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“One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Writer

「人總是有足夠的時間,如果他好好利用。」歌德 (作家)

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“We lost because we told ourselves we lost.”

– Leo Tolstoy, Novelist

「我們失敗是因為我們告訴自己失敗了。」 列夫托爾斯泰 (小說家)


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In Rotterdam, a city in southern Holland, there are 38 of the most unusual and coolest homes ever built. Called cube houses, they are exactly what the name suggests. So why are they unusual? After all, Taiwan and many other parts of the world have thousands of homes in the shape of cubes. Rotterdam's cube houses are unique because they are tilted on a 45-degree angle and placed on top of a hexagonal-shaped pylon. Each of the individual houses has been designed to look like a tree.


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In 1982,NASA launched a time capsule into outer space in hopes of building peaceful communication with alien life. Inside the capsule the new movie Pixels, the aliens get the message, and it is not well received. The aliens declare war on humanity and invade Earth using the arcade games as models for their attacks. To stop the alien invasion, a professional gamer must team up with the president of the United States to save the world.


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“I believe in work, hard work, and long hours of work. Men do not breakdown from overwork, but from worry and dissipation.”

– Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Justice of the U.S.

「我相信工作、努力工作及長時間的工作;過度工作不會讓人崩潰,但憂慮及放縱自己卻會讓人崩潰。」– 查爾斯·埃文斯·休斯 (美國首席大法官)


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The fi rst design for an escalator was made in 1859. It was Nathan Ames who invented and patented the fi rst machine in the US. He never actually made an escalator, though. In the 1890s,Jesse Reno patented a new design for a moving staircase. Surprisingly, his invention was not used for convenience Instead, it was used for excitement as a ride at the famous Coney Island amusement park in New York City.One of the early versions of the moving staircase was made of wood.





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“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.”

– Epictetus, Philosopher

「重點是只和可以提升你的人在一起,他們的在場帶出你最好的部分。」愛比克泰德 (哲學家)

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Throughout human history, every nation on Earth has used some type of armed forces to defend, serve, or invade. The scale and size of these forces has changed from country to country, but their existence has proven to be necessary. Today, these armed forces are known as state-run militaries, and people can sign up for them to serve as soldiers. These soldiers are given the latest in high-tech weaponry to effectively protect national interests.



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To artist Luke Jerram,putting old pianos on streets around the world is a way to bring people together. His Play Me, I'm Yours project started in 2007, when he placed 15 street pianos across the city of Birmingham in the UK. The project attracted the interest of about 140,000 people in that city during a three-week period. Seeing the success of his work, Jerram later took Play Me, I'm Yours on the road in 2008, and it has been growing ever since.


對藝術家 Luke Jerram 來說,將老舊的鋼琴放置在全世界的街頭,是一個把人們凝聚在一起的方法。他的「Play Me, I'm Yours」計劃始於 2007 年時,他在英國伯明罕市裡放置了十五座街頭鋼琴。這個計劃在短短三個禮拜內就引發了十四萬人的興趣。因為 Jerram 看到他計劃如此的成功,所以之後在 2008 年時,他正式推動了「Play Me, I'm Yours」上路,從那以後該計劃日漸擴大。 

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Throughout human history, every nation on Earth has used some type of armed forces to defend, serve, or invade. The scale and size of these forces has changed from country to country, but their existence has proven to be necessary. Today, these armed forces are known as state-run militaries, and people can sign up for them to serve as soldiers. These soldiers are given the latest in high-tech weaponry to effectively protect national interests.



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“If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.”
– John Heywood, Playwrigt
「如果你把麻煩當作經驗,並記得每個經驗都會發展為你內在的潛伏力量,你將變得精力充沛且快樂,不管環境看來多麼的不順。」– 約翰.海伍德 (劇作家)

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“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”

– Aldous Huxley, Writer


「這個世界只有一個地方你確定可以改進,那就是你自己。」阿道斯‧赫胥黎 (作家)


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“The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

– Anaïs Nin, Author

「有一天,緊包在花蕾裡的風險,會超過開花綻放的風險。」艾納伊絲‧寧 (作家)

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“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better”

– Jim Rohn, Author

「別盼望事情更容易,盼望你是個更好的人。」 吉姆.羅恩 (勵志作家)

  • 在假設語氣中,與事實相反時用 were 。例:I would not quit the job if I were you. (如果我是你,我不會辭職。)
  • 吉姆.羅恩 (1930-2009) 是美國企業家、作家及勵志演說家,他由窮至富的個人成長經驗,是他著作及演講的主軸,也影響個人成長領域的其他導師。


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“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”

– Pablo Picasso, Artist

「我總是做我不會的事,好讓我學習怎麼做。」– 畢卡索 (藝術家)

畢卡索 (1881-1973) 是西班牙畫家、雕塑家、20 世紀現代藝術的代表人物之一,遺作逾兩萬件,包括油畫、素描、雕塑、拼貼及陶瓷等,他是少數在生前即「名利雙收」的畫家之一。

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Irregular sleeping patterns have been "unequivocally" shown to lead to cancer in tests on mice, a study suggests. The report, in Current Biology, lends weight to concerns about the damaging impact of shift work on health.


The researchers said women with a family risk of breast cancer should never work shifts, but cautioned that further tests in people were needed.


Mice prone to developing breast cancer had their body clock delayed by 12 hours every week for a year. Normally they had tumours after 50 weeks - but with regular disruption to their sleeping patterns, the tumours appeared eight weeks earlier.


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“Be a doer and not a critic.”

– Tony Blair, Former British Prime Minister

「當一個行動者,而不是批評者。」– 東尼·布萊爾 (前英國首相)

東尼·布萊爾 (1953- ) 1997-2007 年擔任英國首相。是工黨歷史上在任最長的英國首相,也是該黨唯一帶領工黨連續三次贏得大選的首相,御任後擔任「中東問題四方」特使。

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DJs at silent discos play loud music, but the songs are played through radio transmitters. These radio signals are then picked up by wireless headphones. One of the cool things about silent discos is that two or more DJs can be playing right next to each other and listeners can switch from channel to channel to find the music they like. This would be impossible with speakers because the different songs would come together in an unpleasant way.


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“The surest defense against Evil is extreme individualism, originality of thinking, whimsicality, even – if you will – eccentricity. That is, something that can’t be feigned, faked, imitated; something even a seasoned imposter couldn’t be happy with.”

– Joseph Brodsky, Poet


「對抗邪惡的最可靠防禦,是極端的個人主義、原創性思考、古怪,甚至可以說是反常。那是無法偽造、假裝及模仿的,即便經驗老到的冒充者也無法辦到。」約瑟夫·布羅茨基 (詩人)


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