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近年來「宅經濟」(Otaku Economy) 興起,而其主要推動者或促進者就是所謂的「宅男」、「宅女」們。他們整天窩在家裡看 DVD、玩線上遊戲、看漫畫、逛網路拍賣平台等等,讓相關產業在經濟不景氣中,還能逆勢成長,這種由宅男宅女們引發的跨國界商機與現象就被稱為「宅經濟」。由於幾乎足不出戶,宅男宅女們往往比較缺乏社交能力和人際關係,因此「宅男」或「宅女」這名詞通常帶貶義,即使沒有貶抑的意思,亦非正面之詞。

根據搜尋統計數字,宅男 (或宅女) 的英文是頗多人想知道的答案。然而,網路上甚至是國內一本英漢雙解詞典所提供的答案,似乎都有誤導之嫌,因為它們皆非美國人道地的宅男說法。網路上有人「假會」(台語) 說宅男的英文是 geek,而國內這本詞典則是以附錄方式加入宅男的英文 home geek,而非原英英字典就有的詞。

Geek 這個字原義為「反常的人;怪胎」,但在電腦和網路科技發達後被賦予新的意義,即舊詞新義,意為「電腦技術高超的人;電腦和網路知識豐富的人」,也就是「電腦高手」。有人將 geek 音譯為「技客」,不讓 hacker (駭客) 專美於前,可見 geek 的電腦知識和技術非一般人能望其項背。然而,宅男強調的是「宅」,也就是整天窩在家裡看影片、上網、玩線上遊戲的行徑,他們大多對電腦不精 (不排除其中亦有電腦高手),有的可能連作業系統都不會安裝,只會開機上網而已。若叫宅男 geek 或 home geek,恐難避免抬舉之譏,亦難阻卻牛頭不對馬嘴之訕,更難杜絕悠悠之口! 現在再來看一個使用 geek 的新詞,以印證 geek 的真諦,那就是 alpha geek;這個詞已被收錄為英文字,意為「辦公室或部門內科技知識最豐富或最懂電腦的人」- 所以,辦公室或部門內若有難解的電腦問題,當然都是向他或她求救。

總而言之,宅男 (或宅女) 最正確、最道地的英文就是本文的標題 homebody。林書豪爆紅後,隱私越來越少,有次他在接受訪問時說:「如果能有屬於我的一天,我想在家裡跟兄弟們打打電動玩具,做個宅男就好。」他所說的宅男就是用 homebody 這個字。「美國之音」(Voice of America, VOA) 網站的一篇文章,先後使用 homebody 和 shut-in 來指宅男 (或宅女),換言之,宅男亦可用 shut-in 來表示,只是 shut-in 沒有 homebody 那麼常用罷了。例如:

  • I’m a homebody, I don’t want to go out; just come over and I’ll make you dinner. (我是宅男,我不想外出;就來我家吧,我會為你準備晚餐)
  • Don’t ask her to come with us, she’ll say "no" because she’s a homebody. (別叫她來跟我們在一起,她會說「不要」,因為她是宅女)

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Tattoo Toilets 馬桶刺上青 炫麗秀創意
Adding a bit of art and fun to the bathroom

  The best designed homes leave nothing out. From the mailboxes to the sink drains, no attention to style or detail is _(1)_. When a bathroom needs an update, how do you give your toilet a makeover? This interesting question has an even more intriguing answer.
  In the realm of home decor, Toilet Tattoos are now being praised as a _(2)_alternative to an old idea, and they really stand out from the others. They allow anyone to add a personal touch to a very personal space. This is made possible _(3)_ a reusable toilet lid decoration. Toilet Tattoos look like giant stickers for your toilet lids. They are applied _(4)_ a similar fashion but can be easily removedand need no special attention when it comes to cleaning, which makes them convenient and hygienic.
  The mastermind behind this idea is Celeste Massullo, a fashion designer and the owner of Lena Fiore', Inc., the company that produces Toilet Tattoos. Massullo, whose clothing has been worn by celebrities _(5)_ Mariah Carey and Brooke Shields, is no amateur when it comes to designing. Yet, it was only in 2003 that she was inspired to find a new way to decorate the throne in the bathroom. _(6)_ started as a home remodeling project grew into two years of research and development and a new field of design. Toilet Tattoos _(7)_numerous styles, with custom designs also available. Whether they give your family a laugh or make you the envy of the neighborhood, Toilet Tattoos are thefinishing touches your bathrooms have been waiting for.

1. (A) noticed   (B) overlooked    (C) adopted   (D) frustrated
2. (A) regular   (B) scarce     (C) novel (D) doubtful
3. (A) on behalf of(B) for the sake of (C) by means of (D) at the risk of

