2024/11/06 05:30
Netflix Inc. was accused by an Indian filmmaker of copying his 2009 movie for its popular Squid Game series as the company prepares to release the second season of the show later this year.
The filmmaker, Soham Shah, sued Netflix in federal court in New York on Friday, alleging that the show is a “blatant rip-off” of his Hindi-language film Luck.
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- Nov 06 Wed 2024 17:57
中英對照讀新聞》Netflix’s “Squid Game” Is Rip-Off of 2009 Film, Lawsuit Says 印度導演控告網飛《魷魚遊戲》抄襲2009年的電影
- Nov 05 Tue 2024 10:15
中英對照讀新聞》At 7 feet, 9 inches, Olivier Rioux is the world’s tallest teen and an intriguing basketball prospect奧利維‧里奧身高7呎9吋,是世界最高的青少年,也是個吸引人的籃球潛力新秀
2024/11/05 05:30
Walking from his apartment to classes and then to the University of Florida’s basketball facility, Olivier Rioux poses for dozens — sometimes hundreds — of pictures a day.
Vertical shots, of course. Rioux won’t fit in the frame any other way. At 7 feet, 9 inches (2.4 meters), Rioux is the ultimate BMOC. He’s actually the Biggest Man On Campus — any campus.
- Nov 04 Mon 2024 13:15
中英對照讀新聞》New Vaccine Can Temporarily Neuter Dogs For a Single Year 新疫苗可讓狗狗暫時絕育1年
2024/11/04 05:30
Chile has launched a vaccine described as the first of its kind that sterilizes dogs for a year and is expected to be sold in several dozen countries.
The injection prevents sexual behavior and reproduction, offering an alternative to irreversible surgical castration, its creators say.
- Nov 01 Fri 2024 09:31
中英對照讀新聞》That Plastic Skeleton Can’t Be Your Plus 1, Police Tell Car Pool Lane Users 警方告訴使用高乘載車道的駕駛人,塑膠骷髏不能當成額外多1人的乘客
2024/11/01 05:30
◎ 張沛元
Unaccompanied drivers have long used creative tactics to gain access to high-occupancy-vehicle lanes. Mannequins and masked dummies have been known to grace passenger seats as drivers try to fool California Highway Patrol officers and shave a few minutes off a commute.
While many car-pool culprits hope they can deceive the authorities by placing lifelike forms next to them, a driver recently put a Halloween skeleton with a “Scream” mask in the passenger seat and then used an H.O.V. lane in the San Jose area.
- Oct 30 Wed 2024 14:37
中英對照讀新聞》UN chief says Pacific territories face climate ’annihilation’聯合國秘書長表示太平洋地區面臨氣候「毀滅」威脅
2024/10/30 05:30
UN chief Antonio Guterres warned Thursday that some Pacific territories face "annihilation" from climate-induced cyclones, ocean heatwaves and rising sea levels.
"High and rising sea levels pose an enormous threat to Samoa, to the Pacific and to other small island developing states, and these challenges demand resolute international action," Guterres said.
- Oct 28 Mon 2024 14:16
中英對照讀新聞》Fossils of ancient crocodile-like reptile found in Brazil 巴西發現遠古類鱷爬行動物化石
2024/10/28 05:30
A Brazilian scientist has identified fossils of a small crocodile-like reptile that lived during the Triassic Period several million years before the first dinosaurs.
The fossils of the predator, called Parvosuchus aurelioi, include a complete skull, 11 vertebrae, the pelvis, and some limb bones, according to paleontologist Rodrigo Muller of the Federal University of Santa Maria in Rio Grande state, who authored the research published on Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports.
- Oct 24 Thu 2024 14:45
中英對照讀新聞》Hug it out, but make it quick. New Zealand airport sets time limit on goodbyes擁抱要快一點 紐西蘭機場為道別時間設限
2024/10/24 05:30
Emotional farewells are a common sight at airports, but travelers leaving the New Zealand city of Dunedin will have to be quick. A new three-minute time limit on goodbye hugs in the airport’s drop-off area is intended to prevent lingering cuddles from causing traffic jams.
