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“Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

— Mark Twain, Writer

「仁慈是聾子聽得到、瞎子看得見的語言。」– 馬克‧吐溫 (作家)

馬克‧吐溫 (1835-1910) 為美國作家及幽默家,以《湯姆歷險記》及續集《頑童歷險記》為其代表作,後者因完美述敘美國文化而被譽為「偉大的美國小說」(the Great American Novel)。

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Three-time world champion Mao Asada won the Cup of China on Saturday, completing a successful return to the Grand Prix series after taking a year off.


The Japanese skater led after the short program and was third in Saturday’s free skate to finish with 197.48 points, edging out compatriot Rika Hongo who was second with 195.76. World championship bronze medalist Yelena Radionova of Russia was third with 184.28. As she did in the short program, Asada opened with her trademark triple axel but fell on the second half of a triple flip-triple loop combination. She landed forward on a triple lutz and was penalized for a late start.


"I wasn’t satisfied today," Asada said. "I feel like there are areas that need working on in the free program but I have taken one step toward the Grand Prix Final (in December)." Asada, the 2010 Olympic silver medalist, took a year off from competitive skating but announced in May she would make a comeback. She will next skate in front of home fans at the NHK Trophy starting on Nov. 27 in Nagano. (AP)



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Peter Rabbit lives with his mother, Mrs. Josephine Rabbit, and his three sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail. Their home is a comfortable rabbit hole,which has a kitchen and lots of furniture. The rabbit hole is located under the root of a huge tree. It is also a shop where his mother sells many different items.
One morning, Mrs. Rabbit told the children to go outside to play. She said that they were not to go into their neighbor's vegetable garden, because it was very dangerous. To find out what happened next,read The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter.


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Some children may not get their Christmas wishes fulfilled this year as LEGO’s factories, although running at full speed, may not be able to make enough plastic bricks to keep up with demand from toy stores in Europe.


The Danish company has become the world’s largest toymaker by sales, overtaking U.S. Barbie-maker Mattel, thanks partly to toys linked to movies, including "The Lego Movie."


But difficulties in forecasting demand accurately means some orders may not be filled on time.


The Danish company’s sales grew by 18 percent in the first half of this year to 14 billion Danish crowns($2.1 billion), putting it ahead of Mattel and Monopoly-board maker Hasbro , whose revenues came in at $1.9 bln and $1.5 bln respectively.

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The best-kept secrets in town are no longer that, courtesy of a hostel here that is trying to broaden the horizons of its foreign guests.


Hostel 64 Osaka started distributing a free English-language brochure focusing on 70 restaurants and other outlets that are not well-known among tourists, but loved by local residents, last spring.


It features local cafes, bars and clothing shops that its staff members frequently visit. As such, it stands out from among the usual maps and travel magazines themed on Osaka that usually identify the same old places.


"We selected shops and stores in Osaka that our guests can drop by during their strolls and while cycling," said Mineko Shimabayashi, 36, a desk clerk of Hostel 64 Osaka, which is located in Nishi Ward.


Last year, hostel clerks decided to create the brochure because non-Japanese travelers often asked them about cafes and bars that were loved by local people but not recommended in typical tourist guidebooks.

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While the Oscars continue to dominate the world's attention, smaller film festivals like the Golden Horse are what actually bring people closer to films. Mainstream movies like Harry Potter and Slumdog Millionaire do capture worldwide attention, but they are rarely innovators. Rather, movies like these are the last stop in the development of new storylines and filming techniques created by the world's independent moviemakers.



mainstream a. 主流的
worldwide a. 全世界的,遍及全世界的

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The Scottish government gave the go-ahead on Monday to Britain’s floating offshore wind farm project, which could power 19,000 households, saying it would be the "world’s largest".


The Norwegian energy company Statoil wants to locate five turbines -- with a capacity of six megawatts each -- 25 kilometres off Peterhead in northeast Scotland.


The turbines will be placed on floating structures, allowing them to be located further off the coast in deeper water.


Scotland’s Deputy First Minister John Swinney called the plan "hugely exciting".


Irene Rummelhoff of Statoil added in a statement that northeast Scotland offered "optimal wind conditions" as well as a strong oil and gas supply chain as it is near the oil industry city of Aberdeen.

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Additionally, Vancouver is in the enter of amazing natural beauty. It is right on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and Stanley Park is a popular place all year round. Though many of the trees in the area are evergreen, Stanley Park has many leafy trees that change color in the fall. The scenic city is also at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Grouse Mountain is a popular tourist destination only 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver.



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Richard Hammond's Wildest Weather



In one episode, Hammond stands in the middle of an open field and explains how to predict the weather by watching the clouds. For example, stand with your back against the wind and watch which direction the clouds are moving. If the clouds are moving from right to left, then weather conditions will improve. If, however, clouds are going in the opposite direction, then conditions are likely to get muc h wors e . Ham mond ex p l a ins t h i s and much more in NGC's Richard Hammond's Wildest Weather, which comes out this month.



