Francis called up a journalist friend on the day of his election and even phoned a newspaper stand in Buenos Aires to cancel his subscription.
Stefano Cabizza, a 19-year-old student from Padua in northeast Italy, had sent a letter to the pope, the local Il Gazzettino daily said on Thursday. But he said he never expected the phone to ring and a voice on the other end to say: "Hello, it’s the pope". Cabizza said that the two "laughed and chatted for eight minutes" and that Francis had blessed him.
The pope, formerly the archbishop of Buenos Aires, makes many calls directly in a break with protocol under which calls are usually handled by aides or at least through the Vatican switchboard.
get a shock:片語,大吃一驚。例句:It was such a loud crash - I got quite a shock.(撞擊這麼大聲,我真的嚇了一跳。)
approach:名詞,作風、方法。例句:I’ve just read an interesting book which has a new approach to Shakespeare.(我剛讀了一本很有趣的書,以新觀點討論莎士比亞。)
break:名詞,結束(某種關係,做某事的方法)。例句:Their decision to not name their daughter Jane was a break with family tradition.(他們決定女兒不取名叫珍,打破了家族傳統。)
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