"Max hug time three minutes," warn signs outside the terminal, adding that those seeking "fonder farewells" should head to the airport’s parking lot instead.
- Oct 23 Wed 2024 10:25
中英對照讀新聞》US Republicans fuel migrant fears with bogus cat-eating tale美國共和黨人以不實的吃貓傳言 煽動對移民的恐懼
2024/10/23 05:30
Top US Republicans peddled false claims denigrating immigrants Monday, saying Haitian arrivals are stealing and eating pets - a conspiracy theory, debunked by authorities, that went viral as Donald Trump stokes fears ahead of November’s election.
"Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!" Republicans on the US House Judiciary Committee posted on their X account, with an obviously fake image of Trump rescuing a white duck and a striped cat.
- Oct 21 Mon 2024 16:29
中英對照讀新聞》US Says Weighing Big Changes At Google, Including Breakup 美國表示正考慮對谷歌進行重大改變,包括可能分拆
2024/10/21 05:30
The US Department of Justice on Tuesday said it would demand that Google make profound changes to how it does business and even consider the possibility of a breakup, after the tech juggernaut was found to be running an illegal monopoly.
Determining how to address Google’s wrongs is the next stage of a landmark antitrust trial that saw the company in August judged a monopolist by US District Court Judge Amit Mehta.
- Oct 16 Wed 2024 13:09
中英對照讀新聞》One of the world’s largest diamonds found in Botswana波札那發現全球數一數二大鑽石
2024/10/16 05:30
One of the world’s largest diamonds ever unearthed - a rough 2492-carat stone - has been found in Botswana, a Canadian mining company that discovered the gem announced Thursday.
The diamond was found in the Karowe Diamond Mine in northeastern Botswana, Lucara Diamond Corp. said in a statement.
- Oct 15 Tue 2024 09:53
中英對照讀新聞》Washington state woman calls 911 after being hounded by up to 100 raccoons 華盛頓州1名婦女在被多達100隻浣熊侵擾後撥打911求救
2024/10/15 05:30
A woman fled and called 911 for help after nearly 100 hungry raccoons surrounded her Washington home, said Kevin McCarty, the spokesperson for the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office.
The unnamed woman had been feeding local raccoons for 35 years. She told the deputies the situation escalated six weeks ago. "The woman says the raccoons often surround her day and night demanding food," Mr. McCarty said.
Officials described it as a "raccoon invasion." Deputies referred the woman to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.
"Feeding raccoons may create undesirable situations for you, your children, neighbors, pets, and the raccoons themselves. Raccoons that are fed by people often lose their fear of humans and may become aggressive when not fed as expected," according to the department.
- Oct 14 Mon 2024 16:53
中英對照讀新聞》These ancient termite mounds have thrived for 34 millennia 這些古老的白蟻丘已繁衍生息長達3萬4000年
2024/10/14 05:30
Scientists in South Africa have been stunned to discover that termite mounds that are still inhabited in an arid region of the country are more than 30,000 years old, meaning they are the oldest known active termite hills.
Some of the mounds near the Buffels River in Namaqualand were estimated by radiocarbon dating to be 34,000 years old, according to the researchers from Stellenbosch University.
- Oct 09 Wed 2024 14:34
中英對照讀新聞》A 97-year-old’s woman last stop: an open casket in a Detroit-area park 97歲婦女的最後一站:底特律郊區公園中1具開放式靈柩
2024/10/09 05:30
A suburban Detroit park with baseball fields, a playground and picnic tables had an unusual addition this week: an open casket containing the body of a 97-year-old woman who used to live in the area.
Police in Warren fielded calls from curious residents, especially after a photo was posted Tuesday on social media. Some people wondered if it was a very early Halloween prank.
