教育部舉辦「102年中英文翻譯能力檢定考」10月21號起受理網路報名,並可上網下載簡章。教育部表示,中英文翻譯能力檢定考今年起改由財團法人語言訓練測中心(LTTC)承辦,預定12月8號舉行,分筆譯、口譯兩大類,筆譯考試方式維持不變,口譯分兩階段進行,因應轉型,口譯第一階段改為全選擇題的聽力測驗,或考生於報名時提出相當歐盟CEFR B2(含)以上程度兩年內英檢成績,可申請免考口譯第一階段,明(103)年起則廢除口譯類第一階段考試科目,考生必須先行取得相關英檢成績才能報考口譯類,詳情可上網(http://www.lttc.ntu.edu.tw/tranmain.htm)查詢。

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Asia Series (2013/10/07)

Taiwan’s professional baseball league held a press conference today for the Asia Series. 

The series will be held for the second time in Taiwan, starting on Nov. 15. Two teams from the host country will compete against teams from Italy, Japan, South Korea and Australia. 

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[交大材料系教授 陳三元]] 


[[交大材料系教授 陳三元]]


Professor develops new way to treat cancer (2013/10/07)

Taiwan has seen a breakthrough in drugs used to treat cancer. Chen San-yuan (陳三元), a professor of materials science at Chiao Tung University, has developed a magnetic nano-carrier that uses magnetism to focus drug delivery on tumors. 

Put a magnet to this black liquid and, just like magic, the black concentrates on the side, leaving behind transparent water. This is magnetic attraction in action, but the real achievement here is that black material.

What you can’t see with your naked eye is the nanoparticles of iron oxide that it’s made from. The nanoparticles can become a carrier for anti-cancer drugs, which can be put into both the outside and core of the iron oxide. At just 150 nanometers in size, the iron oxide is easily absorbed by the body, and because of its magnetic properties, it can be led straight to wherever cancerous tumors are, boosting the efficacy of treatment.

Chen San-yuan
Chiao-Tung University
Magnetic nanoparticles along with an outside magnet can lead all of the carriers with drugs in a given direction, through the pores of blood vessels, and to the tumor’s location, where they will aggregate.

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[[新北市長 朱立倫]]

[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]
“新北影視城,它是我們台灣過去所有的時代,它的一個縮影,它有大稻埕的街道,它有日本時代 日本的房子,它有中國式的建築,它有西洋巴洛克的建築”


[[民視總經理 陳剛信]]


FTV signs contract with New Taipei City to develop media village in Linkou (2013/10/07)

FTV and the New Taipei City government signed a contract to invest NT$1.5 billion in the New Taipei Media Village. The project will be based in Linkou District and will aid development of the local television and film industries. 

New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu and FTV General Manager Chen Gang-sin signed a contract to cooperate on the development of the New Taipei Media Village in Linkou. FTV will oversee the planning and construction of the project, and the facility is expected to become the center of Taiwan's broadcast industry.

Eric Chu
New Taipei Mayor
In the future, this area will be open to various television stations and television drama groups. It’s truly an open media village which can boost the domestic television and film industry.

Chen Gang-sin 

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[[立委(國) 羅淑蕾]]


[[立法院長 王金平]]

而再過幾天,就是雙十國慶,也是馬王政爭爆發後,兩人首次同台。僵局未解,兩人見面是否會尷尬? 王金平表示,他會以平常心面對。

KMT legislator says reconciliation only possible if party voids decision to expel Wang (2013/10/07)

The Ma-Wang dispute eased slightly when the president decided that the KMT would no longer appeal the injunction that temporarily saved Wang’s seat in the Legislature. But today KMT Legislator Lo Shu-lei said the only way to truly restore peace would be to void the disciplinary committee decision that originally cast Wang’s party membership in doubt. 

Ma decided to end the KMT appeal of Wang Jin-pyng’s injunction on Saturday, to the delight of many ruling party lawmakers. They felt the change of heart showed that reconciliation would be possible.

But for some lawmakers, this was only a first step. They would like to see the KMT formally restore Wang’s party rights.

Lo Shu-lei
KMT Legislator
The reason there are so many lawsuits is that the KMT revoked Speaker Wang’s party membership. If conflict is to stop, then the absurd decision by the disciplinary committee to void Wang’s membership should be revoked. This is the only way to end the litigation.

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