[[行政院長 江宜樺]]
[[立委(民) 陳亭妃]]
“我們現在公投法 ,所設定的雙門檻,根本就是騙人的,而且就是國民黨
Premier Jiang Yi-huah criticized draft legislation that would allow a simple majority of voters to decide whether work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant should end. The proposal put forward by the DPP would bypass the high turnout required under current referendum law.
This is what the premier said about the DPP’s proposed special statute for the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant referendum.
Jiang Yi-huah
They want to lower the threshold for the referendum pertaining to the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. For an issue they want passed, they want the threshold eliminated so a simple majority is enough. This is incredibly careless and irresponsible. It’s as if they’re treating our referendum system like a game.
Under current law, it is highly difficult to pass a referendum. The proposed DPP statute eliminates one threshold – on requiring that at least half of all eligible voters participate for the vote to be valid – as was the case for a 2009 referendum held in Penghu County on gambling.
After the premier’s comments, the DPP continued this tit-for-tat.
Chen Ting-fei
DPP Legislator
The two thresholds established by our Referendum Act are a scam. They act like a “birdcage” that the KMT has built to restrict referendums and protect itself.
The DPP hopes to send its bill to the Procedure Committee next week, but with KMT lawmakers holding a majority, the party may have trouble getting it through.