[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]
[[教育部長 蔣偉寧]]
“我們這次課綱的微調,主要的思考當然是要合憲,在有些疏漏的地方把它補正 ,社會變遷的地方能夠把它強化,能夠提進去,課綱公告以後,其實書商就會邀請人來寫,審定以後,其實由各個學校自己來做選擇,這個跟縣市政府之間所謂的抵抗 對抗應該沒有什麼直接的關係”
[[輔大歷史系老師 陳啟鵬]]
“馬政府想把這樣的一個課綱,改為大中國化的話,第一個會失去台灣的主體性 ,那二來也會讓孩子在課程上的銜接,產生問題”
DPP, government battle over changes made to history textbooks (2014/02/06)
The DPP decided to have the six cities and counties under its control boycott changes made to high school textbooks. They charge that the changes were made without following the proper procedures, but Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling insisted today that its moves were legal.
A three-page section in this 10th grade social studies textbook introduces how people identify with Taiwan as a country. But the Education Ministry has proposed cutting more than half of it, leading DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang to accuse it of violating rules and belittling Taiwan.
Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
It was not a small change but rather a big adjustment because it changed as much as 32 percent. The content is a Taiwan version of Great China thought. This is really wrong.
Afraid that Taiwan’s children would be brainwashed, the DPP decided to boycott the changed textbooks. Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling responded later Thursday.
Chiang Wei-ling
Education Minister
The changes we made were based of course on following the Constitution and filling a few gaps. Publishers will hire writers and once the text is approved, schools will decide whether they want to use it. There is no direct connection between this and the so-called boycott and opposition of city and county governments.
The move not only sparked a backlash from students, parents and civic groups but also from local historians.
Kibom Chen
Fu Jen University History Professor
If the Ma government wants to change the textbook to take a Greater China angle, then it will lose any Taiwanese subjectivity and create problems for students in linking their classes together.
Education Minister Wei said he would listen to all opinions being voiced and deal with the situation, but whether he reverses the proposed changes remains a big question.