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Eleanor Roosevelt (前第一夫人)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/09/eleanor-roosevelt-7/

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady
「希望一件事與計畫一件事所需消耗的力氣相同。」– 埃莉諾‧羅斯福 (前第一夫人)

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The Japan That Time Forgot
宛如童話世界的仙境 合掌村

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150121/36340794/TheJapanThatTimeForgot

In the land that time forgot, the sleepy villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama have remained unchanged for centuries. Located in the Shogawa River valley of central Japan, these two locations were first settled in the 8th century by a religious order that combined different practices of Buddhism. Since then, both villages have kept their economies healthy with the steady production of buckwheat, millet, and mulberries. In 1995, UNESCO declared the two villages World Heritage Sites.
Shirakawa-go and Gokayama are best known for their thatched houses that dot the landscape and give both villages their iconic images. The houses are built using a special architectural style known as the praying-hands construction, which gives the rooftops a pointed shape that looks like two hands joined together in prayer. This design makes the houses strong enough to hold up against the heavy winter snowfall.
在被時光所遺忘的這塊土地上,白川鄉與五箇山裡寂靜的村落許多世紀以來依然保持不變。坐落在日本中部的庄河河谷,這兩個地點最初是在第八世紀由一個結合不同佛教習俗的宗教修道會定居在此的。從此以後,這兩個村落都因為蕎麥、小米及桑葚的穩定產量而維持良好的經濟狀況。1995 年時,聯合國教科文組織宣布這兩個村落為世界遺產。

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Anthony Robbins (成功教練)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/09/anthony-robbins-2/

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”

– Anthony Robbins, Success Coach
「設定目標是讓無形願望成為有形成果的第一步,堅持你的決定,但在方法上保持彈性。」– 安東尼‧羅賓 (成功教練)

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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150120/36338557/YOUTUBESPACELAB

Ever have a great idea for a science experiment for space? If so, a new contest called YouTube Space Lab is perfect for you. To enter, make a video explaining your experiment, including your topic, hypothesis, method, and expected results. Then upload it to YouTube so it can be reviewed by a panel of judges.
Prizes are awarded to the winners of each of the three regions in the two age groups. Every one of them gets a laptop, a trip to Washington DC, and a zero-gravity flight. However, the most exciting prize of all is for the two global winners because their experiments will actually be conducted 400 kilometers above Earth at the International Space Station. Everything will be shown live on YouTube so that people all over the world can watch the experiments unfold right before their very eyes.
您是否曾有個科學實驗的好點子,但必須是在外太空進行的?如果有的話,那麼有個叫做 YouTube 太空實驗室的新比賽對您來說再適合不過了。想要參加這項比賽,您必須先錄製一段影片來解釋您的實驗,內容包含您的主題、假設、實驗方法,以及預期達到的結果。接著再把影片上傳至 YouTube,好讓評審團來檢視您的影片內容。
兩個不同年齡組別中各有三個分區,當中的優勝者都會獲頒多種獎品。每個贏家都可以得到一台筆電、一趟華盛頓特區之行,以及一場無重力模擬飛行的體驗。然而,兩位全球優勝者所贏得的才是最令人興奮的獎項,因為他們的實驗真的可以在離地表四百公里高的國際太空站中由太空人進行。所有過程都會同步於 YouTube 上播送,所以全世界的人都可以看著這些實驗在他們眼前逐步進行。

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Olga Korbut (體操選手)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/09/olga-korbut/

“Don’t be afraid if things seem difficult in the beginning. That’s only the initial impression. The important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself.”

– Olga Korbut, Gymnast
「不要剛開始看起來困難就感到害怕,那只是初步的觀感,重要的是不放棄;你必須克服自己。」– 奧加‧柯布蒂 (體操選手)

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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/19481855


你相信我們此刻腦海中所想和嘴巴所說的單字、片語、句子,都有力量形塑下一刻的我們嗎?你相信,語言足以拯救一個國家、挽回一條生命、打破不公不義嗎?歷史上許多偉人都曾運用語言的力量來感動人心、啟發行動,甚至扭轉乾坤。知名的案例有邱吉爾的《This was their Finest Hour》,納粹大軍當前、節節進犯,歐陸幾近失守、僅剩英倫孤島力抗強敵,他鼓勵英國人為了全世界的自由奮戰到底,描繪出戰勝納粹後的畫面:

The life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands(迎向天高地闊、陽光普照的高地),並在結語用the ­nest hour來期許所有英國人勇敢迎戰。最黑暗的時刻,他選擇用最美好的時光來定義,用語言點亮了恐懼籠罩的土地。

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Wilson Mizner (劇作家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/12/wilson-mizner/

“In the battle of existence, talent is the punch; tact is the clever footwork.”

