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Those (people) who = They/People who = Such (people) as + 複數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人們」。這是 those who 的複數句型,但我們亦可用下面的單數句型來表達相同的意思:He/One who = Anyone who = Whoever + 單數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人」。請看下面的例句:

Those who have money do not want for friends. (凡是有錢的人都不會缺乏朋友)
= Such as have money do not want for friends. (在這句中,as是當關係代名詞)
= He who has money does not want for friends.
= Whoever has money does not want for friends. (Whoever = Anyone who)

下面兩句分別是 those who (主格) 的受格 those whom 和所有格 those whose的應用:

No distance can sever those whom the fate unites. (有緣千里來相會)
Almighty Heaven is not indifferent to those whose hearts are earnest. (皇天不負苦心人)

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(名詞) 喝啤酒賽跑 (比賽) 的參賽者。
beer mile (名詞):喝啤酒賽跑 (比賽)。
beer miling (現在分詞):喝啤酒賽跑。

顧名思義,這項賽跑的距離為一英里,跑四圈,男子組每圈喝一罐啤酒,共喝四罐,而女子組則喝三罐。這項運動比賽起源於加拿大,但有逐漸向世界各地蔓延的趨勢。目前 beer mile 的世界紀錄保持人是一位名叫 Jim Finlayson 的加拿大男士,時間為 5 分 9 秒。

He belongs to a generation of runners whose carefree attitudes have fuelled the popularity of running clubs that prove, according to Canadian Running magazine editor Michal Kapral, "we’re not a bunch of prudes." They include beer milers, who claim a fair number of frat boys but also serious runners.
—Hayley Mick, "A beer before a run? Some serious runners say yes,"The Globe and Mail, October 29, 2009

The event usually happens at a dark, secluded track, away from campus security or city police — sometimes it might even take place on a farmer’s field in the country — but no matter the venue, the challenge remains the same. The contest calls for runners to chug four beers (three for the women’s event) at regular 400m intervals during a mile race, in an attempt to crown the fastest beer miler.
—Mihira Lakshman, "Beer and running — an unlikely pairing," Canadian Running, October 29, 2009

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說明:Hoyle 指的是英國作家 Edmond Hoyle (1672 – 1769);他是公認的紙牌遊戲 (card games) 規則權威,因其紙牌遊戲規則大全及相關著作而馳名。


  • They do everything according to Hoyle. (他們一切都按照規定辦理)
  • You are not playing the game according to Hoyle. (你這樣玩不合規則)
  • According to Hoyle, they need to provide all necessary operation data and report failures. (根據規定,他們必須提供所有必要的操作數據和故障報告)

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1. We need to strike hard and establish our initial market share. 



2. We really need to appeal to younger users. 



3. I don't think we're going to be able to reach new consumers with this product—this will have to be marketed to our existing customer base. 



4. This is the perfect time to try to extend internationally. 

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The days get shorter, the air gets colder, and we all get stuck inside a lot more. Who wouldn't find winter just a little bit depressing? 



Many of us may get a bit blue in the winter, living in the dark, unable to enjoy the weather very much. But for some people, these blues can become something quite serious. Seasonal Affective Disorder (appropriately shortened to “SAD”) is the name for a mood disorder that causes normally mentally healthy people to become seriously depressed in the winter. 



People with SAD may start to have trouble waking up on winter mornings. Some of them may even feel sick in the mornings. They may lose their energy, especially in the afternoon, and they may move slowly and sluggishly. Unlike with other depressions, people with SAD feel hungrier than usual and desire carbohydrates. One sign of SAD, in fact, is gaining significant weight in the winter. SAD sufferers may often become irritable and stop wanting to see friends and family. 


Doctors don't know exactly why people get SAD, but two things are probably important causes: sunlight and hormones in the body. Sunlight is important in several ways. It tells us when to sleep and when to wake up. This may explain the problems SAD sufferers have waking up. Sunlight can also affect how much serotonin our brains produce. Serotonin influences happiness. The lack of sunlight may also cause people to make more melanin, a hormone which makes us slow and sleepy. 


