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“The surest defense against Evil is extreme individualism, originality of thinking, whimsicality, even – if you will – eccentricity. That is, something that can’t be feigned, faked, imitated; something even a seasoned imposter couldn’t be happy with.”

– Joseph Brodsky, Poet


「對抗邪惡的最可靠防禦,是極端的個人主義、原創性思考、古怪,甚至可以說是反常。那是無法偽造、假裝及模仿的,即便經驗老到的冒充者也無法辦到。」約瑟夫·布羅茨基 (詩人)


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Kawaiicooking is a trend that started in Japan with people cooking food with doll-sized cooking tools. In Japanese, kawaiimeans cute, but it also means small. Kawaiicooking involves cooking full meals with real ingredients, but on a tiny level. There is no way anyone could fill up on such tiny meals, but that is not the point. The point is to cook little meals just because it is fun.


「卡哇伊」料理是從日本開始的一個趨勢潮流,人們利用玩偶大小般的廚具料理食物。「 kawaii」在日文中的意思是「可愛的」,但它也指「小型的」。「卡哇伊」料理包含利用真實食材做一整道餐點,但是是小型的版本。雖然沒有人可以用這些小型食物來填飽肚子,但是這不是重點。做微型料理的重點是它十分有趣。 

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The Los Angeles Lakers that we know today have produced some of the finest athletes in basketball history. Starting from the NBA’s first superstar, George Mikan, all the way to the Lakers’ current superstar, Kobe Bryant, the Lakers have never been short on talent. It was not until the 1980s, however, that a Magic Johnson-led team really displayed what the Lakers could do on the basketball court.



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“The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.”

– Florence Scovel Shinn, Spiritual Teacher

「人生如同玩回力鏢,我們的想法、行為及話語早晚會回來我們身邊,伴隨難以置信的準確度。」 佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩 (心靈導師)

  • boomerang (n.) 回力鏢,回飛棒。astounding (adj.) 難以置信的,令人震驚的。例:an astounding achievement (一個令人震驚的成就)accuracy (n.) 精準,正確。例:The arrow hit the target with great accuracy. (那箭精準的射中目標。)
  • 佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩 (1871-1940) 早期為美國插圖畫家,後來成為新思想運動 (New Thought movement) 的心靈導師及玄學作家,著有 The Game of Life and How to Play It ,中譯本為《健康、財富與愛的人生祕密》。


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“Protect your innocence… Our innocence allows us to do what the practical mind prohibits.”

– Vin Diesel, Actor

「保護你的純真天真讓我們做實際心態所不允許的事。」馮‧迪索 (演員)

innocence (n.) 天真,純真。prohibit (v.) 禁止,阻止。

馮‧迪索 (1967-) 出生美國紐約,為演員及電影製作人,1998 年在史帝芬·史匹柏導演的戰爭片《搶救雷恩大兵》演出後成名,其代表作為《玩命關頭》系列電影。


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Perfume: A Scent of a Memory






French author, Marcel Proust, famously wrote about how the smell of a tea-soaked biscuit triggered a long-forgotten memory from childhood. For a long time, scientists have suggested that smells have a powerful impact on distant memories. The modern perfume industry relies on this fact to develop perfumes that encourage us to connect emotionally to smell.



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The hardest part of changing the world is figuring out how to begin. We often think it will take a huge amount of resources, but with only US$25, American Adam Braun managed to make a difference.
When Braun was in college, he was traveling in India, where he met a poor young boy. He asked the boy that if he could have one thing, what would it be? The boy said he wanted an ordinary pencil. Later when Braun got a job on Wall Street, the boy’s wish stayed with him. In 2008, Braun opened an account and deposited US$25. It was a humble beginning of his charity, Pencils of Promise, which was founded with the goal of building schools in the developing world.