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Jazzing it up - Yoga Lin proves to be quite a charitable gentleman 與音樂王子林宥嘉的爵士之夜 - 慈善紳士林宥嘉實至名歸  
Impatient and fidgety for another brilliant album from Yoga Lin? Sorry, you might have to wait some more. The 25-year-old is currently busy rocking out all over Asia, playing one gig after another in a dedicated mission to share his music, and hence his beliefs, with his fans. A craving for more intimacy and face-to-face interaction has driven Lin to participate in a whole slew of rock-'n'-roll concerts, and not always for his own personal gain. Music, in fact, is his way of giving back to society. 迫不及待要聽到華語樂壇小天王林宥嘉的新專輯了嗎?不好意思,您得再等一陣子囉!這名年僅廿五歲的新生代歌手目前正以絕佳的歌聲席捲亞洲,與歌迷分享他的音樂和信念。為了與歌迷有更多面對面的親密交流,林宥嘉舉辦了無數場搖滾演唱會,而這可不只是為了增加個人收入而已;事實上,音樂對他而言是一種回饋社會的方式。
By partnering with the Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders (TFRD), Lin is trading his usual rocker uniform for a gentleman's outfit, all in the name of charity. Aptly christened "A jazzy night with Yoga Lin," the benefit concert will be hosted by the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology's EDBA/EMBA program. If you haven't figured out the business connection between the local university and one of our favorite artists, the hint lies within The Student Post's maxim: "The Best of Both Worlds." 台科大 EDBA/EMBA 研究所與財團法人罕見疾病基金會合作,特邀林宥嘉共襄盛舉,舉辦一場名為「林宥嘉邂逅爵士慈善音樂會」的義演,而林宥嘉一改平日搖滾風格,換上紳士形象的服裝演唱。倘若你不了解國內大學和受歡迎的歌手之間究竟有什麼商業連結,提示就是《學生郵報》的座右銘——「相輔相成」。
Cryptic, you say? Not if you take into consideration Lin's wide scope of musical influences, which range from Hong Kong's Eason Chan to British alternative rock group Radiohead. A similar mix of wide-ranging talents and performances is scheduled to take place at the jazz concert scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 26. Lin's eclectic performance style will be enhanced by an ensemble of top instrumentalists trained overseas in Europe and the U.S. — violins, keyboards, saxophones, oh my!
Spotlight on TaiwanGo team!
A Taiwanese research team has recently identified the brain cells responsible for the formation of long-term memory in fruit flies, which could pave the way for curing human brain diseases and enhancing memory. After seven years of research, they found that the formation of long-term memories requires the synthesis of new proteins in only a few cells in the brains of fruit flies.
"This discovery could help us understand how proteins and neurons form memory, and could be conducive to developing ways of curing human brain diseases and enhancing human memory," explained the team leader, National Tsing Hua University Professor Ann-shyn Chiang. "It may even be applied to the development of intelligent computers." 研究團隊領導人,國立清華大學教授江安世解釋:「這項發現可以幫助人類了解蛋白質和神經元如何形成記憶,而且可能有助於研發治療腦部病變與提升人類記憶力的方法。它甚至可以應用於研發智慧型電腦。」  
Although the fruit fly brain is much simpler than that of humans, they have many similar genes and proteins that are used in everyday activities such as learning, memorizing, sleeping and exploring. Therefore, the study of fruit flies can be helpful in the study of human brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's. 雖然果蠅的大腦構造比人類簡單許多,但在諸如學習、記憶、睡眠和探索等日常活動方面,兩者間卻會用上許多相似的基因和蛋白質。因此,研究果蠅或許對阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症和亨丁頓舞蹈症等人類腦部病變的研究有所助益。  
The team, whose findings were published in the Feb. 10 edition of Science magazine in the U.S., is also hoping to confirm whether the human brain also stores long-term memories in only a few cells.
Rats! 鼠譚風雲  
Look past your presumptions and you might fall in love, like Robin Rushlau of Dresden, Maine, foster and adoption coordinator with Mainely Rat Rescue, who explained that, "I had friends who had rats — I wouldn't even look at them. I thought they were the creepiest pets ever." 如果你放下既有的成見,或許你會像住在緬因州德列思登鎮的羅賓瑞思勞一樣,對老鼠愛不釋手。羅賓是緬因州「鼠類救援組織」的收養與合作認養人,她解釋:「我有些朋友有養老鼠,不過我以前對那些老鼠根本不屑一顧。我當時覺得老鼠是有史以來最讓人毛骨悚然的寵物。」
Axis of evil - Unraveling a decade’s worth of Bush Jr.’s legacy 邪惡軸心 - 剖析前美國總統小布希反恐戰爭十年來的效應  
It was the U.S.' first State of the Union address after the 9/11 attacks, and Uncle Sam was leading an invasion of Afghanistan in pursuit of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. 那是美國在九一一恐怖攻擊後首次發表的國情咨文,當時的美國正在主導進軍阿富汗的行動,以追緝蓋達組織首腦奧薩瑪賓拉登。巧合的是,前美國總統小布希於二○○二年一月廿九日如是說:「我們今晚齊聚於此之際,我們的國家正陷於戰火,國家經濟陷入衰退,而文明世界則面臨史無前例的危機。」
Local News
Delicious news, delectable dishes 可口新聞,美味盛饌  
Did you know that members of the California State Legislature feasted on bowls of tasty Taiwanese beef noodles last week? Moreover, the Sacramento-based Legislature even issued a citation in recognition of the culinary efforts of Chun-sheng Hou, winner of the spicy braised beef noodles category of the 2011 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival, to promote exchanges between California and Taiwan through the famous Taiwanese dish. 你知道嗎?加州州議會的議員上星期吃了一頓美味的台灣牛肉麵。更有甚者,設在加州沙加緬度的加州州議會還頒發獎狀表揚大廚侯圳生的廚藝,透過牛肉麵促進加州和台灣的交流。侯圳生是二○一一年「台北國際牛肉麵節」紅燒組的冠軍廚師。
World News
The FBI ain’t got nothing on Steve Jobs 聯邦設查局對賈伯斯不是一無所知  
Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, hailed as one of the greatest technology visionaries of his generation, dabbled in illicit drugs in his youth and alienated colleagues yet commanded universal respect, according to interviews conducted by the FBI in the 1990s. 根據聯邦調查局在一九九○年代進行的訪談顯示,被視為當代最偉大科技先知的蘋果電腦公司共同創辦人史提夫賈伯斯,雖然獲得舉世推崇,但曾在年輕時涉嫌非法喀藥及欺壓同僚。
How to become a popular person 如何成為一個受歡迎的人  
In general, a person wearing a smile from time to time gives us the impression that he or she is optimistic and gets along well with the people around them. As far as I am concerned, a popular person is friendly to everyone and greets everyone happily. 大致而言,我們對於臉上總是帶著微笑者的第一印象,是會認為對方是一個樂觀好相處的人。就我的觀點來說,受歡迎的人不僅對人友善,而且會開心地問候大家。