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cut * out +
排除;剔除;(尤因有害健康而) 停止食用
I’m cutting out salt from my diet.

cut out
(引擎、機器等) 停止運轉
The car cut out at the traffic lights just as they went green.

cut * out +
(從報紙、雜誌等) 剪下、割下
cut some pictures out to use as visual aids.

cut out

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說明:Punch (潘趣) 是英國著名木偶布袋戲《潘趣與茱迪》(Punch & Judy) 中的男主角,Judy (茱迪) 是他的太太。據說,這一木偶戲早在 1662 年就有資料證明已在英國演出,而 Punch 這個名字本身則源自義大利十六、十七世紀即興喜劇 (commedia dell’arte) 中的人物 Pulcinella (英文拼成 Punch 或 Punchinello)。

典型的《潘趣與茱迪》中約有10個主要角色 (包括這對夫妻、一個嬰兒、一個警察、一個醫生、一個小丑、一隻鱷魚和一隻小狗),但它不是以一個完整的故事來演出,而是由多個不同的片段拼湊而成,在表演形式上有強烈的即興成份,沒有固定情節,因為演出者會依據觀眾反應而將演出片段加長以求達到最佳的效果和氣氛。觀眾也可以隨意和木偶對話。

《潘趣與茱迪》紅白相間的經典小舞台約只有 80公分寬、80公分長,設計精美簡潔。此一木偶戲幕後只有一人演出,他用右手操縱潘趣先生,左手輪流套上不同的角色,並以特殊的發聲技巧演出搞笑橋段,讓觀眾在很短時間內完全沉醉在演出中,樂得哈哈大笑。演完一段,他的助手就會出來收錢,然後再演另一段。

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start over
It’s a mess – I think we should just start over.

start * up +
He left the company last year to start up his own business.

start up
(聲音) 出現
There was a pause, and then the noise started up again.

start up

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儘管大多數字典所列的意思仍顯示這兩個字的意思有一些重疊的地方,但事實上,它們的意思發展至今幾已分道揚鑣;字典永遠趕不上字詞創新和字義變化之速度,再度獲得印證。當形容詞用的 classic 意為「典型的;經典的;典雅的,(式樣) 簡樸優美的,素雅的;一流的,最優秀的」:This is a classic example/case of bureaucratic inefficiency. (這是一個官僚主義沒有效率的典型例子);William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is a classic novel. (高定的《蒼蠅王》是一部經典小說);That is a (simple) classic suit. (那是一套典雅/素雅的套裝);It wasn’t a classic game, but it was pretty entertaining. (那不是最好的比賽,但卻相當令人開心)。

當名詞用的 classic 意為「經典作品,傑作,名著;經典之作;傑出的事物」:Shakespeare’s plays are among the great classics of English literature. (莎士比亞的戲劇是英國文學中的偉大經典著作);"War and Peace" is a literary classic. (《戰爭與和平》是一部經典文學名著);The goal from John in the 90th minute was a classic. (約翰在第90分鐘時的進球堪稱經典)。必須注意的是,classic 的複數 classics 與意為「(研究古希臘和古羅馬語言、文學、文化和歷史的) 古典學」的 classics 拼字相同。

Classical 意為「正統的;傳統的;古典的 (指古希臘和古羅馬語言、文學、文化和歷史);古典 (音樂) 的;(語言) 文言的,古文的」:Classical scientific ideas about light were changed by Einstein. (愛因斯坦改變了科學上有關光的傳統觀念);How do you explain this in terms of classical Marxist theory? (你怎樣用正統的馬克斯學說來解釋這一點呢?);He is proficient at classical Arabic. (他精通古阿拉伯語)。就「古典的」意思而言,classical 是指與古希臘和古羅馬有關的或受古希臘和古羅馬影響的,所以 classical mythology (古典神話) 指的是「古希臘和古羅馬神話」(ancient Greek and Roman mythology),classical literature (古典文學) 指的是「古希臘和古羅馬文學」,classical education (古典教育) 指的是「希臘文和拉丁文的教育」,而 classical languages (古典語言;古文) 是指「希臘文和拉丁文」。至於 classical music (古典音樂),其最狹義的意思是指大約1750至1830年的音樂,但現在則被廣泛用來指所有非供消遣或娛樂的音樂 (serious music),以別於 jazz (爵士樂)、folk music (名俗音樂) 和 popular music (流行音樂):She prefers pop music and jazz to classical music. (她比較喜愛流行音樂和爵士樂,不太喜愛古典音樂);Bach and Mozart are classical composers. (巴哈和莫札特是古典音樂作曲家)。

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Q:請問 your idea and mine 是指兩人共同的 idea 還是個別的 idea?