博朗念大學時,他在印度旅行的途中遇到了一個貧窮的小男生。他問那個小男生如果能擁有一樣東西的話,那會是什麼?那個小男生說他想要一枝普通的鉛筆。後來博朗在華爾街找到工作時,他一直念念不忘那個小男生的願望。2008 年時,博朗開了一個帳戶並存進二十五美元。這就是他的慈善機構「鉛筆的承諾」一個小小的開始,它成立的目標是要在全球開發中的國家蓋學校。

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One of the newest ones is Zuu, an Australian workout that gets participants doing animal movements in high-intensity interval training sessions. When describing the fitness program, Helberg said that the movements are usually easy for children to do when they are pretending to be animals. However, they are forgotten by the time people have become adults, who typically spend most of the day sitting. There are a total of 30 animal movements that span from the bear crawl to the frog squat, along with strength-training exercises. The workout feels challenging at first because our bodies are not used to the movements. A laughter-filled session only lasts 20 minutes, but after burning off 500 calories in such a short amount of time, you know you have had a wild ride.


最新的健身運動之一是 Zuu,它是一個澳洲的健身訓練方式,使參與的成員在高強度間歇訓練課程裡做一些動物的動作。描述這個健身課程時,Helberg 說當小孩假扮成動物時,這些動作他們通常能輕鬆做到。然而,當人們成年後,通常一天花最多的時間就是坐著,這些動作就被遺忘。這總共有三十種動物的動作,涵蓋範圍從熊爬式到青蛙蹲,以及肌力訓練運動。我們一開始會覺得這個健身訓練很有挑戰性,那是因為我們的身體還沒習慣這些動作。一個充滿歡笑的課程僅有二十分鐘,但是當你在這麼短的時間內消耗掉五百卡路里後,你就知道你已經歷了一趟野性之旅。

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“People who live the most fulfilling lives are the ones who are always rejoicing at what they have.”

– Richard Carlson, Motivational Speaker

「永遠對所擁有感到欣喜的人,是生活最富足的人。」理察.卡爾森 (勵志演說家)

fulfilling (adj.) 因成就感而感到滿足。rejoice (v.) 欣喜,高興。例:The whole city rejoiced at the home team’s victory. (整座城市為主場的勝利而雀悅。)

理察.卡爾森 (1961-2006) 是全球暢銷書《別為小事抓狂》系列 (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff) 的作者,也是知名的演說家和心理諮詢專家,曾多次受邀電視專訪,鼓勵人們將他書中所提倡的觀念,落實到日常生活中。


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The world record for the longest pizza has been snapped up by Italy with a one and a half kilometre long margherita feast at Milan’s 2015 Expo.


Italian representatives were handed its prize by Lorenzo Veltri, a Guinness World Records judge, who attended the event to measure the 1595.45m pizza.


The recipe for the culinary masterpiece included 1500kg of tomatoes, litres upon litres of extra virgin olive oil and more than one and a half tonnes of mozzarella.

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Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments, announced he would lower his annual salary from US$1 million to US$70,000 so his employees could make the same. Price commented that his goal was not to just make money, but to make a difference in people's lives. Now, employees of the Seattle-based company will see their salaries increase over the next three years. Many Gravity Payments employees were quite excited by the news with some stating that they could finally afford to move out of their parents' homes. Additionally, Price explained that his decision will also be good for business. Since his announcement, Gravity Payments has received thousands of requests from people wanting to support its business.




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1. stinky tofu n. 臭豆腐 
2. fried leek dumplings n. 韭菜盒 
3. steamed sandwich n. 刈包 
4. flaky scallion pancake n. 蔥抓餅 

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“Happiness is a direction, not a place.”

– Sydney J. Harris, Journalist

「快樂是一個方向,不是一個目的地。」哈利斯 (記者)

哈利斯 (1917-1986) 為美國《芝加哥日報》及《芝加哥太陽報》記者,著有 11 本書,他的專欄曾在美國及加拿大約 200 家報紙同時刊登。

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“Done is better than perfect.”

– Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook

「完成一件事比期望完美還要好。」雪莉‧桑德伯格 (臉書營運長)

雪莉‧桑德伯格 (1969-) Facebook 首席營運長,曾任 Google 副總裁,著有《挺身而進》(Lean In) 一書,在書中分享親身經歷,鼓勵女性把握機會、爭取更高成就,能有自主選擇與公平競爭的機會。


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Retiree Giorgos Chatzifotiadis had queued up at three banks in Greece’s second city of Thessaloniki on Friday in the hope of withdrawing a pension on behalf of his wife, but all in vain.