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Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣
Experts are working to unlock the secrets and the potential of creatures found on this beautiful Island

  Known as the Beautiful Island, Taiwan is filled with spectacular landscapes, unique wildlife, and also amazing people. There are roughly 70 species of mammals1, 90 species of reptiles2, 400 species of butterflies, 500 species of birds, and more. Some of these incredible creatures can only be found in Taiwan. These consist of the Formosan black bear, the Formosan landlocked salmon3, and the Mikado pheasant4. However, it is the unexpected creatures that are presenting some unexpected benefits to the world.

  National Geographic Channel's "Taiwan to the World 4: Taiwan's Amazing Creatures" changes our view of the world. It shows experts working to unlock the secrets and the potential of creatures commonly found in Taiwan like cockroaches and horseshoe crabs5.

  Not only is Taiwan's wildlife amazing, but so are its people. In the episode "Star Trackers6", NGC's cameras follow two stargazers7 chasing their dreams in the night sky. One is attempting to discover a new comet, while the other is working on building the world's most powerful radio telescope. Produced by Taiwanese filmmakers, NGC's "Taiwan to the World 4" will open your hearts and minds to all that is Taiwan.




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Linsanity - The Taiwanese-American dream 林書豪炫風 - 台裔美籍男子的夢想成真  
As the first ripples of "Linsanity" hit Asia, ethnic Chinese-American Jeremy Lin's fairytale rise has marketing men rubbing their hands with glee as they contemplate a potential candidate to fill the very large shoes left by last year's retirement of Yao Ming. 隨著「林來瘋」第一波浪潮席捲亞洲各地,這位台裔美籍球員以童話故事般的方式崛起,讓行銷人員摩拳擦掌、歡天喜地盤算著要讓這個潛力股接替去年退休的姚明所留下的廣大市場。
A clean-cut Harvard graduate rejected by a string of famous American teams, New York Knicks guard Lin has emerged suddenly over the last couple of weeks to inspire a franchise which has underperformed for years in one of the world's biggest sports markets. 形象清新的哈佛大學畢業生林書豪在遭到數支著名美國球隊釋出後,這位紐約尼克隊後衛在過去兩週間異軍突起,大幅提振了這支身處全球最大體育市場之一、但多年來卻十分低迷的球隊的士氣。
That storyline alone would make the 23-year-old Californian an attractive proposition to advertisers, but add in the fact he was born to Taiwanese parents and you would, it seems, have marketing gold on your hands.

"There's no question brands will be interested in Jeremy Lin," stated Jeremy Walker, head of sports marketing and branded entertainment for GolinHarris. "You only have to look at what Yao Ming has done, not just for the National Basketball Association (NBA), but for brands that he represents both in the U.S. and China."
高誠公關公司負責體育行銷暨品牌娛樂的老闆傑若米華克指出:「各廠商無疑會對林書豪深感興趣。你只要看看姚明在美國職籃 NBA 中,還有他代言的美國與中國品牌所產生的效益就知道了。」  
"For every top Chinese star that comes out from the Olympic Games or wherever it might be, there's always going to be an awful lot of interest from brands because all the major brands in the world are still looking to China for growth," Walker explained. "A lot of brands want that positive 'halo effect' association they are going to get from being involved with a superstar." 華克解釋:「不管是在奧運或任何賽事中嶄露頭角的華人體育明星,全球各品牌肯定都會對他們十分感興趣,因為這些企業仍仰賴中國來刺激銷售量成長。許多品牌都希望取得超級巨星代言時產生的正面『光環效應』。」  
Lily-licious! 花來瘋!  
The presence of fresh flowers can immediately change the atmosphere of a room, whether it is a romantic gesture in the form of a rose bouquet or a homey pot of lively gardenias. Imagine the impact then, of an entire exhibition hall filled to the brim with stunning flora, accompanied by soft acoustics, running water and dreamy lighting. That description accurately captures the atmosphere of the one and only Taipei Bloom Art, an ongoing art show that employs floral blossoms as its creative medium. 不管是以一束玫瑰花表達浪漫,還是一個居家的活潑梔子花盆栽,只要擺放鮮花就可以立刻改變場所中的氣氛。那麼,請想像一個滿是炫目花朵,搭配輕柔樂曲、流水與夢幻般燈光的展示廳吧。這樣的描述精確掌握了獨一無二的「花現台北——爭艷再現」特展的氣氛,而這場正開放參觀的藝術展就是以花卉作為創意的媒材。
Strangest life 史上最詭異的生物  
If scientists find microbes in a frigid lake two miles beneath the thick ice of Antarctica, it will illustrate once again that somehow life finds a way to survive in the strangest and harshest places. 科學家若在南極洲厚厚冰層下兩哩的冰冷湖泊中找到微生物的話,將再次突顯:生命總是有辦法在最奇怪且艱困的環境中找出生存之道。
Local News
A ‘Linderella’ story 灰姑「郎」的故事  
Jeremy Lin, the Taiwanese-American point guard for the New York Knicks with a strong passion for Taiwan, will visit the island after the National Basketball Association (NBA) season to coach children in Taiwan again.  紐約尼克隊的台裔美籍控球後衛林書豪對台灣懷有一份熱情,將在 NBA 球季結束後回台灣教小朋友打球。
World News
Luxurious Maldives resorts uninterrupted by political fire 政治亂局也無法阻擋馬爾地夫的奢華  
Tourists enjoying the sun and sand at the Maldives' luxury island resorts have barely put down their cocktails during the political crisis rocking Asia's newest democracy, oblivious to behind-the-scenes links of tourism to the tumult. 政治危機使馬爾地夫這個亞洲最年輕的民主國家陷入動盪不安的局面,但在該國的奢華度假村中享受陽光和細沙的遊客,手中的雞尾酒幾乎都沒有放下來,對該國政治危機和旅遊業之間的幕後關聯也渾然不知。
Adele tears her way to six Grammys 愛黛兒稱霸葛萊美,一舉拿下六個獎項  
Soul singer Adele triumphed in her return to music's stage this month, scooping up six Grammys and winning every category in which she was nominated. As joyous as the show was for Adele, however, it was equally as serious with tributes to late pop star Whitney Houston, who died suddenly on Feb. 11. Taiwan's singing sensation Yu-chun Lin, who rose to fame by singing Whitney Houston's signature song "I Will Always Love You," said he felt heartbroken over his idol's death. 重登音樂舞台後,靈魂歌手愛黛兒本月大獲全勝,一舉拿下六個葛萊美獎項,在獲得提名的類別中攻無不克。頒獎典禮給愛黛兒帶來無限歡娛,但節目對於在二月十一日週六猝逝的流行歌手惠妮休斯頓也給予非常莊嚴的致敬。台灣以模仿惠妮休斯頓名曲《I Will Always Love You》竄紅的林育群說,他對個人偶像的猝逝感到很傷心。

