Fairy tales bring people on exciting journeys to distant times and places. Many well-known fairy tales were made famous by the Grimm brothers, who traveled across Germany collecting stories that they put into books. Today, the 595-kilometer Fairy-Tale Road in Germany takes visitors on an adventure to discover the origins of some of these tales.
Starting in Hanau, the Grimms' birthplace, visitors head north to Schwalmstadt, where the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" took place. The red caps worn traditionally by little girls here remind us of Little Red Riding Hood's costume. You can see the fairy-tale costume at the regional museum, or during the "salad festival," when people dress up in traditional clothes to celebrate the local culture.
North of Schwalmstadt is the spa town of Bad Wildungen, the setting of Snow White's story. Visitors can see Snow White's house and then soak in the mineral springs or stroll through the town’s parks and gardens.
Further northeast is Kassel, where the Grimms began studying German literature. It's home to the Brothers Grimm Museum, which contains handwritten books that belonged to the brothers. Another famous attraction here is Wilhelmshohe Park, with a magnificent palace and water garden.