2024/09/25 05:30
France may be the home of haute cuisine but the British team have been less than impressed about the food on offer at the Paris Olympic village, especially "raw meat".
Britain have brought in an extra chef as a result and complained about a shortage of the right food at the village, and the quality of what’s on offer, English media reported.
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- Sep 25 Wed 2024 08:52
中英對照讀新聞》’Raw meat’: British team hit out at Paris Olympics food「生肉」:英國隊批評巴黎奧運提供的食物
- Sep 23 Mon 2024 13:23
中英對照讀新聞》Air pollution linked to 135 million premature deaths: study 研究:空氣污染與1.35億人過早死亡存在關聯
2024/09/23 05:30
Pollution from man-made emissions and other sources like wildfires have been linked to around 135 million premature deaths worldwide between 1980 and 2020, a Singapore university said Monday.
Weather phenomena like El Nino and the Indian Ocean Dipole worsened the effects of these pollutants by intensifying their concentration in the air, Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) said, unveiling the results of a study led by its researchers.
- Sep 19 Thu 2024 13:39
中英對照讀新聞》Bear steals package of Oreos from California home熊從加利福尼亞州1戶住家偷走1包奧利奧餅乾
2024/09/19 05:30
A bear was caught on camera breaking into a California home and leaving with only one stolen item: a package of Oreo cookies.
A video recorded in the Canyon Crest Drive area in Monrovia shows the bear entering the home through a window and exiting with the package of Oreos dangling from its mouth.
- Sep 18 Wed 2024 17:13
中英對照讀新聞》France’s high-speed rail network hit by arson attacks 法國高速鐵路網遭縱火攻擊
2024/09/18 05:30
France’s high-speed rail network was hit by "malicious acts" including arson attacks that have disrupted the transport system, train operator SNCF said Friday, hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.
"This is a massive attack on a large scale to paralyse the TGV network," SNCF told AFP, adding that many routes will have to be cancelled and the situation would last "at least all weekend while repairs are conducted".
- Sep 16 Mon 2024 16:16
中英對照讀新聞》Italy’s Ancient Roman Appian Way included in UNESCO World Heritage List 義大利古羅馬阿庇亞古道被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄
2024/09/16 05:30
Italy’s ancient Roman Appian Way was admitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List on Saturday, becoming the country’s 60th entry on the list.
At more than 800 kilometers (500 miles) long, the Appian Way, known as the “Queen of Roads,” is the oldest and most important of the great roads built by the Ancient Romans from 312 B.C.
- Sep 11 Wed 2024 15:58
NASA cans lunar rover after spending $450 million building it 美國國家航空暨太空總署取消花了4.5億美元打造的月球探測車計畫
2024/09/11 05:30
NASA announced Wednesday that cost overruns and delays have forced it to cancel its VIPER moon rover program, marking a significant setback for the agency’s lunar exploration program.
The Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) was intended to explore the lunar south pole in search of ice and other resources.
- Sep 10 Tue 2024 10:11
中英對照讀新聞》Late French film star Alain Delon wanted his dog buried with him. The dog gets to live 已故法國電影明星亞蘭‧德倫希望他的狗狗陪葬,但狗狗終於可以活下去了
2024/09/10 05:30
Before he died this week, French internationally acclaimed and prolific actor and producer Alain Delon once suggested he wanted his beloved sheepdog Loubo buried with him. To the relief of animal lovers around France, Loubo will be allowed to survive.
Delon was quoted in a 2018 interview with Paris Match as saying he wanted Loubo, a Belgian Malinois he adopted in 2014, buried with him. “I’ve had 50 dogs in my life, but I have a particular relationship with this one,’’ he told the magazine. ”If I die before him, I’ll ask the veterinarian for us to leave together.’’
- Sep 09 Mon 2024 09:43
中英對照讀新聞》Scientists are learning the basic building blocks of sperm whale language 科學家正在學習抹香鯨語言的基本結構
2024/09/09 05:30
Scientists who study the sperm whales living around the Caribbean island of Dominica have, for the first time, outlined the basic elements of how these whales might communicate with each other.
They communicate by forcing air through their respiratory systems, producing rapid clicks that sound like a very loud zipper underwater. These clicks also serve as a form of echolocation, aiding them in tracking their prey.
