


[[立委(民) 姚文智]]

[[律師 顧立雄]]


[[作家 馮光遠]]
“今天當選民對很多候選人都還沒有這麼認識的時候,就開始要來做所謂的整合 那個基礎我覺得不是很公平,真正的整合應該是投票那天,選民自己來整合”


The DPP has confirmed that a poll will be held Tuesday evening to choose from among four party candidates for Taipei mayor. But that won’t be the end of this long, drawn-out process. The winner of the poll will then face non-party contenders such as Dr. Ko Wen-je in another poll that will determine the nominee who faces the KMT’s Sean Lien. 

After negotiations to settle on the intraparty Taipei primary, two DPP candidates sought to make their case for election to voters.

Pasuya Yao
DPP Legislator, Taipei Candidate
Among all the candidates, I am the one with central and local government experience, with administrative and legislative experience. I may be the youngest, but I have more than 20 years political experience.

Wellington Koo
Lawyer, Taipei Candidate
I saw that the mayor of Seoul and I have very similar backgrounds. Have you seen that we are both lawyers? At the beginning, his poll numbers were poor, but they quickly rose at the end.

The first DPP poll will take place on Tuesday evening. Four candidates will be compared head-to-head with KMT nominee Sean Lien, with results announced on Wednesday. The winner will then negotiate with independent candidates, such as Ko Wen-je and Neil Peng, before a second poll to choose one main pan green nominee. The process could last until the middle of June.

Neil Peng
Writer, Taipei Candidate
Today, at a time when many voters don’t know much about the candidates, the so-called process of reconciliation has begun. I don’t believe there’s a fair foundation. True reconciliation should come on the day of the vote and be carried out by voters.

As the KMT nominee prepares for November’s election, the DPP is still trying to figure out how to choose the person who will face him.

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