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The Pearl of the Adriatic 亞得里亞海的明珠──克羅埃西亞
Many people are now visiting Croatia, a country rich in history and natural beauty.

  After its brutal War of Independence ended in 1995 with a decisive victory over Yugoslavia, Croatia began the task of rebuilding a nation that was torn apart. While this process is still ongoing, tourism has soared due to the country'sexpansive coastline with many islands, inlets, and well-preserved Renaissancetowns. As a matter of fact, Croatia has been near the top of many travel bloggers' must-visit lists for the past few years. It seems as though the more people go to Croatia, the more their friends want to do the same after hearing about what a wonderful time they had.
  Crystal-clear waters and numerous waterfalls can be found at the 16 lakes of the Plitvice Lakes National Park. This is the largest park in Croatia and has many breathtaking views to take in. One of the most distinctive features of these lakes is that they are always evolving because they are all interconnected. This means that in some places, new waterfalls can spring up, while in others, they dry up. Each time a tourist visits Plitvice, the scenery is different. The beauty of Croatia is also prevalent in Dubrovnik, a city British poet Lord Byron dubbed"the pearl of the Adriatic." The shapes and scents, along with the friendly locals, make visiting this walled city truly unforgettable.
  Croatia is also known for the Moreska sword dance, being the country whereDalmatians originated, and neckwear that soldiers wore before the fashionablecrowd in France took notice and popularized cravats around the world. There is no better time than right now to visit Croatia.

1. Which of the following statements is true about Croatia?

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Destination: Whistler, Canada 前進加拿大惠斯勒
This resort town, with access to incredible snowy peaks, is a skiing and snowboarding paradise

  Whistler, British Columbia is a skiing and snowboarding paradise. This resort1 town is surrounded by incredible snowy peaks2 in western Canada's Coast Mountain Range3. It is a huge playground for anyone with skiis or a snowboard. People come from Australia, Europe, and all over the world to enjoy its soft powder4. Located 120 kilometers north of Vancouver, the town of Whistler has a population of less than 10,000 permanent residents, but there are always a lot more people than that visiting.

  Young people come and stay for weeks, months, years, or longer. When they are not working, they are hitting the perfect conditions on the slopes since Whistler gets an average annual snowfall5 of nearly 11 meters. Even non-skiers know about the town because many events at the 2010 Winter Olympics werestaged in Whistler, which made for a beautiful backdrop6 to all the sporting events. In recent years, Whistler constructed a new gondola7 that runs between two of its biggest mountains. It is over four kilometers in length and the longest unsupported gondola in the world. For winter-lovers, this just adds to all of Whistler's magical attractions..




  1. surround vt. 環繞,圍繞

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在「歐豬五國」(PIIGS) - 葡萄牙 (Portugal)、愛爾蘭 (Ireland)、義大利 (Italy)、希臘 (Greece) 和西班牙 (Spain) - 國債高築的危機影響下,全球經濟要死不活,台灣亦受到影響,經濟欲振乏力,失業人口仍不在少數。即使那些慶幸自己還能朝九晚五的人,也是誠惶誠恐,無薪假、減薪等之陰霾依然籠罩頭頂,揮之不去。由於大多數企業已多年未調薪,即使加薪亦趕不上飛漲的物價,許多人賴以餬口的死薪水越變越薄,不是每月花光光、就是入不敷出。

對於每月把收入花光光的人,現在我們稱之為「月光族」(那種揮霍成性,無論賺多少都花光光的月光族,則另當別論)。這名稱頗為傳神和貼切,它的英文就是本文的標題,如 I have been living from paycheck to paycheck for ages. (長期以來我一直是個月光族)。英文中至少還有兩個成語可以表達與 to live from paycheck to paycheck 相似的意思,它們是 to make (both) ends meet 和 to live from hand to mouth;前者意為「收支相抵」,如 I have been having trouble making ends meet because the rent for my apartment is too high. (由於我住的公寓租金太高,我一直難以收支平衡),而後者意為「現賺現吃;勉強餬口」,如 My sister has been living from hand to mouth on her meager salary. (我妹妹一直靠著微薄的薪資,勉強餬口)。

