It's a common belief that creative people have some sort of gift. The rest of us, many think, will never have what it takes to write a song, paint a beautiful artwork, or design the next hot product. The truth is anyone can develop creativity. The key is knowing how to spark new ideas in our minds.
For a while, little research was done on creativity, but that has changed in recent years. Scientists have discovered that the ability to produce those flashes of insight that lead to innovative ideas comes from a specific part of our brain. This part of our brain, they also found, is the most active when we are relaxed or tired. Therefore,mind-relaxing activities such as watching comedy video clips and daydreaming can produce innovative thoughts. This discovery also explains why creative ideas often come to us when we're just about to fall asleep.
Not all creative ideas derive from flashes of insight, though. Sometimes, they're simply a result of long, hard work. In either case, there's no need for us to worry about which type of brain activity to engage in. Our mind naturally determines whether a relaxing bath or continued focus can better help us reach our creative goals.
人們普遍認為有創意的人具有某種天賦。許多人認為,我 們其他人永遠不會有寫歌、畫一幅美麗的藝術品,或設計出下 一個熱門商品所需的能力。事實是任何人都可以培養創意。關 鍵在於知道如何在腦中激發出新的點子。
有一陣子,針對創意所做的研究少之又少,但這幾年情況 有所改變。科學家發現產生誘發創新點子的突發見解的這種能 力來自於我們大腦的特定部位。他們也發現大腦的這個部位在 我們放鬆或疲倦時最為活躍。因此,看喜劇片和做白日夢這類 讓頭腦放鬆的活動可以產生創新的想法。這項發現也解釋了為 什麼創意點子常在我們快睡著時出現。
不過,並不是所有的創意點子都來自於突發見解。有時 候,它們只是長時間努力的成果。不論是哪種狀況,我們都沒 必要煩惱要從事哪一種大腦活動。我們的大腦自然會決定是令 人放鬆的泡澡或持續的專注較能幫助我們達到創意目標。