– Wilson Mizner, Playwright
「在生存的競賽裡,才智是拳擊,圓滑則是靈巧的步法。」– 威爾森‧米茲勒 (劇作家)

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Going Deep with David Rees

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150110/36319388/GoingDeepwithDavidRees

Have you ever wondered what the best way to tie a shoe is or how to dig a perfect hole? You may think you already know how to do these tasks, but there is always a way to do something better. National Geographic Channel’s (NGC) Going Deep with David Rees explores these simple questions and comes up with some surprising answers.
The show follows cartoonist and humorist, David Rees, to find out the very best way to do anything. In one episode, Rees wants to make the world’s tastiest ice cubes, but to do that he first needs the world’s cleanest and purest water. Rees and his team visit a water purification laboratory in search of the purest water. Surprisingly, Rees finds out that drinking such clean water is quite unhealthy for the human body. As it turns out, having the best is not always so great.

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Lewis Grizzard (幽默家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/12/lewis-grizzard/

“The game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears, and score your points when you get the opportunity.”

– Lewis Grizzard, Humorist
「人生的競賽很像橄欖球賽,你必須解決你的問題,擋住你的恐懼,並在機會出現時得分。」– 路易斯‧葛里德 (幽默家)

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Ebola plush toys fly off the shelf for Connecticut company 康乃狄克公司的伊波拉填充玩具被搶購一空

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=847848&day=2015-01-16

It may be the only time you will find these words in the same sentence: "Ebola" and "Add to Wishlist."


Giantmicrobes Inc., which makes a line of plush toys based on viruses and other microscopic organisms, has sold out its entire Ebola stock, including the small Ebola doll for $9.95, a Gigantic Ebola doll for $29.95 and an Ebola Petri Dish toy for $14.95, according to the company’s website.

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The Art and Skill of Making Paper Models
紙玩藝 百變紙模型

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150114/36325859/TheArtandSkillofMakingPaperModels

The idea of turning a simple piece of paper into a three-dimensional form of art has long attracted people. For centuries, creative individuals have folded and shaped paper into complicated figures. In Japan, for example, this activity is known as origami. Thicker paper and cardboard are used to create stronger, even more impressive models. These paper models, also known as card models, were commonly found in magazines in the early 1900s. Buyers of the magazines could cut out the various shapes, fold them, and glue them together. Moreover, the Internet has led to a renewed interest in them. The designs can be easily achieved by downloading them for free from websites, and then they can be printed on thick paper.
把單純一張紙轉變成 3D 藝術形式的構想長久以來一直吸引著人們。數百年以來,創意十足的人們將紙張摺疊並雕塑成複雜的造型。例如,在日本這種活動稱為摺紙藝術。厚的紙張和硬紙板被用來製作更堅固的、甚至更令人印象深刻的模型。這些紙模型也被稱作卡片模型,在二十世紀初期它普遍出現在雜誌上。購買雜誌的人可以剪下各式各樣的形狀,摺疊後,並黏貼起來。此外,網路使大眾對它產生全新的興趣。只要從免費的網站上下載,這些設計作品就能輕易取得,然後用厚的紙把它們列印下來。 

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Louis Pasteur (微生物學家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/page/47/

“Chance favors the prepared mind.”

– Louis Pasteur, Microbiologist
「機會眷顧準備好的人。」– 路易斯‧巴斯德 (微生物學家)

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Marian Wright Edelman (民運領袖)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/12/marian-wright-edelman/

“So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible. So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done.”

– Marian Wright Edelman, Activist
「我們時常把注意力放在不可能的事,而不是可能的事。我們時常因還沒做好的事感到沮喪,而忘記對已完成的事心存感恩。」– 馬莉安.萊特.艾德曼 (民運領袖)

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Cooking Up a Storm
舌尖藝術家 全球主廚熱潮

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150107/36312930/CookingUpaStorm

In restaurant kitchens around the world, chefs bring food creations to life. First, let's talk about the difference between a chef and a cook. A chef is a person who is in charge of an entire restaurant kitchen. The people working under the chef are called cooks. Becoming a chef is not as easy as knowing the basics of food preparation. If you really take cooking seriously, a few years at culinary school are required. Many cooks serve under master chefs for years before becoming chefs themselves. For example, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay of Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, and MasterChef fame started out as a regular chef in a hotel in England.

