



[[警政署交通組科長 劉振安]]

除非你有行車紀錄器,要不然你怎麼去判定說,逼車的程度 什麼樣才叫逼車。


n order to prevent reckless and dangerous driving behaviors, the Legislature passed an amendment to traffic violation laws. Starting next year, motorists cited for serious offenses or aggressive driving will face a maximum fine of NT$24,000 and could have their license suspended. 

Motorists who engage in reckless behaviors, such as sudden braking, exiting the vehicle, zigzagging or other acts, will face a maximum fine of NT$24,000 starting next year.

“Provocative driving behaviors could include honking, tailgating or flashing lights,” says this person.

According to statistics compiled by the National Police Agency, the number of reported dangerous driving incidents has escalated over the years. Figures reported by the highway police indicate that the leading cause of highway fatalities is changing lanes improperly. This shows the importance of such an amendment.

Liu Zhen-an
Traffic Division, National Police Agency
Aggressive and malicious behaviors, such as competing for lane space or changing lanes dangerously, will lead to the stricter punishments contained in this amendment, says Liu Zhen-an, section chief of the agency’s traffic division.

“Unless you have an on-board recording device, it’s difficult to determine that drivers are competing for lane space,” says this person.

Offenders can have their license suspended for three months, and repeat violators can have their vehicles seized. But the public worries about the ambiguities of the law. According to the National Police Agency, in March the Ministry of Transportation will announce implementation standards. Police hope to minimize aggressive and dangerous driving behaviors through harsher punishment.


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