


[[內政部次長 蕭家淇]]

另外,目前台北市、高雄市、還有彰化縣三個縣市,由於軟體的問題,無法印製身分證。內政部趕緊通令,改發臨時 "身分證明"來補救,堪稱史上頭一遭。


[[內政部次長 蕭家淇]]


nterior Ministry plagued by problems in new, upgraded household registration system (2014/02/10)

The Interior Ministry’s new, upgraded household registration system has experienced problems since going on-line on Feb. 5. The system crashed twice this morning, leaving areas like Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Changhua temporarily unable to issue ID cards.

To respond directly to citizen complaints about the upgraded household registration system, Deputy Interior Minister, Hsiao Chia-chi, went to the frontlines, visiting a local household registration office. Since going on-line on Feb. 5, the system has experienced instability and slow speeds, leading to public complaints.

Hsiao Chia-chi 
Deputy Interior Minister 
Our recent investigation along with a response from the IT company is that we will need to use this evening for them to work overtime and modify programs to complete improvements to the system.

Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, and Changhua County all experienced software problems which are preventing them from issuing ID cards. The Interior Ministry quickly ordered these offices to issue official documents to solve this problem, a historical first. 

After spending NT$2.17 billion for this system upgrade, many are surprised about how many system-wide problems can arise. Many are also wondering who should be responsible.

Hsiao Chia-chi 
Deputy Interior Minister 
After this temporary problem arose, we need to check internal operations and everyone involved in oversight and administration, as well as the vendor's 

Continued problems have incurred the wrath of Interior Minister, Lee Hong-yuan. He did not rule out replacing Hsieh Ai-ling who is the current director of the Interior Ministry’s Department of Household Registration.

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