(1)When I Was One-and-Twenty(我二十一歲那年)
When I was one-and-twenty我二十一歲那年,
I heard a wise man say,聽到一位智者說:
Give crowns and pounds and guineas「銀幣、英鎊、金幣皆可拋,
But not your heart away;你的心可不能給人;
Give pearls away and rubies,珍珠、紅寶石可割捨,
But keep your fancy free.但情竇勿開,保持逍遙自在。」
But I was one-and-twenty, 但我當時才二十一歲,
No use to talk to me.跟我講這些話是沒用的。
When I was one-and-twenty我二十一歲那年,
I heard him say again,又聽過他這麼說:
The heart out of the bosom「胸膛內的一顆心,
Was never given in vain;絕非可以白白掏出給人;
‘Tis paid with sighs aplenty換來的會是聲聲嘆息感喟,
And sold for endless rue.出賣所得的會是無窮的悔恨。」
And I am two-and-twenty, 如今我已二十二歲,
And oh, ‘tis true, ‘tis true.唉!講得真對!真對!
~~~ by A. E. Housman, 1859-1936
§英國詩人郝思曼(A. E. Housman, 1859-1936),曾就讀牛津大學,但因未通過考試而未獲得頒學位,離校後,任英國專利局官員,閒暇乃苦研古典文學,終又任牛津及劍橋大學的拉丁文教授。詩作文字簡潔,但帶有幻滅感,而哀愁中又時而滲有幽默的成份,極富動情力。