1. We need to strike hard and establish our initial market share.
2. We really need to appeal to younger users.
3. I don't think we're going to be able to reach new consumers with this product—this will have to be marketed to our existing customer base.
4. This is the perfect time to try to extend internationally.
5. Hasn't ABC Tech completely saturated this market?
6. We need to focus on one market objective before we can move on.
7. Now's the time to take some risks and go for the big return.
8. I think we need to go in a new direction.
9. Our strategy needs to focus on new customers, not only our existing market.
10. I think we're going to get great penetration with this new product.
11. We're going to need to set up benchmarks to measure our costs and our results.
12. We need our strategy to help us achieve our mission statement.
13. I say we go for penetration and set our initial prices low.
14. Our customer base is small, savvy, and demanding. This is exactly the type of market that calls for a skim pricing strategy.
15. We can't turn new customers off with a price that is too high.
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