[[立委(民) 黃偉哲]]
[[工作貧窮研究室主任 洪敬舒]]
Minister criticized for equating higher company health insurance contributions to a wage hike (2013/10/08)
Lawmakers and labor representatives are criticizing the nation’s statistics chief after she argued that higher employer contributions for health insurance are equal to a pay raise. The general public, fed up with salaries that remain at the same level as 16 years ago, is unimpressed by the government’s recent attempts to argue that pay for workers is actually on the rise.
Employers are now required to pay more health insurance premiums, and to statistics bureau chief Shih Su-mei, this can be considered a hidden wage increase. Her opinion echoed Premier Jiang Yi-huah’s recent comments that shorter working hours were in effect a pay increase and met equal ridicule from lawmakers.
Huang Wei-cher
DPP Legislator
We should just ask Premier Jiang Yi-huah and the statistics bureau minister to take a hidden pay increase. If they work a few less days, we think the country would be better off.
Jiang was also mocked for saying that a rise in labor pension contributions from 2 to 6 percent can be considered equivalent to a salary increase of 4 percent.
Hung Ching-shu
Director, Research Center of Working Poor
From beginning to end, workers deserved all of this money, so how can we call it a pay raise?
Under the original labor pension system, employers frequently avoided paying into this labor fund. After the law was amended, government officials are now touting the change as a type of hidden pay increase.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