Recently a Kaohsiung man unwittingly burned himself after sitting next to a heater for an extended period of time. Doctors warn that it’s important to maintain a proper distance and to give the skin frequent breaks from the dry heat produced by heaters.
Low temperatures have led to an increased use of heaters, but users beware. A male in his 30s went to the doctor because he thought he had an allergic skin reaction on his upper left arm. In fact he burned himself using a heater to the point that red spots had formed.
Liu Jhao-hong
It’s likely he was near a heat source for a long period of time without wearing much heavy clothing. He was roasted to the point where his arm became red and inflamed.
Doctors say it’s best to stay at least 30 centimeters from a heater and to give the skin a break every half hour.
3C Salesman
When using a heater you should set it for a fixed amount of time so it doesn’t stay on too long. If it’s on too long, the skin will become dry and inflamed.
Doctors say that people should also be cautious when using heat packs. If the skin turns red, immediately stop use.
醫生也表示, 用電暖器時要小心, 如果皮膚出現紅腫時務必馬上就醫。
文章出處 :民視英語新聞