A:當兩個或多個所有格修飾同一個名詞或作為同一名詞的限定詞時,有時會產生語意模稜兩可的情況,這種所有格在英文中叫做 linked genitives 或 linked possessives。Mary and John’s father 和 Mary’s and John’s father 在大多數的上下文中都不會引發歧義,指的都是一個父親和他的兩個小孩。然而,David’s and Elizabeth’s hats 則可能指每人一頂帽子或兩人其中之一有多頂帽子或兩人都各有多頂帽子,而 his and her house 似乎是指兩人共有一間房子,但 his and her houses 則語意不清,因為這可能指兩人共有兩間或多間房子或者每人各只有一間房子。語意更模稜兩可的情況也可能發生,如 the prosecutor’s and the defense attorney’s motion 可能是檢察官和辯護律師共同的提議,而 the prosecutor’s and the defense attorney’s motions 可能是個別的提議,但也可能是兩人共同提出的數個提議。

當涉及所有格時,我們必須注意更多可能發生的問題:當你說 your and my idea 或 your idea and mine 時,你是指兩人共同的構想,還是各有一個構想呢? 如果你說 your ideas and mine,那麼它是指這些 ideas 都是兩人共同的構想,或我有數個構想而你有一個或多個構想,還是其中有共同的構想也有個別的構想呢? 總之,當有語意曖昧、含糊的情況發生時,一定要改寫句子,尤其在寫作中,是不容許有任何 ambiguity 的。

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轉喻:喝死的人比淹死的還要多 (勸人少飲酒或勿飲酒)

說明:Bacchus (巴克斯) 為古羅馬神話中的酒神 - 相當於古希臘神話中的酒神 Dionysus (狄奧尼索斯);Neptune (尼普頓) 為古羅馬神話中的海神 - 相當於古希臘神話中的海神 Poseidon (波塞頓)。Neptune 也是太陽系八大行星 (註) 中距離太陽最遠的海王星的英文名稱。事實上,海王星就是以尼普頓命名,因為尼普頓是海神,所以中文譯為「海王星」。

Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune. 這句諺語字面的意思是「酒神淹死的人比海神還要多」,比喻為「喝死的人比淹死的還要多」,其目的在勸人少飲酒或勿飲酒,因為美酒對人之危害遠甚於海水。

註:太陽系 (solar system) 原本有九大行星,但國際天文聯盟 (International Astronomical Union, IAU) 2006年在捷克首都布拉格舉行的第26屆大會中通過決議,將冥王星降級為矮行星 (dwarf planet,亦稱侏儒行星),所以目前太陽系是八大行星。總之,九大行星已正式走入歷史,成為八大行星。


  • "Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune." means "Wine has drowned more men than the sea." (「酒神淹死的人比海神還要多」的意思是「美酒之害甚於海水」)

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Q:電子郵件位址中 @ 的唸法?

A:@ 是個大家再熟悉也不過的符號了,因為它是電子信箱或電子郵件位址 (email address) 中用來分隔用戶名稱 (username) 和提供電子信箱的主機的字元,如 cybertranslator@gmail.com,其中 cybertranslator 是用戶名稱,而 gmail.com 為主機名稱。

@ 在國內叫做「小老鼠」,因其形狀而得名。但如果有一天你必須告訴英美人士你的電子信箱,那麼不要說你跟他們講「小老鼠」他們聽不懂,即使跟他們說 little or small mouse,他們也肯定會一頭霧水。相信許多人已知道 @ 的英文要唸成 "at",但這只是其中一種說法而已。@ 亦可唸成 "arroba"、"commercial at"、"at sign" 或 "at symbol"。以 cybertranslator@gmail.com 為例,如果你要告訴老外這個電子信箱,那麼一般都是這樣說 cybertranslator at gmail dot com,但如果要將它拼出來,那麼通常這樣說 c – y – b – e – r – t – r – a – n – s – l – a – t – o – r – arroba (or commercial at, at sign, at symbol) – g – m – a – i – l – dot – c – o – m。


, comma

‘ apostrophe

" " speech marks, inverted commas 或 quotation marks

& ampersand

+ plus sign

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Teetering along a crumbling walkway over 100 metres high, a group of intrepid climbers carefully inch their way across what has beendubbed the most dangerous path in the world.

