2. Cats have the last laugh at this exhibition
英倫翻譯轉自: 張沛元
have the last laugh:片語,取得最後勝利。例句:They fired her last month but she had the last laugh because she was taken on by their main rivals at twice the salary.(他們上個月炒她魷魚,但她最後卻反敗為勝還以顏色,因為她被他們最主要的對手延攬,還拿雙倍薪。)
write somebody/something off (write off somebody/something):片語,認定某人或某事不重要。例句:Most critics wrote him off as a minor author until he received that huge award.(大多數書評在他得大獎之前都認為他只是個小咖作家。)
pay tribute to someone or something:片語,像某人或某事致敬;公開認可某人或某事。