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When French explorer Robert de La Salle first arrived at the shores of Lake Michigan in 1679, he saw nothing but fields of wild onions. The Native Americans called these onions shikaakwa, which later became the name of America's third largest city, Chicago. Not many cities are named after an onion, but then again, not many cities can claim to be the birthplace of jazz, the first skyscraper, and the splitting of the atom.



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“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

– Pablo Picasso, Artist

「只把死了沒做也沒關係的事留到明天。」畢卡索 (藝術家)



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Recently, NASA’s Kepler spacecraft spotted an Earth-like planet orbiting the Goldilocks zone of a sun-like star in the Cygnus constellation. According to NASA, the newly discovered planet, Kepler-452b, is the closest match to our planet found so far. Kepler-452b is 60 percent bigger than Earth with twice the gravitational pull. The gravity is so strong on the planet that humans would weigh twice as much on Kepler-452b as they do on Earth. Setting foot on the new planet will not be happening anytime soon as the planet is currently located more than 1,400 light years away.


最近,美國國家航空暨太空總署( NASA)的克卜勒航天器在天鵝座中發現了一顆與地球相似的行星環繞著古迪洛克帶(編按:也有人稱為『適居帶』)的一顆與太陽相似的恆星。據 NASA說,這顆最近發現的 Kepler-452b行星是至今所發現與我們地球最相似的行星。 Kepler-452b比地球大百分之六十,引力則是地球的兩倍。這顆行星的引力如此強大到會使人類在 Kepler-452b上的體重變成在地球上的兩倍。因為這顆行星目前位於一千四百多光年之遙,所以要登陸這顆行星也不可能馬上發生。 

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“The world doesn’t stand still and we don’t deserve to be where we are unless we stay ahead of things and take the necessary steps to remain competitive.”

– Fred Deluca, Subway Co-founder

「這世界不是靜止不動,我們不該在現在位罝,除非我們讓自己領先,並採取必要行動來維持競爭力。」 弗雷德德盧卡 (潛艇堡創辦人)


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There is a new trend in town called the ugly food movement. Usually rejected by the common grocery store shopper for more beautiful items, these strange-looking foods are being sold with great success. Is there a flaw or maybe some bruise that the fruit or vegetable has? Not to worry, it still has the same taste and nutrition inside that its betterlooking counterparts have. Ugly food is taking a stand at the supermarket at cheaper prices with cute little stories to appeal better to customers.



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“A No uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a Yes merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.”


– Mahatma Gandhi, Statesman

「為了最深的信念而說出的『不』,比為了討好別人甚至躲避麻煩,而說出的『是』更好更佳。」甘地 (政治家)



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Many Asian cultures celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. In Taiwan, it is a public holiday when people gather for a number of traditional activities. On clear nights, people look at the moon and tell stories. Popular stories include one of the versions of Chang’er’s tale, the woodcutter who has to chop down trees as a punishment, or a tale of a rabbit making magic medicine. It is also common to gather with family members and friends to barbecue outside.


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“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.”

– Salvador Dali, Artist

「聰明但沒有抱負,有如沒有翅膀的鳥。」薩爾瓦多·達利 (藝術家)


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Most of Agatha Christie's detective novels had a similar story line. First, there would be a murder, usually by poisoning. Next, there would be several suspects, all of whom had hidden secrets. Then, the detective would find out each of the suspect's secrets. Finally, the detective would gather the suspects in a room, explain how the secrets were discovered, and reveal who committed the murder.



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A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”


George Bernard Shaw, Playwright

「有犯錯的人生比起什麼都不做的人生,不但更讓人敬仰也更有助益。」– 蕭伯納 (劇作家)

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What helps luck is a habit of watching for opportunities, of having a patient, but restless mind, of sacrificing one’s ease or vanity, of uniting a love of detail to foresight, and of passing through hard times bravely and cheerfully.”


