財政部公布九月的出口值252億美元,跌破大家眼鏡,不僅比上個月衰退,更比去年同期更衰退了7%, 保二危機再起。
財政部公布的九月出口值252億美元,不僅低於八月,還比去年同期衰退了7%! 出口表現差,歸因於礦產品,像汽油、及光學器材,像LCD(液晶顯示器)兩個項目,下跌幅度最多。
[[電機電子公會理事長 郭台強]]
根據財政部資料,九月對日本出口衰退最多,高達10.9%,另外對中國、美國和東協的減幅也超過8%, 讓人憂心今年GDP能不能保二?
[[外貿協會董事長 王志剛]]
以第三季的出口總值來看,原先預估780億美元,但實際上為761.9億美元,對全年GDP影響為0.25%, 對照之前預估2.31%的經濟成長率,第四季保2,要很拼!
Industry leaders hopeful for strong fourth quarter after September slide (2013/10/08)
Business leaders are optimistic about the fourth quarter despite a sharp decline in exports. Official data released yesterday showed that exports fell by 7 percent in September compared to the same month last year, primarily due to double-digit declines in exports of fuel and LCD products.
Taiwan is known for its strong electronics industry, R&D capabilities and supply chains. Still, it is an export-driven economy highly dependent on other nations.
According to Ministry of Finance data, Taiwan faltered on this front last month. Exports were US$25 billion, lower than August and 7 percent lower than the previous year. The poor performance was attributed to declines in mineral product exports, such as gasoline, and optoelectronic devices, such as LCDs.
Despite these setbacks, the director-general of the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association expressed optimism about his industry’s prospects next quarter.
Gou Tai-chiang
Director-General, TEEMA
The fourth quarter is a peak period for consumer goods. Of course we are hoping for a strong performance in the fourth quarter.
Ministry of Finance data show that exports to Japan fell sharpest in September, dropping by 10.9 percent compared to the previous year. Exports to China, United States and ASEAN nations all fell by more than 8 percent. Such poor numbers are renewing worries of poor GDP growth, though the head of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council believes those concerns are overstated.
Wang Chih-kang
Chairman, TAITRA
Month-to-month variations typically aren’t very important. When looking at the whole picture, I don’t believe we’ll have a problem achieving 2 percent growth.
The government’s statistics bureau originally predicted exports to total US$78 billion in the third quarter, but the actual amount fell about US$2 billion short. The effect will be quarter of a percentage point drop in GDP for the year. With the bureau’s prediction of growth at just 2.31 percent, staying above 2 percent growth will require a stronger fourth quarter.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