Madonna Stiller’s family said they simply wanted to honor her before her burial that day in Detroit. A viewing at a local funeral home apparently wasn’t possible after the body was transported to Michigan. She died in Wellsville, New York, on Aug. 29.
“We just wanted to honor my mother,” Stiller’s son, Ken Stiller, told The Macomb Daily. “We didn’t mean to cause any problems and didn’t mean for it to be in the newspaper.”
- Oct 08 Tue 2024 17:41
中英對照讀新聞》Former owner of water buffalo that roamed Iowa suburb for days pleads guilty 愛荷華州郊區遊蕩數日的水牛前主人認罪
2024/10/08 05:30
The owner of a water buffalo that ran loose in a Des Moines, Iowa, suburb for days pleaded guilty for having an animal at large. The owner was fined $105 and court costs Thursday.
The owner was taking the animal to slaughter when it escaped in August.
- Oct 07 Mon 2024 16:15
中英對照讀新聞》Japanese island eradicates rabbit-killing mongoose 日本島嶼成功根除危害兔子的獴
2024/10/07 05:30
Japan has wiped out all mongooses on a subtropical island, officials said, after the animals ignored the venomous snakes they were brought in to hunt and preyed on endangered local rabbits instead.
About 30 of the venom-resistant predators were released on Amami Oshima, a UNESCO World Heritage site, in the late 1970s to keep down the population of habu, a pit viper whose bite can be deadly to humans.
- Oct 04 Fri 2024 08:57
中英對照讀新聞》Ohio man’s Halloween display becomes source of joy to cancer patient 俄亥俄州男子的萬聖節裝飾 成為癌症患者的歡樂源泉
2024/10/04 05:30
Make no bones about it, Bill Pyles’ front yard in Oxford, Ohio, has bones all about it.
But to Pyles and his family, the scariest thing isn’t their elaborate Halloween display —it’s their mailbox, which every year curses him with hate mail.
- Oct 01 Tue 2024 17:54
中英對照讀新聞》Spanish mother and daughter train bacteria to restore church frescoes 1對西班牙母女訓練細菌,修復教堂壁畫
2024/10/01 05:30
As Spanish microbiologist Pilar Bosch was casting around for a subject to investigate for her PhD in 2008, she stumbled across a paper suggesting that bacteria, her field, could be used in art restoration, her mother’s own area of expertise.
At that same moment, her mother - Pilar Roig - was struggling to restore 18th-century paintings by Antonio Palomino in one of the oldest churches in Spain’s third city, Valencia.
- Sep 30 Mon 2024 11:11
中英對照讀新聞》India’s one-horned rhino numbers charging ahead 印度獨角犀牛數量迅速增長
2024/09/30 05:30
India’s one-horned Asian rhino population has almost tripled in the past four decades thanks to conservation and anti-poaching efforts, according to government figures.
Data released on Sunday - World Rhino Day - said the number of the animals, known for their single horn and thick, armour-like skin, had surged from 1,500 four decades ago to more than 4,000 now.
- Sep 26 Thu 2024 11:31
中英對照讀新聞》Electric spoon that makes food taste saltier goes on sale in Japan讓食物嚐起來更鹹的電子鹽湯匙在日本上市
2024/09/26 05:30
The spoon, which is made of plastic and metal, is aimed at people struggling to reduce their salt intake, as excess sodium intake is linked to increased cases of high blood pressure, strokes and other conditions.
The Electric Salt Spoon works by passing a weak electric current through the tip of the device to concentrate sodium ion molecules on the tongue.
- Sep 25 Wed 2024 08:52
中英對照讀新聞》’Raw meat’: British team hit out at Paris Olympics food「生肉」:英國隊批評巴黎奧運提供的食物
2024/09/25 05:30
France may be the home of haute cuisine but the British team have been less than impressed about the food on offer at the Paris Olympic village, especially "raw meat".
Britain have brought in an extra chef as a result and complained about a shortage of the right food at the village, and the quality of what’s on offer, English media reported.