[[行政院長 江宜樺(9.30)]]
[[檢察總長 黃世銘]]
[[律師 黃帝穎]]
Prosecutor-general says that president told him to brief premier on investigation (2013/10/07)
Under suspicion of illegally leaking information in an ongoing case, today Prosecutor-General Huang Shyh-ming said that President Ma Ying-jeou told him to tell the same information to the premier. If true, then Huang’s allegation will increase heat on the president.
Late last month, Premier Jiang Yi-huah said that the prosecutor-general called to tell him that the speaker was thought to have meddled in a court case.
Jiang Yi-huah (Sept. 30)
It was probably Wednesday, Sept. 4. That morning Huang Shyh-ming called to say he wanted to make an appointment to give me a report. He came the same afternoon.
When answering questions at the Legislature today, Huang revealed that it was Ma Ying-jeou who told him to call Jiang Yi-huah.
Huang Shyh-ming
The president called me and said that I should report not only to him but also to the premier.
If Huang’s allegations are true, then President Ma could be implicated for instigating the leaking of information in an ongoing investigation, a crime that carries a sentence of up to three years. A lawyer said he believes it’s a classic case of one suspect trying to protect himself at the expense of another person.
Huang Di-ying
Generally speaking, when there are accomplices, one suspect will accuse another of instigating the crime. Then they can reduce their own criminal responsibility.
In this case, prosecutors already questioned Huang as a suspect, and the premier, the president, and a former presidential aide as witnesses. As new information comes to light, Huang may end up not being the only suspect.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