航空母女檔機師從洛杉磯飛往亞特蘭大

A photo of a mother and daughter has gone viral as they flew together as a flight crew.


The duo, Capt. Wendy Rexon and First Officer Kelly Rexon were smiling ear to ear as they prepared to fly a Delta Boeing 757 together.


The photo was taken by Dr. John R. Watret, the chancellor of Embry-Riddle Worldwide, a world-renowned aeronautical university, who just happened to overhear that there was a mother-daughter flight crew.


The viral tweet meant a great deal to Watret because of Embry-Riddle’s commitment to creating more opportunities for women in all areas of the aviation industry.


"There has to be more diversification in the industry," Watret said. "When there are more opportunities, everyone wins." Watret said in a release by the school.

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The soul breathes through our tears and laughter; the pessimistic still smiles, and even the strongest cries.

最酷的一天 (The Most Beautiful Day), 2016

#解憂電影院 No.350







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中英對照讀新聞》Dr Marijuana Pepsi: The woman who refused to let her bullies win 大麻‧百事可樂博士:拒絕讓霸凌獲勝的女子

A woman who refused to change her name has defied her bullies by earning a PhD. Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck says she spent her life being made fun of because of her distinctive name. But instead of changing it she decided to be proud of the name and refuse to let it hold her back.


The 46-year-old has used her experience to research black names and how they affect the education of children in the United States.


Marijuana was nine years old when she first realised she had an unconventional name. At school in Wisconsin she says it wasn’t just the other children who commented on it but the teachers, too. "Marijuana is unusual and then you add Pepsi to it and the comments just didn’t stop" she told the BBC.


But in high school the inquisitive questions about an unusual name turned into hurtful comments. "When I was in fourth grade it was an oddity, but in high school it became bullying. I had to put up with so much," she says of her bullies. Marijuana says her family gave her the strength to cope with the comments and change her attitude.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Global semiconductor market to shrink 12% in 2019 全球半導體市場2019年預計萎縮12%

The global market for semiconductors will contract 12.1% to $412 billion this year, an industry group forecast, amid growing economic uncertainties from such factors as the U.S.-China trade war.


In its previous report last autumn, World Semiconductor Trade Statistics had predicted 2.6% growth for 2019.


The 2019 downgrade was blamed on shifts in world affairs, including the trade war, Brexit and weak smartphone demand.


Memory sales, which account for roughly 30% of the semiconductor market, are seen tumbling 30.6% to $109.5 billion in 2019. Large-lot prices of standard DRAMs are almost 30% lower than in October, and prices of NAND flash memory have fallen about 30% in half a year.


The market "will bottom out in the second half of 2019," said Akira Minamikawa, a principal analyst at IHS Markit.

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《中英對照讀新聞》Kakao launches blockchain platform for enterprise service Kakao推出企業服務區塊鏈平台

Kakao’s blockchain subsidiary Ground X on Thursday launched a public network platform for companies and developers. Dozens of regional tech giants pledged to work with it to promote blockchain-based businesses.

(南韓網路公司)Kakao的區塊鏈子公司Ground X,週四為企業和開發人員推出一個公共網路平台。為推廣以區塊鏈為基礎的交易,多家(東亞)地區的科技巨擘此前承諾與該公司合作。

Ground X said its blockchain platform Klaytn has officially begun operations by releasing its mainnet for commercial use. Klaytn is designed for easier access and faster speed compared with existing blockchain platforms, and various companies have joined its test operations since October last year.

Ground X表示,其區塊鏈平台Klaytn,已藉由公布它的商用主網,正式開始營運。相較於現有的區塊鏈平台,Klaytn旨在更容易使用且速度更快,多種不同行業的公司自去年10月以來,已加入其試營運。

Among the firms that will run Klaytn are South Korean companies such as LG, Celltrion and Netmarble. Union Bank of the Philippines and other finance and tech giants in Southeast Asia have also joined the project. Ground X chief Han Jae-sun stressed the combined market value of the participating companies amounts to 75 trillion won.

