Irving Mann, 88, was serving in the 90th Infantry Division in Nazi-occupied France in 1944.
He was recently contacted by a French woman who claimed to have found his dog tag in her barley field, but was initially skeptical.
However, a series of email exchanges between Mr Mann's daughter-in-law and the French woman, Sophie LaFollie, eventually convinced him after she relayed the serial number on the tag - 42023412.
Mr Mann, a jewellery store owner in New York, said his unit had dug in near the village of Rethel in 1944 and traded rations for eggs from a nearby farmhouse.
He added that he was unsure how he lost the dog tag, although it could have happened while he dug foxholes.
dog tag:名詞,狗牌,或兵籍牌,軍事人員識別牌的非正式稱呼,與掛在真正的狗身上的狗牌類似而得名。狗牌作用在於識別死傷士兵的身分。
dig in:慣用語,開始大快朵頤。例句:He tossed some ketchup and mayonnaise on the omelet rice and dug in.(他朝蛋包飯灑了些番茄醬與美乃滋,然後開始大快朵頤。)
trade someone or something for someone or something:慣用語,拿某人或某物來換某人或某物,交換。例句:Mary traded her old branded handbag for a new dress with her friend.(瑪莉拿她的舊的名牌包跟朋友換來一件新洋裝。)
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