When he was told at the fourth that he could not withdraw his 120 euros$133, it was all too much and he collapsed in tears.


The 77-year-old told AFP that he had broken down because he "cannot stand to see my country in this distress".


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“Take your victories, whatever they may be, cherish them, use them, but don’t settle for them.”

– Mia Hamm, Soccer Player

「帶著你的勝利,不管是哪種勝利,珍惜它們,利用它們,但不要因此停下來。」米婭‧哈姆 (足球員)

settle for something 妥協。例:The merchants asked for $3,000, but he settled for $2500 later. (那商人開價 3,000 元,但之後同意 2,500 元。)

米婭‧哈姆 (1972-) 為前美國國家女子足球隊員,職涯共射進 158 顆球,曾一度是足球史上射門次數最高的紀錄保持人,她也是 2001 年和 2002 年的「世界足球小姐」。


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The more oil and gas companies pump their saltwater waste into the ground, and the faster they do it, the more they have triggered earthquakes in the central United States, a massive new study found.


An unprecedented recent jump in quakes in America’s heartland can be traced to the stepped up rate that drilling wastewater is injected deep below the surface, according to a study in journal Science that looked at 187,570 injection wells over four decades.


It’s not so much the average-sized injection wells, but the supercharged ones that are causing the ground to shake. Wells that pumped more than 12 million gallons of saltwater into the ground per month were far more likely to trigger quakes than those that put lesser amounts per month, the study from the University of Colorado found.


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One night, not long after Andy was lying in bed, he began to hear the annoying buzz of mosquitoes. Then, those “vampires” went on to attack his face one after another. He got up, turned on the light, and swore to destroy every single one of them. Once the light was on, Andy was stunned to see a terrible swarm of mosquitoes in his bedroom. It seemed impossible to kill them all. Eventually, he burned out and gave up. He turned on the electric fan in the hopes of keeping the annoying bugs away, went back to bed, and covered his head with his blanket.
The next morning, Andy found out that a screen on one of the windows in his room was not entirely closed, which let the mosquitoes invade his room. It dawned on him that it was his carelessness that resulted in this nightmare. Andy indeed learned a lesson from the incident.


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The car that defined an era of classic automobiles, the original Volkswagen Beetle, ended 65 years of production this month in 2003. Sometimes referred to as the Bug, it was firstdesigned to be cheap, simple, and capable of being mass-produced for the general public. After its debut in 1938, Volkswagen fell on hard times with the advent of World War II and Germany's eventual defeat by the Allied Forces. The company would have disappeared if it had not been for the efforts of a British Army officer, Major Ivan Hirst, who helped get Volkswagen's factories up and running again.

被定義為經典汽車時代的原始福斯金龜車在 2003 年七月時結束了六十五年的生產。金龜車有時被稱作Bug,最初它的設計考量是便宜、簡單和能夠被大量生產給大眾。1938年原始金龜車首次問世後,隨著第二次世界大戰的來臨和德國最後被同盟國擊敗,福斯汽車經歷了艱苦時期。如果沒有英國少校軍官伊凡赫斯特努力幫助福斯汽車重新站起來的話,這家公司可能會消失。

ansi-theme-font: minor-latin;mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:ZH-TW;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'>生產音樂盒的高峰是在十九世紀末葉,當時許多機械玩具正夯。不幸地,到了第一次世界大戰時,音樂盒工業已式微。戰爭使音樂盒成為一種昂貴的奢侈品。另外,留聲機的發明也使得音樂盒不再流行。 

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“If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there – you must go beyond them.”

– Bruce Lee, Martial Artist

「如果你為所做的每件事設限,在肢體或其它任何方面,限制將擴展至你的工作及人生。沒有所謂的極限,只有高原,你不能待在那裡你必須超越它。」李小龍 (武術家)

李小龍 (1940-1973) 出生香港, 18 歲移居美國,最初學習詠春拳,後來創造了截拳道。他在美國教授武術而輾轉進入演藝圈,成為史上最有影響力的武術家之一,以及 20 世紀流行文化的重要標誌。

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