將會運作Klaytn的公司中,有「樂金」、(生技製藥公司)「賽特瑞恩」及(遊戲開發公司)「網石遊戲」等南韓公司。「菲律賓聯合銀行」和東南亞其他的金融與科技巨擘,也已參與該計畫。Ground X的代表韓在善(譯音)強調,所有參與(試營運)的公司的市值,合計達75兆韓元。


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《中英對照讀新聞》Indonesia’s first subway opens in its gridlocked capital 交通壅塞的印尼首都首條地鐵線開通

Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo has opened a long-awaited subway in the country’s capital aimed at staving off crippling traffic gridlock with comfortable transport facilities.


Jakarta’s first subway is the latest of many infrastructure improvements nationwide that it is hoped will help the giant but laggard nation catch up with its neighbors.


President Joko Widodo inaugurated the first phase of 16-kilometer subway line running south from Jakarta’s downtown on Sunday, while also presiding over a groundbreaking ceremony for an 8-kilometer line heading northward that is planned to be completed by 2024.


The $2.6 billion project is funded through a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency.


Congestion has relentlessly worsened in the past decade as car ownership rose, squeezing more and more vehicles onto Jakarta’s unchanging road network. (AP)

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《中英對照讀新聞》 Canada becomes the first G20 country to ban shark fin trade 加拿大成為第一個禁止魚翅交易的二十國集團(G20)國家

Canada has become the first G20 nation to ban the import and export of shark fins, in an effort help preserve the predator under threat. The country is the largest importer of shark fins outside Asia, though shark finning in the domestic fishery has been illegal since 1994.


The shark fin trade is believed to have contributed to the precarious status of many shark species worldwide. An estimated one-third of fins sold come from species that are at risk. Shark finning involves cutting off the valuable fin while the shark is alive, and discarding the rest of the body.


Canada’s bill bans the import and export, to and from Canada, of shark fins that are not attached to the shark. It was passed by parliament this week after years of effort by legislators and campaigners, and received Royal Assent on Friday. In 2018, Canada imported over 148,000 kg of shark fins.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Glowing ’Blue Tears’ in China’s Seas Are Growing-中國沿海的發光「藍眼淚」正在擴張

On summer nights, the waters surrounding Taiwan’s Matsu Islands cast an eerie blue glow. The phenomenon, known as China’s "blue tears," is actually caused by a bloom of tiny, bioluminescent creatures called dinoflagellates.


The bloom in the East China Sea may be beautiful, but it’s also toxic. And it’s growing bigger every year, a recent study finds.


By analyzing nearly 1,000 satellite images from the past 19 years, the researchers were able to identify a signature unique to blue tears - the wavelengths of light reflected by this particular creature, but not others.


The cause of blue tears isn’t certain, but the researchers think pollution from agriculture that funnels down the Yangtze River plays a major role.



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中英對照─86 percent of internet users admit being duped by fake news:survey/調查顯示,86%網路使用者承認曾被假新聞愚弄

Eighty-six percent of internet users have been duped by fake news - most of it spread on Facebook - according to a global survey.


Respondents said they want both governments and social media companies to crack down on these activities, which are contributing to a growing distrust of the internet as well as negatively impacting economies and political discourse.


The United States took the lion’s share of the blame for spreading fake news, followed by Russia and China, according to the annual Ipsos survey of more than 25,000 internet users in 25 countries.


Fake news appeared to be most prevalent on Facebook, but also appears on YouTube, blogs and Twitter, the pollsters found. The survey results showed people in Egypt were the most gullible while respondents in Pakistan were the most skeptical. The results also revealed widespread distrust of social media companies and growing concerns over online privacy and biases.



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中英對照─Alabama law forces child sex offenders to be chemically castrated/阿拉巴馬州法律強制對兒童性侵犯化學去勢

Child sex abusers in Alabama will have to be chemically castrated before they are granted parole.


The new law, backed by Alabama’s legislature last week, will force some convicted pedophiles to take medication to reduce their sex drive. Inmates will also have to pay for the treatment, which applies to sex crimes involving children under 13.


However, some legal groups have questioned the legality of forced medication, suggesting that it violates the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment prohibits the government from inflicting ’cruel and unusual punishments’ on its citizens.


Critics also note that those required to take drugs to reduce their sexual urges suffer from serious side effects, including life threatening blood clotting and allergic reactions.



