Cooking Up a Storm 舌尖藝術家 全球主廚熱潮 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 In restaurant kitchens around the world, chefs bring food creations to life. First, let's talk about the difference between a chef and a cook. A chef is a person who is in charge of an entire restaurant kitchen. The people working under the chef are called cooks. Becoming a chef is not as easy as knowing the basics of food preparation. If you really take cooking seriously, a few years at culinary school are required. Many cooks serve under master chefs for years before becoming chefs themselves. For example, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay of Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, and MasterChef fame started out as a regular chef in a hotel in England. 在世界各地餐廳的廚房裡,主廚們鮮活呈現了一道道的創意料理。首先,就來談談主廚和廚師的不同之處。主廚掌管了整間餐廳的廚房。而在主廚底下工作的人就是廚師。要成為一位主廚,不是只有知道準備食物的基本原則那麼簡單而已。如果你真的想好好學習料理的話,就需要在烹飪學校學習數年的時間。有許多廚師在成為主廚之前,都曾在頂尖大廚的底下工作過多年。舉例來說,名廚戈登•拉姆齊在因《地獄廚房》、《廚房噩夢》還有《廚神當道》而成名之前,一開始也只是英格蘭一家飯店裡的一個普通主廚。 |