月光光心慌慌 () ! 是故,月光族必須勒緊腰帶 (tighten theirs belt),撙節開支,否則入不敷出 (live beyond their means),錢到用時方恨少 (be caught short),舉債度日,不知伊於胡底,翻身之日恐將遙遙無期。不過,不管日子多麼難過,英文還是要繼續學下去。現在就將這一段所使用的三個成語,舉例如下供大家參考:

  • We decided to tighten our belt and save up some money for a holiday. (我們決定勒緊腰帶,存些錢去度假)
  • My father always told me not to live beyond my means. (家父總是叮嚀我別入不敷出)
  • I was caught short and had to borrow some money from my father last week. (錢到用時方恨少,上週我不得不向我父親借了些錢來用)

註:《月光光心慌慌》(Halloween) 其實是美國一部經典恐怖電影的片名,這部電影前後拍攝了八集,除了首集獲得讚賞外,其餘七集則是褒貶不一。

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Q:I am on the right side of age twenty. 有這種說法嗎?

事實上,on the right/wrong side of 這片語在英文中頗為常見,除上述的年齡表示法外,常見的應用至少還有下列三項:

  1. On the right/wrong side of the law (= obeying/not obeying the law; abiding by/not abiding by the law) 意為「守法/違法;做守法/違法的事情」,如 After coming out of prison, he tried to stay on the right side of the law. (出獄後,他盡量不去做違法的事情)。
  2. On the right/wrong side of someone 意為「得到/失去某人的歡心」,如 Whatever you do, don’t get on the wrong side of your boss! (不管你做什麼,就是不要讓你的老闆不高興!)。
  3. Get up on the right/wrong side of the bed 意為「(早晨一起床就) 心情好/心情不佳」,如 I think John must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. (我想約翰今天早上一定心情不佳)。這成語亦可寫成 get out of the right/wrong side of the bed 或 get out of bed on the right/wrong side。就 get up on the wrong side of the bed 而言,這不就類似中文的「起床氣」了嗎!? 例如:He’s shouted at everybody in the office. I think he must have got out of bed on the wrong side. (他對辦公室裡的每個人都大吼大叫。我想他的起床氣還沒消)。

若比較 on the right side of 和 on the wrong side of 的應用範圍,後者似乎比前者來得廣泛,實例包括 born on the wrong side of the blanket 和 on the wrong side of the tracks。Born on the wrong side of the blanket 意為「私生」,如 All his life, Peter felt that people looked down on him because he was born on the wrong side of the blanket. (彼得一生都覺得別人看不起他,因為他是私生子);Just between you and me, I suspect Mrs. Potter’s oldest child was born on the wrong side of the blanket. (你不要告訴別人,我懷疑波特太太的長子是私生子)。On/from the wrong/other side of the tracks 意為「在貧民區;出身寒貧家庭」,如 She was brought up on the wrong side of the tracks in a small southern town. (她是在南部小鎮的貧寒家庭長大的)。

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年齡的大小一般都使用下列幾種說法 (以「你比我大五歲」為例):

You are my senior by five years.
You are five years my senior.
You are older than me by five years.


She is her husband’s junior by two years.
She is two years her husband’s junior.
She is younger than her husband by two years.

至於 "be senior to" 和 "be junior to" 指的是職位的高低或資歷的深淺。例如:

He’s senior to me, though he’s younger. (雖然他比我年輕,但職位卻比我高)

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Q:too much of a good thing 是什麼意思呢?

A:"too much of a good thing" 字面的意思是「太多的好事」,但好事太多,過了頭,未必是好事,甚至可能變成壞事;所謂過猶不及,凡事適中就好。因此,這片語含有告誡或勸導的意味,警告人家,儘管福星高照、好事連連,但也不必太高興,因為任何人都不可能永遠走好運;若碰到太多好事,就要提高警覺、步步為營、謹慎將事,否則物極必反,好事過頭反成壞事。這也就是在一些英文諺語中,too much of a good thing 往往與 bad 或 not good 劃上等號的原因。例如:

  • Too much of a good thing is not always good.
  • Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

在英文中,「too much of a/an + 名詞」這種片語或句型相當常用,意為「太過…,太多…」,如 He’s too much of a cold fish. (他是個過於冷漠的人/他是個很不友善的人)。事實上,與「too much of a/an + 名詞」結構相近的「a bit of a/an + 名詞」 (有點…) 和「something of a/an + 名詞」(有幾分;可說是;算得上) 亦屢見不鮮,如 She’s always been a bit of a mystery to me. (她對我來說總是有點神秘);He’s something of an expert on growing vegetables. (他可說是個種植蔬菜的專家)。

從「too much of a/an + 名詞」這個結構來看,顯然地,其中的名詞一定是單數可數名詞,而其前可用形容詞來修飾,如 too much of a good thing。有人可能會對此結構感到不解,納悶為何不直接使用 too much + 不可數名詞或 too many + 複數可數名詞,卻偏偏把原本水火不容的 too much 和單數可數名詞湊在一起,儘管整個結構語法沒問題,但不無賣弄之嫌。其實不然,這種結構的功用大矣,它解決了某些名詞慣用單數或語法要求須用單數,但又要表達太多、太過之意思或概念時所面臨的困境。例如:

