The Financial Supervisory Commission has announced that it’s considering easing rules on day trading to boost low turnover. But some investors think it will have little effect and will simply add more risk.
After a rebound for two consecutive days, the Taiwan Stock Exchange appeared anemic, rising by just three-tenths of a percentage point. Turnover fell to NT$71.4 billion. This is despite the cabinet’s economic vitalization plan that could permit certain types of day trading.
The government seems to be doing its utmost with this policy, but it is having little effect. Turnover changed only slightly. Over the long term, I am not bullish. I think it will create more chaos in the market
By allowing certain day trades, investors may be able to make transactions with minimal capital or little cost. However, potential day trading losses can lead to the risk of default when it comes to account settlements, and could adversely affect market stability.
Lo Shu-lei
KMT Legislator
The Financial Supervisory Commission didn’t have any better tricks. It reacted rashly, like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Allowing day trading will permit more speculators in the market rather than encouraging people to invest
The FSC says that its plan to permit day trading could be implemented by the end of the year at the earliest.
今天雖然有行政院研擬開放 "現股當沖" 的利多家持,但是大盤卻是有氣無力,指數只能勉強守住7400點,投資人就說,這是殺雞取卵,不利股市長遠發展。
[[立委(國) 羅淑蕾]]
文章出處 :民視英語新聞