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If you’ve ever travelled to Seattle, you’ve likely visited the famous Gum Wall at Pike Place Market. And if you haven’t, you’d better hurry up, because it’s getting scrubbed down for the first time in 20 years.


The wall, which was once named the second-germiest tourist attraction in the world, is cleaned regularly with a steamer. But this will be the first time all the gum—an estimated 1 million pieces—will be removed, the Seattle Times reports. Why? Because the chemicals, sugar and additives in the gum are starting to wear on the building’s brick exterior.


The gum will be removed with an industrial steam machine, which will melt it until it falls to the ground. Then a crew of two or three people will collect it in five-gallon buckets. The entire job is expected to cost $4,000 and will begin Tues., Nov. 10.


After the cleaning is over, people will be allowed to keep the tradition going by adding more gum.



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Another Openand-Shut Case for Jimmy Kudo


Case Closed, also referred to as Detective Conan, follows boy detective Jimmy Kudo. A high school sleuth, he investigates the evil Black Organization. Two of their hit men, Gin and Vodka, try to kill him by forcing him to drink poison. However, rather than end his life, the poison transforms Kudo into a little boy. Kudo adopts the name Conan Edogawa and bravely continues his investigation.


《名偵探柯南》(英文名稱也譯成Detective Conan)敘述少年偵探工藤新一的故事。他是一位在調查邪惡「黑暗組織」的高中生偵探。該組織的兩個職業殺手——琴酒和伏特加強迫他喝下毒藥來試圖殺害他。然而,這個毒藥沒有了結工藤的性命,它反而把他變成了一個小男生。工藤採用了「江戶川柯南」這個名字並勇敢地繼續他的調查。


◎organization n. 組織,機構
.The organization aims to help unemployed people find stable jobs.
◎transform vt. 轉變,改變

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Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by his pen name, Mark Twain, was born on November 30, 1835. A child of the American South, he was four years old when his family moved to the town of Hannibal, Missouri. When Twain was just 11 years old, he left school and began his lifelong study of the written language. Interestingly enough, working with words was not Twain's first dream. What he really wanted to do was to be a steamboat pilot and travel up and down the waters of the Mississippi River.

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Vodka is set for a likely sales boost after receiving the endorsement of hard-drinking high priest of cool James Bond, according to a study published Tuesday.


The iconic character has increasingly been knocking back the hard stuff, with latest incarnation Daniel Craig judged by far the booziest Bond.


He has drunk an average of 20 units of alcohol per film since his debut in 2006’s Casino Royale, according to a study by British food and drink trade magazine The Grocer.

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“God has entrusted me with myself. No man is free who is not master of himself. A man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things. The world turns aside to let any man pass who knows where he is going.”

– Epictetus, Philosopher

「上天把我的命運託付給我自己,不能掌控自己的人就沒有自由。一個人的快樂取決於外在因素愈少愈好,當他知道自己該往那走時,地球隨之彎轉讓他通行。」– 愛比克泰德 (哲學家)

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When John Lennon fi rst became famous, he joked with reporters and made fun of royalty. This type of behavior had never been seen before. Everyone wanted to be like Lennon. Teenagers started to question their elders and began to grow long hair. Adults began to question politicians and business leaders. By then, it was obvious that Lennon and the Beatles had started to change the world. As time went by, the musical genius started to write songs with strong messages.


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The little blue creatures called the Smurfs that live in mushroom houses first appeared this month in 1958. Belgian author and cartoonist Pierre Culliford fi rst created the tiny blue people in white caps and pants for a story about knights, kings, and magic in the Belgian magazine Spirou. The little blue people in the story looked and dressed nearly the same as one another, except for Papa Smurf, who is dressed in red and has a beard. The Smurfs’ appearance in the story proved to be so popular that they were given their own stories a year later.

這些住在磨菇屋裡名叫藍色小精靈的藍色小生物於 1958 年十月份首次出現。比利時作家兼漫畫家皮耶•庫利佛德為一本比利時雜誌 《Spirou》 裡的一個關於騎士、國王,以及魔法的故事首次把這些戴著白色帽子和穿著褲子的小藍人創造出來。故事中小藍人的長相以及穿著彼此幾乎一模一樣,除了穿著紅色服裝以及留著鬍子的精靈老爹。藍色小精靈在故事中的外貌證實十分受到歡迎,以至於一年後他們被賦予了他們自己的故事。

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“Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.”

– Drew Houston, Entrepreneur

「別害怕失敗,只要做對一次就夠本了。」– 德魯休斯頓 (企業家)

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“Successful people don’t have fewer problems. They have determined that nothing will stop them from going forward.”

– Ben Carson, Neurosurgeon

「成功的人遇到的問題沒有比較少,他們只是下決心沒有東西可以阻止他們前進。」 ·卡森 (神經科醫師)


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“Forgiveness is the oil of relationships.”

– Josh Mcdowell, Evangelist

「原諒是人際關係的潤滑油。」喬許‧麥道衛 (福音佈道者)


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