  • We have seen too much defeatism, too much pessimism, too much of a negative approach. (我們看到了太多的失敗主義、太多的悲觀主義和太多的負面傾向) - 在這句中,too much of a negative approach 可用 too many negative approaches 來代替,但這樣一來就無法與前面兩個 too much 呼應,起加強語氣的作用。這句是美國已故著名舞台劇導演兼製作人瑪格•瓊斯 (Margo Jones) 所說的話。
  • Taiwan doesn’t have too much of a downturn. (台灣目前並無太多經濟衰退的趨勢) - Downturn 通常用單數,在此不宜以 too many downturns 來表示。
  • I knew that I’d finished the paper in too much of a rush, and that the final paragraph was probably shady. (我知道這篇報告是我過於倉促趕出來的,最後一段可能有問題) - Rush 在片語 in a rush 中慣用單數,在此不能用 too many rushes。
  • Sandy got fired from that big company because they thought he was too much of a freewheeler. (桑迪被那家大公司開除了,因為他們認為他過於自作主張) - Sandy 是一個人,對應單數的 a freewheeler,若用 too many freewheelers,文法就錯了。

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French office workers are going to war with small pieces of paper.


  Who would have thought that those small, sticky Post-it notes could be used so creatively? In what's being called Post-it wars, office workers in Paris have been trying to _(1)_ each other in coming up with the biggest and the best Post-itartwork.
  The first shot in this raging war was in the spring of 2011, _(2)_ employees at French video game company Ubisoft stuck a small space invader, an aliencreature from a popular video game from the late 1970s, on its windows. Employees at a bank that faced the video company responded by creating a much larger, more elaborate Post-it creation. Ubisoft countered with another even more epic Post-it window _(3)_ , and the battle was on. Soon, workers at other companies across Paris decided to get in on the fun. Post-it fever has _(4)_ spread to other French cities and even other countries.
  The subjects of all these artistic Post-it creations are _(5)_ and can be anything from celebrities, such as Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson, to iconicvideo game figures, including Pac-Man and Super Mario. The more intricatecreations are a few stories high and _(6)_ of thousands and thousands of colorful pieces of paper. A website showing photos of many of the pixelated images was created by a French digital communications agency. You can _(7)_ at www.postitwar.com. The site is in French, but the pictures are worth a thousand words in any language.

1. (A) ignore  (B) outdo  (C) remove  (D) distort
2. (A) what  (B) which  (C) when  (D) where

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Q:Celsius 和 Fahrenheit 縮寫時,C 和 F 的後面是否有句點呢?


A:Celsius (攝氏) 和 Fahrenheit (華氏) 是目前全世界最常用的溫度測量單位,而另一個表示攝氏的單字 centigrade,現在幾已過時不用。

根據大多數的文體指南,在正文中,第一次提到時要將 Celsius 或 Fahrenheit 以及 degrees (度) 完整地拼出來,而度數則用數字表示,如 The mercury hit 30 degrees Celsius/86 degrees Fahrenheit. (氣溫達到攝氏 30 度/華氏 86 度) - 註:Mercury 這個字意為「(溫度計的) 水銀柱」,因此被當作 temperature (氣溫,溫度) 的同義詞,其前都會加上定冠詞 the,以表示某個時間點或地點特定的氣溫。

後續若再提到氣溫或溫度,如果上下文一目了然的話,那麼 degrees 這個字可以省略,而 Celsius 或 Fahrenheit 則縮寫成大寫的 C 或 F,而這兩個縮寫字後面沒有句點;此外,C 或 F 與其前之度數之間須空一格,如 The mercury/temperature hit 30 C/86 F yesterday. (昨天氣溫達到攝氏 30 度/華氏 86 度)。不過,在日常的應用中,即使是第一次提到,如果主詞是 the mercury 或 temperature,往往就直接使用縮寫的 C 或 F 來表示攝氏或華氏 (符號分別為 °C 和 °F),如 The temperature dropped to 2 C (or 2 °C) Saturday night. (週六晚上的氣溫降到攝氏 2 度)。

根據上述,氣溫或溫度的度數要用數字來表示 (不過,有些文體指南則將 1 至 9 度寫成英文字),但零度除外,而且在表示零下幾度時不可使用減號,必須使用英文字,如 It’s 8 degrees below zero. (現在是零下 8 度);The temperature is still minus three. (氣溫仍為零下 3 度)。此外,在表示氣溫或溫度的上升或下降時,動詞是使用 rise 或 drop,而形容詞則使用 high, higher 或 low, lower,不可使用 hot, hotter, warm, warmer 或 cool, cooler, cold, colder。例如:

  • The temperature will rise steadily to a maximum of about 15 C (or 15 °C) tonight. (今晚氣溫將逐步上升至攝氏 15 度左右)
  • The mercury dropped last night. (昨夜氣溫下降了)
  • The temperature is getting higher and higher. (正) (氣溫越來越高)
  • The temperature is getting hotter and hotter/warmer and warmer. (誤) (氣溫越來越熱)
  • The temperature gets lower as altitude gets higher. (正) (海拔越高,氣溫越低)
  • The temperature gets cooler/colder as altitude gets higher. (誤) (海拔越高,氣溫越冷)

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Althaea’s brand



說明:brand 是個大家熟知的單字,意為「商標,牌子;標記,印記,烙印」等,但它也有「燃燒的木柴,燒焦的木柴」的意思,而 Althaea’s brand 中的 brand 就是這意思,因此整個片語直譯就是「阿爾泰亞之薪」或「阿爾泰亞之柴」,而意譯則是「世事難料」、「天有不測風雲」或類似的意思。這片語背後所牽涉的是一段骨肉相殘的悲慘故事,迄今仍令人不勝欷噓。