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Harrison Ford (演員)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/12/harrison-ford/

“I realized early on that success was tied to not giving up. Most people in this business gave up and went on to other things. If you simply didn’t give up, you would outlast the people who came in on the bus with you.”

– Harrison Ford, Actor
「我很早就發現成功與不放棄的關聯,這個行業大多數人放棄後去做別的事。你只要不放棄,你就可以比和你同時上車的人維持更久。」– 哈里遜.福特 (演員)

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Louis L’Amour (小說家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/12/louis-lamour/

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.”

– Louis L’Amour, Novelist
「取得勝利的計算單位不是英哩而是英吋。先取得一點勝利,穩住你的陣腳,晚點再取得一點勝利。」– 路易斯.拉摩 (小說家)

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The Moomin Boom
來自歡樂谷的好夥伴 ── 嚕嚕米旋風

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150113/36324379/TheMoominBoom

The Moomins are a family of hippo-like creatures that feature in books by Finnish author and illustrator Tove Jansson. They are a family of fairy-tale creatures made up of Moominpappa, Moominmamma, and Moomintroll, often called just the Moomins. They have a series of adventures together and with other characters over the course of nine books, comic strips, cartoons, and a full-length movie.
The books are classics of children's literature in Finland, and the comic strip was always popular. The thing that really made Moomin's popularity increase, however, was a 104-episode animated series that ran in Japan in the early 1990s. The cute animation of the strange Moomins' world started the Moomin boom.
這套故事書在芬蘭是經典的兒童文學,而嚕嚕米的連環漫畫在過去也相當受歡迎。然而,真正提升嚕嚕米知名度的,卻是 1990 年代初期在日本播出的一百○四集的嚕嚕米系列動畫。這部關於嚕嚕米異想世界的可愛動畫開啟了嚕嚕米熱潮。

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Paulo Coelho (小說家)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2013/12/paulo-coelho-3/

“Stop being who you were and become who you are.”

– Paulo Coelho, Novelist
「不再當過去的你,而成為真正的你。」– 保羅‧科爾賀 (小說家)

保羅‧科爾賀 (1947- ) 是巴西著名小說家,獲得多項國際知名獎項,以《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》一書而世界聞名,他所出版的書籍被翻成約 38 種語言,在全球共有約 2,000 萬本的銷量。

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英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150116/36330525/Blackhat

Cyber criminals threaten to crash modern society into darkness, and the intelligence agencies of China and the United States must come together to stop them. The new movie, Blackhat, explores what happens when cyber criminals not only have access to just one person’s bank account, but to everyone’s bank account. The US and China enlist the efforts of hacker Nicholas Hathaway, played by Thor actor Chris Hemsworth. Hemsworth and his team track this cyber criminal from Chicago to Hong Kong before he can carry out his dangerous plan to shut down the world. Make sure to check out Blackhat this January so you won’t get your codes cracked.

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The Ocean's Blue Tears

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20150106/36310837/TheOcean'sBlueTears

There's nothing quite like laying eyes on the blue sea. Seeing the clear, colorful water is a magical experience that is almost beyond words. There are places in the world where the water is not just blue, it is actually glowing.
What can make the sea glow bright blue? It is not the forces of magic at work, but plankton, which are small sea creatures. Certain species of plankton have evolved a special defense. Whenever a predator gets too close, they glow. The predator becomes confused or is even scared away. In places like the Maldives, Puerto Rico, and San Diego, California, plankton gather near the shore at night. People watch from the shore, or even set out on kayaks to take in the wonderful sight. As the sunlight fades, the plankton begin to put on their amazing show.
究竟是什麼使海水發出亮藍色的光呢?並不是魔法使然,而是海中的小型生物 —— 浮游生物。某些浮游生物物種已演化出一種特別的防禦機制。每當一有掠食者逼太近時,牠們就會發光。掠食者便會感到困惑或甚至被嚇跑。在馬爾地夫、波多黎各和加州的聖地牙哥等地,晚上時浮游生物會匯集在海岸附近。人們從岸邊觀看或甚至搭輕艇出海欣賞這般奇景。當暮光漸暗時,浮游生物便開始上演牠們的奇幻秀。

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