Charles Victor Cherbuliez, Novelist

「有助運氣的習慣包括時時留意機會、保持有耐性但求變的心、犧牲舒適與自負、同時著重細節與遠見,及勇敢且樂觀的渡過困難時刻。」– 查理斯‧維克多‧舍爾比利埃 (法國小說家)

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Nowadays, even dressing rooms are virtual. By using digital cameras, many websites are taking their online shoppers into virtual fitting rooms. Here, customers can see how the clothes they have selected would look on them. Some of the websites are so advanced that they can even make 3D images of customers so that they can see what the clothes look like from all angles. These virtual dressing rooms are already appearing in places like Russia and Japan, and it is only a matter of time before they become popular worldwide.



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“Get into a line that you will find to be a deep personal interest, something you really enjoy spending twelve to fifteen hours a day working at, and the rest of the time thinking about.”

– Earl Nightingale, Motivational Speaker

「進入一個讓你深感興趣的行業,讓你喜歡一天工作1215小時的事,並在剩餘時間想著它。」厄爾‧南丁格爾 (勵志演說家)

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“A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.”

– John Lubbock, Politician

「憂慮的度過一天,比起工作一周還令人勞累。」約翰‧盧伯克 (政治家)


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When people think of Thailand, they tend to think of fun in the sun and beautiful tropical beaches. Tourism is a big industry that brings lots of money into Thailand and its capital city, Bangkok. By far, Bangkok is the largest city in the nation, and it is the most visited city in the country. The city itself has more than eight million people, or 12.6 percent of the population. If the neighboring areas are considered, those numbers jump to 14 million and 22.2 percent of the country's total population of about 66 million.



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Born without arms in 1983 in the US state of Arizona, Cox has achieved many things. The achievement that got her into the record books was becoming the world’s fi rst licensed armless pilot. She is the only such pilot to be listed in the Guinness World Records . Cox’s list of successes does not stop there. She encourages people by explaining the biggest challenges are the ones we set up in our minds.

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“Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.”

– Benjamin Franklin, Statesman

「別害怕犯錯,你將會遇見失敗,續續把手伸出去。」班傑明‧富蘭克林 (政治家)

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“In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”

– Ann Landers, Advice Columnist

「在分析一切後的結論是,不是你為孩子做什麼,而是你教他們為自己做什麼,能幫助他們成為成功的人。」 安‧蘭德斯 (專欄作家)


安‧蘭德斯 (1918-2002) 是美國家喻戶曉的筆名,其真名為 Eppie Lederer,她的 “Ask Ann Landers” 專欄接受讀者來信提問生活問題,曾在北美各報紙同時刊登達 47 年之久。

安‧蘭德斯 (專欄作家)

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Super Mario Bros. , the video game that started it all, came out this month in 1985. The release of the game in the mid-1980s introduced players to an Italian plumber in overalls named Mario. He and his younger brother, Luigi, race from the left side of the screen to the right side and go through a world called the Mushroom Kingdom. Along the way, they stump on Goombas and Koopa Troopas, eat mushrooms and Fire Flowers, and hit bricks with their heads. This is all done in an effort to save Princess Peach from the evil Bowser.

開啟電動遊戲風潮的電玩《超級瑪利歐兄弟》於 1985 年九月問世。這款八年代中期推出的遊戲將一個名叫瑪利歐穿著工作褲的義大利水管工介紹給了玩家。他和他的弟弟路易吉從電視螢幕的左邊奔向右邊以通過一個叫作蘑菇王國的世界。一路上,他們用力踩過克里波(又譯「栗寶寶」)和諾可諾可(又譯「慢慢龜」)來前進、吃蘑菇和火力花,還用頭來撞磚塊。做這些都是為了從邪惡的庫巴(又稱「大魔王」)手中救回碧姬公主。


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On movie sets and fashion shoots from Hollywood to Milan, they help actors and models look their best or their worst. They can help models put on their best face, or make actors look like the living dead. These talented people are makeup artists, the ones behind the scenes who make sure the stars shine their brightest. There are many makeup styles and techniques, each with their own set of tricks and purposes.


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