[[國民黨榮譽主席 連戰]]
[[北市長候選人丁守中兒子 丁世傑]]
KMT members will go to the polls tomorrow to cast their votes for the party’s nominee in the Taipei mayoral race. Today leading contenders Sean Lien and Ting Shou-chung made a last push to gain the support of city residents.
Among family members stumping today was KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan, father of candidate Sean Lien.
Lien Chan
KMT Honorary Chairman
In order to provide a boost to our democracy, everyone should be polite and friendly for this intra-party election. Everyone should come together in harmony to help Sean (Lien) win this primary to run for Taipei mayor.
Another candidate, Ting Shou-chung, was supported by his son and wife.
Ting Shi-jie
Ting Shou-chung’s Son
We want to help take some of the burden off Dad. We all support Dad and are filled with confidence.
The two-part primary consists of an already concluded telephone poll that accounts for 70 percent of final weighting. Tomorrow’s intraparty vote accounts for the remaining 30 percent. Results are expected to be announced tomorrow.