- Sep 04 Wed 2024 14:03
中英對照讀新聞》Airports in spat over right to use name ’San Francisco’機場為「舊金山」名稱使用權爭執
2024/09/04 05:30
Lawsuits are flying in a dispute between two California airports over the right to use the name "San Francisco" - despite neither of them being in the city.
San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is suing the recently renamed San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport (OAK), insisting the similar sounding names might confuse potential passengers.
- Sep 03 Tue 2024 16:34
中英對照讀新聞》Hong Kong court convicts former Stand News editors of sedition 香港法院判決前《立場新聞》編輯煽動叛亂罪成立
2024/09/03 05:30
A Hong Kong court found two editors of the now-defunct Stand News media outlet guilty of conspiring to publish seditious articles.
The two editors, Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam, could be jailed for up to two years when they are sentenced on Sept. 26.
- Sep 02 Mon 2024 14:57
中英對照讀新聞》Ants amputate the limbs of injured comrades to save their lives 螞蟻為受傷的同伴進行截肢 以挽救其生命
2024/09/02 05:30
Surgeons perform amputations when traumatic injuries, such as those from war or vehicle accidents, cause significant tissue damage, or in cases of severe infections or diseases. However, humans are not the only species to perform such procedures.
New research shows that some ants perform limb amputations on injured comrades to improve their survival chances. The behavior was documented in Florida carpenter ants - scientific name Camponotus floridanus - a reddish-brown species more than half an inch (1.5 cm) long inhabiting parts of the southeastern United States.
- Aug 28 Wed 2024 11:21
中英對照讀新聞》Ukraine probes doctors for helping men dodge military draft 烏克蘭調查醫生協助男性逃避兵役
- Aug 27 Tue 2024 13:59
中英對照讀新聞》Sam Sam the Kittycat Man ran away. Thanks to a microchip, he was found close by — 11 years later 貓人山姆.山姆逃跑了。多虧了微晶片,11年後牠在附近被發現
2024/08/27 05:30
After Sam Sam the Kittycat Man disappeared 11 years ago, Jennifer Ravenel couldn’t hold another cat in her lap. Her heart never could overcome the loss of that feral kitten she had rescued from the crook of a tree on her South Carolina farm.
11年前,貓人山姆.山姆失踪後,珍妮佛‧羅芙奧 再也無法將另一隻貓抱在腿上,她的心永遠無法克服失去那隻野貓的痛苦,這隻小貓是她從南卡羅來納州農場的樹彎裡救出來的。
But Sam is now back in Ravenel’s lap, thanks to her decision to have a microchip put in him.
- Aug 26 Mon 2024 10:42
中英對照讀新聞》Japanese scientists create a smiling robot with "living" skin 日本科學家製造出擁有「活體」皮膚的微笑機器人
2024/08/26 05:30
Japanese scientists have used human cells to develop a substance equivalent to living skin, which can be attached to robotic surfaces to produce a realistic - albeit creepy - smile.
Researchers from the University of Tokyo published their findings this week, accompanied by a video showing the gooey-looking pink material being stretched into an unsettling grin.
- Aug 22 Thu 2024 17:29
中英對照讀新聞》Dolphins ’deliberately get high’ on puffer fish nerve toxins by carefully chewing and passing them around 海豚仔細咀嚼和傳遞河豚神經毒素 「故意使自己興奮」
2024/08/22 05:30
Dolphins are thought of as one of the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom – and experts believe they have put their ingenuity to use in the pursuit of getting "high".
In extraordinary scenes filmed for a new documentary, young dolphins were seen carefully manipulating a certain kind of puffer fish which, if provoked, releases a nerve toxin.
- Aug 20 Tue 2024 10:31
中英對照讀新聞》Poland overtakes China as sales market for German products做為德國產品的銷售市場 波蘭超越中國
- Aug 14 Wed 2024 16:25
中英對照讀新聞》Messi becomes most capped player in Copa America history梅西成為美洲盃足球賽史上出場次數最多的球員
- Aug 12 Mon 2024 13:32
中英對照讀新聞》Massive cradle of baby stars revealed in new space telescope images 新太空望遠鏡影像揭示龐大的嬰兒恆星誕生地
2024/08/12 05:30
A massive cradle of baby stars has been observed in new detail by a European space telescope, adding to its celestial collection of images.
The European Space Agency released the photos from the Euclid observatory on Thursday. They were taken following the telescope’s Florida launch last year as a warm-up act to its main job currently underway: surveying the so-called dark universe.