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The Avignon Art Festival

During the warm sunny days of July, when the south of France is bustling with people on summer vacation, one enormous festival turns the town of Avignon into a lively theater. The annual Avignon Festival provides people interested in theater, dance, and music, with a space to share, discuss, participate in, or simply watch the creative arts. The festival runs for nearly one month. Throughout this time, nearly 1,000 performances breathe life into the historic walled city of Avignon. Professional artists from all walks of life come to Avignon to both observe and take part in festivities.



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The Beautiful and Bizarre Lake Natron

Lake Natron in Tanzania is a large salt lake fed by mineral-rich springs. However, no rivers or streams leave it, and the unique mixture of salts and minerals has a strange effect on animals that die in its waters: they turn into statues.
When an animal dies in the waters of Lake Natron, minerals quickly flood into the dead body, preserving it in a stone-like form. It appears as if these creatures were brought back to life at the magnificent lake where they died. Still, they look as beautiful in death as they did in life.
位於坦尚尼亞的納特龍湖為由富含礦物質的泉水孕育而成的巨大鹹水湖。但卻沒有任何河流及溪水流出這座湖,而鹽與礦物質的獨特結合對死於其水域中的動物有個奇特的影響 ── 牠們會轉化為雕像。


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《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea, Finland to collaborate on 6G network - 南韓、芬蘭將在第6代行動通訊網路上合作

On June 9, Moon Jae-in and Finnish

《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea, Finland to collaborate on 6G network - 南韓、芬蘭將在第6代行動通訊網路上合作

On June 9, Moon Jae-in and Finnish President Sauli Niinisto agreed that the two nations will cooperate to develop next-generation telecom technologies.


"Korea, which was the first country to commercialize 5G mobile services, and Finland which is spearheading 6G research are perfect partners," Moon added.


According to the MOU, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)and the University of Oulu in Finland will jointly run research and development projects for 6G. The university plans to invest $25.4 million for the world’s first R&D project for 6G over eight years from March 2018.



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中英對照讀新聞》Three elephants found poisoned in Malaysia 馬來西亞發現三頭大象被毒死

Three elephants were poisoned to death near a palm oil plantation in Malaysia, officials said Friday, in the latest case of the endangered creatures being killed near human settlements.


Local police in southern Johor state found the animal carcasses and alerted wildlife officers on Tuesday, Wildlife and National Parks Department director-general Abdul Kadir Abu Hashim told AFP.


The dead animals are believed to be part of a herd of 30 elephants from the nearby forest reserve.


"We conducted a post-mortem on the three female elephants aged between 18 and 22, and it revealed they were poisoned," Abdul Kadir said.


"I am shocked and saddened by this incident. If this trend continues, all our wild elephants will be wiped out."

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中英對照讀新聞》Gyeonggi Province going all out to prevent ASF entry 韓京畿道全力防阻非洲豬瘟入侵

Gyeonggi Province, some of whose towns border North Korea, is endeavoring to guard against the possible influx of African swine fever as the animal epidemic recently broke out in the North.


Last week, the North reported the outbreak of the disease at a farm in its northern Jagang Province bordering China to the World Organization for Animal Health. "We’ve beefed up monitoring of three border towns - Gimpo, Paju and Yeoncheon," a provincial official said Monday.


Chances are low the infection spreads via wild pigs(from the North)to the towns as a double row of barbed-wire fences are installed between the two Koreas, and yet infected carcasses may drift to the areas via the Imjin and Han rivers or the West Sea, the official said.

Although African swine fever is not harmful to people, its fatality rate is 100 percent to pigs, with no cure currently available.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Toxic air ’tears apart’ families in Mongolia 毒空氣「拆散」蒙古人家庭

In the world’s coldest capital, Ulaanbaatar of Mongolia, many burn coal and plastic just to survive temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees - but warmth comes at a price.



The levels of PM2.5 in Ulaanbaatar reached 3,320 in January, 133 times than what the WHO considers safe. Gers, which are warmed by coal, or any other flammable material available, are blamed for the pollution.


The air pollution are chiefly terrible for children, in part because they breathe faster, taking in more air and pollutants. As they are smaller, children are also closer to the ground, where some pollutants concentrate, and their still-developing lungs, brains, and other key organs are more vulnerable to damage.


Buyan-Ulzii Badamkhand and her husband have decided to send their two-year-old son Temuulen to his grandparents in the countryside. "I tell myself that it doesn’t matter that I miss him and who raises him, as long as he is healthy, I am content."(AFP)

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