阿爾泰亞係古希臘卡利敦 (Calydon) 國王俄紐斯 (Oineus) 的妻子 (皇后),育有五子二女,其中有個兒子叫做美爾利佳 (Meleager)。相傳在美爾利佳出生之夜,阿爾泰亞夢見命運女神莫伊拉 (Moirae) 對她說:「美爾利佳的壽命跟妳們家中火爐正在燃燒的那根木柴一樣短暫,木柴燒盡後,妳兒子也會一命嗚呼,但只要將那根木柴拿出火爐不讓它燒掉,妳兒子就可以長命百歲」。阿爾泰亞從睡夢中驚醒後,立即將爐中燃燒的那根木柴取出,待火熄滅後即將其鎖在首飾盒裡,並依照命運女神的吩咐,將其兒子取名為美爾利佳。

33年後,美爾利佳長得英俊又勇敢,是一名公認身手敏捷的優秀獵人。然而,由於美爾利佳的父王俄紐斯疏於祭拜月亮與狩獵女神阿耳特彌斯 (Artemis),後者怒不可遏,乃唆使一頭巨大的野豬肆虐卡利敦,讓卡利敦王國的人民驚恐不已。美爾利佳於是就招募了一批獵人出征打獵除害;這批獵人當中包括他的舅舅、兄長特克修斯 (Troxeus) 以及他心愛的戀人、狩獵技巧聞名遐邇的阿塔蘭忒 (Atalanta)。由於阿塔蘭忒是第一個打傷野豬的人,因此美爾利佳乃將豬皮送給她作為獎勵。美爾利佳的舅舅和兄長對於他把獎品授予女人,感到十分生氣,於是就從阿塔蘭忒手中搶走了豬皮。美爾利佳盛怒之下,拿起長矛,將其舅舅和兄長雙雙刺死 (也有一說認為是將他的兩個舅舅雙雙刺死)!

當噩耗傳回宮中,阿爾泰亞悲痛欲絕,盛怒之下就取出首飾盒裡的木柴放入熊熊烈火中,轉瞬間,火舌就吞噬了木柴,美爾利佳頓時斷氣撒手人寰,阿爾泰亞隨即也懸樑自盡 (也有一說認為阿爾泰亞是用匕首自殺身亡的)。

這一故事令人不勝唏噓,後人就用 Althaea’s brand 來表示「世事難料」、「天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福」或類似的意思。另外,Meleager 亦被用來指「行動矯捷的人」。英語中還有個成語也是源於此,那就是 a brand from the burning,意為「大難得救之人」、「大難不死之人」。


  • Who would have thought that a billionaire of yesterday would turn out a beggar today? What an Althaea’s brand this was! (誰會想到昔日的億萬富翁今天會變成乞丐呢? 世事真是難料啊!)

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Q:see a movie 和 watch a movie 有何不同呢?


A:這兩個片語都意為「看電影」,但兩者觀看影片的場所或所用的裝置並不相同。See a movie 是指在電影院看電影,而 watch a movie 則是在電視上、電腦上或其他可觀賞影片的裝置上看電影。所以,我們可以說 watch movies/videos online (線上看影片),但卻不能說 see movies/videos online。

值得注意的是,中文的「去看電影」,最道地和最標準的英文講法是 (美式英語) see a movie 及 go to the movies - 其中 the movies 是「電影院」,即 movie theater, cinema;(英式英語) see a film 及 go to the cinema。例如:

  • Let’s go (and) see a movie tonight.
    = Let’s go to the movies tonight.
    = Let’s go to the cinema tonight. (今晚去看電影吧)。
  • Have you seen any movies recently?
    = Have you seen any films recently? (你最近有看任何影片嗎?)

至於國內不少人使用的 go to see a movie,純屬中式英語,並非標準講法,甚至有文法錯誤之虞,不要再用了,因為 go to 後面要接地點或場所名詞,如 go to the movies, go to the concert (去聽音樂會), go to school (上學), go to church (做禮拜), go to bed (上床睡覺) 等。

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On the rocks? Top 10 English bartending terms/加冰塊嗎?10句最常用的酒吧術語

你知道Margarita和Martini的區別嗎?如果酒吧的服務生問:"On the rocks,sir?",你會如何回答呢?這裡有一些用語,能幫助你點酒!

On the rocks

這個意思是 '加冰塊', 例如: I'll have a whisky on the rocks.

Single or Double?

這個意思是要多少小杯調酒或酒精濃度。如果你要烈一點的酒,你可以告訴調酒師Make it a double。

這是一種烈酒,例如:vodka, rum, gin, whisky, brandy, tequila。


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A computer game gives players a chance to build or destroy the world's future.

   Everyone has at one time or another wondered what it would be like to control the world. People may imagine themselves as omnipotent, a nurturing spirit, or somewhere _(1)_ between. A new game called Fate of the World gives players an opportunity to make the fantasy come true. There's just one catch. Thechallenges plaguing the players are the same problems that we are _(2)_ facing as a planet in real life.
   From rising oceans to the loss of rainforests, global warming has caused a lot of trouble for Mother Earth. As a player of Fate of the World, you are put _(3)_ global, political, and scientific policies affecting global warming. Using strategy, players must strike a balance between the needs of humans and _(4)_ of the planet. Scenarios in the game are based on real scientific studies, which have made predictions about environmental changes for the next 200 years. The company Red Redemption created this strategy game, but this was not their first time using scientific data for entertainment purposes. In 2006, they launchedClimate Challenge, which is also a game that looks at global warming and has had over one million players since its _(5)_.
   Some of the challenges awaiting Fate of the World players include more than 1,000 disasters, _(6)_ floods, famines, and political scandals. Fifty specific animal species must be saved from extinction, and six tipping points must be avoided in order for society to _(7)_. Perhaps Fate of the World will inspire more people to take action for the planet and battle the negative impacts of global warming.