And they’re not alone. Adrenaline-junkies have been flocking to southern Spain to experience the 110-year-old El Caminito Del Reybefore work begins to refurbish it next year.

Companies have now begun offering unofficial tours after a video of a walker tackling the hair-raising trail went viral on YouTube.

And you don’t need to be an experienced climber either, the only requirements are that walkers should be at least twelve years old and have a good head for heights.

The trail, also known as the King’s Pathway, was originally built in 1905 for workers to travel between two hydroelectric power plantsbut was closed-off in 2000 after two walkers fell to their deaths.

It snakes its way along cliff edges high up in El Chorro Gorge, thirty miles from Malaga.

Much of the one-metre-wide walkway is crumbing away with rusting supportsgaping holes, no handrails and sections that have completely fallen down.

makeshift wire has now been attached to the rock face which walkers and climbers can clip themselves on to in order to have some degree of security – but many still prefer not to use any safety equipment at all.

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(英) Noughts and crosses is very interesting.
(美) My sisters usually play tick-tack-toe.

(英) noughts and crosses:畫圈打叉的井字遊戲 (雙方輪流在井字上 9 個方格內畫圈或打叉,以先連成一線者獲勝)。注意:noughts and crosses 雖為複數型,但這片語是當不可數名詞用,其動詞必須用單數。
(美) tick-tack-toe:畫圈打叉的井字遊戲 (雙方輪流在井字上 9 個方格內畫圈或打叉,以先連成一線者獲勝)。

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Aid Workers Face Uphill Battle


Last week, Japan was hit by the most devastating earthquake in its history. The magnitude 9.0 quake was followed by a tsunami, which washed away whole towns. Thousands of people are now feared dead. Millions more are enduring everything from power cuts to homelessness. Most frightening of all, a Japanesenuclear power plant is struggling to control a radioactive leak.


Countries from all over the world have scrambled emergency relief teams to help. The UK, the US, Russia, and Taiwan have already deployed aid workers, doctors, and fire fighters. More than 90 countries have sent money to help the relief effort.


With the country still suffering aftershocks, the situation on the ground continues to worsen. Despite the overseas reinforcements, the Japanese Red Cross says they are fighting an uphill battle against hunger, thirst, and cold. Millions of Japanese people face an uncertain future, and not even the world’s help may be enough.



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Q: 如何表達 there is/are 及 something/somebody 等不定代名詞的附加問句?

A:附加問句 (tag questions) 是英文一項重要的特色。附加問句構成的基本原則是:1. 附加問句的主詞與陳述句的主詞一致 2. 附加問句的助動詞與陳述句的助動詞 – be 動詞和語氣助動詞 – 一致 (若陳述句的動詞為普通動詞,則附加問句就使用 do, does 或 did) 3. 若陳述句為肯定,則附加問句通常為否定,反之亦然。請看下面的例句:

  • You won’t forget to check my emails, will you? (你不會忘記查收我的電子郵件,對吧?)
  • You play tennis on Thursdays usually, don’t you? (你經常在週四打網球,不是嗎?)
  • You didn’t play baseball last Friday, did you? (上週五你沒有打棒球,是嗎?)

關於 there is/are 句型的陳述句,其附加問句的主詞仍使用 there 這個「假主詞」(preparatory subject):

  • There’s nothing wrong, is there? (沒有什麼不對,是吧?)
  • There weren’t any problems when you talked to Jack, were there? (你和傑克談話時沒有發生任何問題,對吧?)

至於以 something, somebody, anything, anybody, nothing, no one 等不定代名詞做主詞的陳述句,如果是 something, anything, nothing 等,那麼附加問句是使用 "it" 做主詞;若是 somebody, anybody, no one 等,則使用 "they" 做為附加問句的主詞:

  • Something happened at John’s house, didn’t it? (約翰家裡發生了事情,不是嗎?)
  • No one phoned, did they? (沒有人打電話,對吧?)
  • Somebody wanted to borrow John’s bike, didn’t they? Who was it? (有人想要借約翰的單車,不是嗎? 是誰呢?)


