Scientists have revealed that just by looking at the flickering screen could banish your hunger pangs, and so a broken TV or a TV that needs tuning could be helpful.
Food cravings seem to disappear instantly if someone spends just a few seconds at the black and white flickering screen. The volunteers who carried a hand held computer device displayed the flickering images and reported that their hunger pangs did subside by almost 23 per cent immediately after they watched them.
During the course of the study, by psychologists at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, they also consumed nearly 40 per cent fewer calories than participants who did not view the images.
The highly unusual dieting regime deploys a technique known as dynamic visual noise, where thousands of tiny black and white dots bounce around the screen.
Scientists have been using dynamic visual noise in the laboratory for years, mainly to analyse how it affects short term working memory.
But now research is beginning to show it can help people diet by blocking the vivid images that form in the brain when we experience sudden food cravings for treats like chocolate, ice cream or chips.
pang:名詞,(肉體上)劇痛, 苦痛。例句:I had experienced the pangs of hunger. (我曾經歷過飢餓的折磨。)
banish:動詞,驅逐、消除。例句:He tried to banish gloom from his thought.(他試圖驅除心中的憂愁。)
regime:生活規則、飲食起居制度、養生法。例句:a low-calorie, low-fat regime(一種低卡低脂飲食法)。
文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