One year after a Taiwan envoy pleaded guilty to labor fraud in the United States, another is embroiled in controversy. This time it’s Taipei’s ambassador to Guatemala, Adolfo Sun. He was bashed by women’s groups today after a former staffer recently accused him of suggesting it’s ok to abuse women.
Ambassador Adolfo Sun’s alleged verbal abuse began in March of 2011. A male secretary named Tsao Sung-mao and a female news staffer named Hu Sheng-fen were arguing over a piece of copy Hu wrote. Tsao thought the quality was poor and threw a file at Hu. Sun stepped in to calm the pair down, but apparently told Hu, quote, “What does it matter if women let men rough them up a bit?” After Hu filed a lawsuit against the secretary, Sun allegedly threatened her by saying, quote, “If you don’t obey, it will hasten your demise. And you’ll never get your pension.” Ambassador Sun denies the accusations, but women’s groups came to the defense of Hu.
Huang Sue-ying
Taiwan Women’s Link
I think it’s unbelievable that a country’s foreign representative could utterly disrespect women and say something that ignores human rights and democratic values. I think if he said such things, he’s not suitable for his position.
Steve Hsia
Foreign Ministry Spokesman
We didn’t hear the people involved say that this happened. But Secretary Tsao failed to exercise proper restraint, so we issued an administrative punishment.
If Ambassador Sun is found to have acted improperly, he will join a long list of Taiwanese envoys mired in overseas scandals. Former Fiji Representative Victor Chin used public funds to buy pearls and had an affair with a Japanese envoy. Former US envoy Jacqueline Liu and Palau Ambassador Maggie Tien both were involved in labor abuse scandals. Each damaged the country’s reputation abroad.
[[女人連線秘書長 黃淑英]]
“我覺得非常不可思議,就是說一個國家的駐外代表,完全不尊重女性 沒有人權,沒有民主素養 我覺得他,如果講過這樣的話,那他就不適任這個位子”
[[外交部發言人 夏季昌 電訪照片]]
文章出處 :民視英語新聞