  • You haven’t fed the goldfish, have you? ~ No, I haven’t. You do it. (你沒有餵金魚,對吧? 對啊,我沒有餵。你現在去餵)
  • Excessive speed was the cause of the accident, don’t you agree? ~ Yes, I do. (超速是這起事故的致因,你同不同意? 是的,我同意)

Let’s 的附加問句是 shall we? (表示建議):

  • Let’s go to the movies tonight, shall we? (讓我們今晚去看電影,好嗎?)

英文還有所謂的「肯定的陳述句 – 肯定的附加問句」;在此情況中,我們是先用肯定的敘述來做猜測,然後用附加問句來詢問我們的猜測或假設是否正確:

  • This is the final match of the season, is it? ~ Yes, that’s right. (這是本季最後一場比賽,是嗎? 是的,沒錯)
  • She’s going to marry him, is she? (她將嫁給他,是嗎?)
  • You think she’ll sue for divorce, do you? (你認為她會訴請離婚,對吧?)


  • Open the door, will you? (把門打開,好嗎?)
  • Open the door, won’t you?

這裡使用 will you? 或 won’t you? 的意思並沒有什麼不同,只是 won’t you? 是指說話者預期的回答是否定的。這種附加問句具有將祈使句的命令意味轉換為禮貌性請求的效果,所以它的作用與 please 一樣。所以上面的句子也可改成下面的講法,意思並無二致:

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  其實字首大部份都不出那幾種:a, sub, sus, ob, re, dis, de, in, un, con,
com, pro, pre, pur, ex......雖然列一列還是相當多,不過各種字首其實都有它們特定

(也有放在網頁上 http://ppt.cc/yBgc,請自取)

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Electric Bikes Clean Up


In Taipei, scooters are both popular and ubiquitous. They offer quick, cheap transportation and easy parking. However, they are also responsible for air and noise pollution. Is there any alternative to these two problems? The answer may be the electric bicycle. On Xiamen Island in China, the government hasbanned scooters but allows people to purchase electric bicycles. These machines carry people around silently and do not emit any exhaust. According to China’s environmental protection standards, Xiamen’s air is classed as first rate.  Is every one happy?  No, they are not.  Both the Xiamen traffic department and local residents agree that the growing number of electric bicycles is causing more accidents.  Banning them seems unlikely. Instead, better driver education and stricter enforcement of existing laws are necessary. This should help this quiet and clean alternative to the scooter continue to transport people around Xiamen.





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字義:在你還沒來得及說傑克‧羅賓森來訪 (他就已離去了)


說明:根據英國詞典編纂者法蘭西斯‧葛羅斯 (Francis Grose) 1785 年出版的俚語辭典《A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue》,從前有個名叫 Jack Robinson 的人,他總是匆匆走訪親朋好友,當僕人還沒來得及通報主人說他到訪,他就已不辭而別,轉眼之間消失不見了。這就是一些人所認為的本成語的典故。然而,除此之外,該書對於本成語就未再有任何著墨了。事實上,由於傑克‧羅賓森的身份不可考,絕大多數的文獻都認為他只是個虛構人物。

不過,可以確定的是,before you can say Jack Robinson 起源於 1700 年代。這成語亦可寫成或說成 quicker than you can say Jack Robinson,而比較新的版本則是使用 before you know it 來表達相同的意思。當然了,在這三個同義成語中,can 和 know 會有時態的變化。


  • Before you could say Jack Robinson, the bird flew away. (那隻鳥轉瞬間就飛走了)
  • Before you could say Jack Robinson, he had run away. (轉眼間他就一溜煙跑走了)
  • I’ll catch a plane and be there quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. (我會馬上搭機到那裡)
  • He’ll go there to meet you before you know it. (他會立刻到那裡跟你會面)

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Melted 為 melt 的過去式和過去分詞,但也可當 (分詞) 形容詞用,意為「熔化的;融化的」,如 The chocolate (has) melted. (巧克力融化了);melted chocolate/butter (融化了的巧克力/奶油)。談到 melt,與其相關的一句讚美食物的成語亦值得學習,因為它經常用得到,那就是 melt in the mouth (入口即化),如 These chocolates really melt in your mouth. (這些巧克力真的是入口即化)。

Molten 的意思與 melted 相同,但僅用於需要非常高的溫度才會熔化的物質,亦即熔點 (melting point) 很高的物質 (如岩石、金屬或玻璃),如 molten rock/metal (熔化的岩石/金屬)。

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