1. (A) at (B) on (C) in (D) by
2. (A) scarcely   (B) actually (C) hopefully (D) deliberately
3. (A) in charge of(B) in regard to(C) at the cost of(D) at the risk of
4. (A) which (B) what (C) that (D) those

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As pleased as Punch



說明:Punch (潘趣) 是英國著名木偶布袋戲《潘趣與茱迪》(Punch & Judy) 中的男主角,Judy (茱迪) 是他的太太。據說,這一木偶戲早在 1662 年就有資料證明已在英國演出,而 Punch 這個名字本身則源自義大利十六、十七世紀即興喜劇 (commedia dell’arte) 中的人物 Pulcinella (英文拼成 Punch 或 Punchinello)。

典型的《潘趣與茱迪》中約有10個主要角色 (包括這對夫妻、一個嬰兒、一個警察、一個醫生、一個小丑、一隻鱷魚和一隻小狗),但它不是以一個完整的故事來演出,而是由多個不同的片段拼湊而成,在表演形式上有強烈的即興成份,沒有固定情節,因為演出者會依據觀眾反應而將演出片段加長以求達到最佳的效果和氣氛。觀眾也可以隨意和木偶對話。

《潘趣與茱迪》紅白相間的經典小舞台約只有 80公分寬、80公分長,設計精美簡潔。此一木偶戲幕後只有一人演出,他用右手操縱潘趣先生,左手輪流套上不同的角色,並以特殊的發聲技巧演出搞笑橋段,讓觀眾在很短時間內完全沉醉在演出中,樂得哈哈大笑。演完一段,他的助手就會出來收錢,然後再演另一段。

在《潘趣與茱迪》中,潘趣與茱迪是一對事事爭吵不停的夫妻,潘趣先生長相逗趣,有一個大大的鷹鉤鼻 (Roman nose),雞胸駝背,聲如雞叫,十足的小丑扮相,劇中他驕傲自滿,總是調皮地逗唱,但其實他是個惡霸,常常把別人打得抱頭鼠竄。他常說的一句對白是:"That’s the way to do it." (這樣做就對了)。

這成語最初是以 as proud as Punch (非常驕傲;趾高氣揚) 的形式出現,後來才出現現在的形式。這可由英國大文豪狄更斯 (Charles Dickens) 在他的小說中交換地使用這兩個成語得知。他在 1850 年的《塊肉餘生記》(David Copperfield) 中使用 as proud as Punch,而在 1854 年的《艱難時世》(Hard Times) 中使用 as pleased as Punch。


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green shoots 說好的春燕呢?

有讀者問,報紙常用燕子說景氣,英文有沒有相對的字眼呢? 之前在Bloomberg看過一篇文章「”Buy China" Pesticide Withers Those Green Shoots(「買中國貨」這劑殺蟲劑讓復甦的經濟枯萎)。「Green shoots」(綠芽)本來是一個園藝詞彙,90年代初經濟蕭條時期,英國財政大臣Norman Lamont在一次會議中表示「The "green shoots" of economic spring are appearing once again.」(經濟的春天就要來臨,「綠芽」又復甦了。) 因此,綠芽一詞衍生出經濟出現復甦跡象的含義,成了熱門詞彙。二十一世紀初的金融危機,綠芽又重新崛起,但這個詞卻遭到不同程度的抵制。  「The term "green shoots", which sprang into the lexicon during the recession of the early 1990s, is back like a weed. Readers agree it must be stomped out.」(紐約證券經紀公司分析師認為,green shoots的本意為植物發芽抽枝,就目前的經濟形勢而言,只微弱成長,相當於植物種子在土地之下的生長,綠芽尚未萌發。多數美國人也認為這個字太簡單,有粉飾太平的意味。) 有沒有更好的詞,把人們現在對經濟成長的渴望一語道破?美國全球經濟頻道CNBC曾經在網上發起投票活動,鼓勵網友提議並評選出最適合替代「green shoots」的表達字彙。選項以及票選結果是: debug 1220 票數最高的一個詞是"meadow muffins"(牛糞、肥料),占總票數的28%。「We could say the market has dropped meadow muffins in hopes of a strong recovery.」 經濟市場已經灑了肥料,繁榮指日可待。這樣說,還滿有創意的吧! 也有人提名"bamboo roots"(竹子的根),因為竹子的根要在地下生長3至5年之後才會破土而出,與當前的經濟形勢不謀而合。(bamboo roots grow underground for 3 to 5 years before they start breaking ground and shooting for the sky!)  還有人提議"auroral arcs"(極光弧)。極光弧特徵是,短暫增亮隨後很快衰減。同樣和「光」有關的是"a lighter shade of gray"(灰色的淡影),意味著微弱的陽光已經照射進來,投下了淡淡的陰影。  而另一個富有創意的詞是"groundhogs"(土撥鼠)。土撥鼠能夠預測春天還有多遠。人們相信,每年2月2日,土撥鼠會走出洞穴,如果天氣晴朗,它看到了自己的影子,就預示著冬天還將持續6個星期;如果烏雲密佈,它看不到自己的影子,就說明春天很快就會到來。 新的一年就快到了,盼望春燕真的很快能飛回來呢! 

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