
After the cabinet proposed new debt rules for local governments last week, local leaders became highly protective of their budgets. Today lawmakers joined the fight, arguing for better treatment of their respective districts. 

Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin does not want to see local funds dry up. He continued his recent attacks on the cabinet.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The Ministry of Finance is still unable to provide its formula or the numbers it uses.

Finance Minister Chang Sheng-ford ripped into Hau and his local counterparts. Chang asks why localities are spending so much on New Year’s events when they say money is tight.

Chang Sheng-ford
Finance Minister
You don’t cut back on expenditures but you’re still crying poor. You don’t have to invite such big music stars for fireworks shows. You could try something else, like everyone watching the sunrise.

It’s not just mayors and county commissioners fighting for the localities. Lawmakers are demanding better treatment of their individual districts.

Chao Tien-lin
DPP Legislator
Factories are all in southern Taiwan, but their headquarters are in Taipei. That means their business tax is paid there, so when tax revenues are allocated, Taipei is favored.

Local interests have led to nearly 20 versions of a draft amendment to the Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures. For now, politicians don’t want to look weak in front of constituents.



[[台北市 郝龍斌]]


[[財政部長 張盛和]]


[[立委(民) 趙天麟]]


文章出處 :民視英語新聞



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