Premier Sean Chen announced the minimum wage will increase to NT$109 an hour beginning on New Year's Day. But a delay in raising the monthly minimum wage led to a strong reaction from Labor Minister Jennifer Wang, who offered her resignation.
The cabinet has finally approved a measure to lift the minimum hourly wage, though it postponed an increase in the minimum monthly wage until the economy improves.
Sean Chen
For the hourly wage rate, we agree with the Council of Labor Affairs’ recommendations. Starting on Jan. 1, 2012, the minimum hourly rate will increase to NT$109. As for the monthly salary, we can also accept the CLA’s recommended adjustment to NT$19,047 a month, though we believe that we should wait to implement this higher rate until we have two consecutive quarters of GDP growth of more than 3 percent, or two consecutive months of unemployment below 4 percent.
Labor organizations questioned the government’s unwillingness to raise monthly wages. Many complained the government’s actions amount to not even giving them enough raise in monthly salary to purchase a daily tea egg. Premier Chen appeared interested in learning more about this charge.
Sean Chen
I hope the Council of Labor Affairs can accurately count the number of people who receive the minimum monthly wage, so we can predict how many tea eggs we need.
While Premier Sean Chen held a press conference, Labor Minister Jennifer Wang participated in a question and answer session at the legislature. She announced her resignation.
Jennifer Wang
Council of Labor Affairs Minister
I am sincere in my defense of the rights of laborers and have never wavered. I am generally very resolute, but when I went home my heart sank and I felt tired. I think I should take a rest.
Whether Premier Sean Chen will accept Wang’s resignation is another issue, bringing more worries to an already unpopular cabinet.
[[行政院長 陳?]]
“時薪的部份,我們是同意勞委會所提的建議,從102年1月1號起,調整為109元,月薪的部份 ,也可以採取勞委會建議的調整到1萬9047元,但是應該等到連續兩季的GDP成長超過3%,或是連續兩個月的失業率,低於4%以後來實行”
[[行政院長 陳?]]
[[勞委會主委 王如玄]]
文章出處 :民視英語新聞