The Next Media sale is finally complete. A consortium led by the Formosa Plastics Group will buy Taiwan’s Apple Daily, Next Magazine and Next TV, pending regulatory approval. Many academics and opposition lawmakers hope that approval never comes, because they worry Chinese money is backing the consortium. A KMT lawmaker calls that concern ungrounded.
After close to four months, a deal for Next Media was signed in Macau. Contrary to initial reports, it was finished early this morning and not Tuesday afternoon. After the deal was signed, Apple Daily made it headline news.
Previously there were three buyers for the print and TV units, but a fourth was added to each. Stakes bought by each party also changed.
Originally Tsai Eng-meng was to control 32 percent of Next TV. Instead his share will go to Lee Tai-hung, chairman of the Taiwan Fire and Marine Insurance Co. To comply with Financial Supervisory Commission regulations, Chinatrust Charity Foundation Chairman Jeffrey Koo Jr. will get only a 20 percent share in the TV and print media units.
The other change is who gets the remaining 14 percent share in the print and TV units: Lung Yen Group Chairman Li Shih-tsung. The five buyers are involved in the food, petrochemical, banking, insurance, mortuary and building industries. Each is highly influential. Opposition lawmakers wonder why they’re interested in media.
Gao Jyh-peng
DPP Legislator
Does it really have this big of a profit margin. Is it really worth NT$17.5 billion? You can see that the real benefits aren’t in Taiwan. They’re in China.
Academics are also concerned. The 82-year-old Yu Ying-shih is one of Taiwan’s leading historians and an Academia Sinica member. He said he worries that China is using Taiwanese businessmen to buy media so it can destroy Taiwan aspirations.
A KMT legislator said there’s no proof.
Wu Yu-sheng
KMT Legislator
You can’t assume that Taiwanese businessmen are taking Chinese money when they go to the mainland, earn money then come back here and buy media. I personally don’t support the opinion given by Mr. Yu Ying-shih. I feel it runs contrary to the basic principles of how an intellectual should speak.
The deal is signed, but regulators must give approval. Examining the sale will be the Investment Commission, the Fair Trade Commission and the National Communications Commission.
[[立委(民) 高志鵬]]
[[國民黨團書記長 吳育昇]]
文章出處 :民視英語新聞