
Moving objects with the mind may seem unbelievable, but it's actually what happens every time we move our body. The brain sends electrical signals to the muscles, which in turn produce movement such as walking or breathing.

This process has led scientists to think that tracking and interpreting the electrical signals can allow the thinker to control things beyond the body. Indeed, a recent technology using electrodes linked to the scalp is enabling people to move objects with their thoughts.

Elderly and disabled people have been the first to benefit from this technology. One system, developed in Japan, lets brain signals move a wheelchair. In the United States, scientists are testing brain-wave devices to help paralyzed patients. One device allows patients to control a robotic arm that can grab objects the user wants. Another, connected to a cast wrapped around the user's arm, produces repeated motions through the user's thoughts to retrain the damaged brain. Even more amazing is the thought-controlled robot created by Swiss scientists. Through a head cap and computers, paralyzed users can command their robot with their mind from one hundred miles away—similar to something that would happen in the film Avatar!






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