Paying A Handsome Price For A Swift Steed
There was once a King who had a great love for swift steeds. He was willing to pay a thousand pieces of gold for a swift steed. All the same, after three years, he was still waiting.
When an attendant heard about it, he offered his services. The King nodded in approval.
After three months, the attendant finally found a swift steed, but it was dead, He paid five hundred pieces of gold for the head which he brought back to the King.
The King flew into a rage. "I want a live swift steed!" he thundered. "Why on earth did you waste five hundred pieces of gold on a dead one?"
"If people know that you're willing to pay a handsome price even for a dead swift steed," replied the attendant, "they will believe that you reallly love swift steeds. Very soon they will flock to you with their swift steeds."
Indeed, before the year was over, the King had acquired three swift steeds.