Tasty Taiwanese Treats 饒河街觀光夜市登上《孤獨星球》雜誌 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20141214/36266542/TastyTaiwaneseTreats For the past few decades, the taste and diet of Taiwan’s cuisine have changed a lot. A prime example of this change of taste is Taipei’s Raohe Street Night Market. It is so famous that it has even been listed in the secret places section of a Lonely Planet magazine in Germany recently. This is Taipei’s oldest night market and it sits between the Keelung River and the Songshan Train Station. The night market features many typical Chinese favorites as well as many unique Taiwanese treats. Stinky tofu, century eggs, and oyster omelets are but a few examples. A visit to Raohe will not disappoint you. 過去幾十年以來,台灣料理的口味和食物已經有很大的改變。而這種口味上的變化,最典型的一個例子就是台北的饒河街觀光夜市。饒河街觀光夜市很有名,甚至最近還曾被德國版的《孤獨星球》雜誌列為精選私房景點之一。饒河街觀光夜市是台北歷史最悠久的夜市,其地點座落在基隆河和松山火車站之間。夜市的特色美食有大家都喜愛的許多正宗中華料理,還有許多獨特的台灣小吃。臭豆腐、皮蛋,還有蚵仔煎只是其中的一些例子。來饒河街觀光夜市一趟絕對不會讓您失望。 |
目前分類:未分類文章 (1748)
- Dec 06 Sat 2014 17:15
Tasty Taiwanese Treats 饒河街觀光夜市登上《孤獨星球》雜誌
- Dec 05 Fri 2014 17:15
Limestone ’Venus’ 23,000 years old dug up in France 有2萬3000年歷史的石灰石「維納斯」在法國出土
Limestone ’Venus’ 23,000 years old dug up in France 有2萬3000年歷史的石灰石「維納斯」在法國出土 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=835784&day=2014-12-03 A limestone statuette of a shapely woman some 23,000 years old has been discovered in northern France. 一尊2萬3000年前豐滿勻稱的石灰石女子塑像,在法國北部被發現。 Archaeologists stumbled on the Paleolithic-era sculpture during a dig in the summer in Amiens, the first such find in a half-century. |
- Dec 04 Thu 2014 17:14
Thomas Jefferson (美國第三任總統)
Thomas Jefferson (美國第三任總統) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2014/03/thomas-jefferson-3/ “Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.” – Thomas Jefferson, Third U.S. President 「我們最大的快樂,不是因機運而帶來優渥的生活條件,反而一直都是良知、健康、工作及追求正當行為的結果。」– 湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜 (美國第三任總統) conscience (n.) 憑良心應該做某事情。例:statements made in good conscience (憑良心做出的陳述)。just (adj.) 公平的,正當的。 |
- Dec 03 Wed 2014 17:14
No matter what you're doing, friends always have your back.
No matter what you're doing, friends always have your back. 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自https://www.facebook.com/facebook/photos/a.376995711728.190761.20531316728/10153167888426729/?type=1 |
- Dec 02 Tue 2014 17:14
Brad Pitt: Actor, Producer, Father, and Humanitarian
Brad Pitt: Actor, Producer, Father, and Humanitarian 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20141202/36241595/BradPitt:Actor,Producer,Father,andHumanitarian Pitt's talent and success as an actor and producer have earned him a lot of praise from fans and critics. Others admire him just as much or more for his charity work. Along with his wife Angelina Jolie, Pitt set up a charitable organization in 2006 named the Jolie-Pitt Foundation. Through that foundation, they have given away millions of US dollars to help people in need. One example of this is US$1 million given to Doctors Without Borders to provide emergency assistance to people suffering from the major earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Pitt and Jolie have also adopted children from poor countries, including Ethiopia and Vietnam. The couple has a family of eight, with three biological children. Recently, it was announced that the entire Jolie-Pitt family members will star in the upcoming movie, Cleopatra. 布萊德.彼特身兼演員和製作人的才華和成功使他獲得粉絲和影評人的廣大好評。其他人則欽佩他做了不少慈善事業。2006 年他和妻子安潔莉娜.裘莉(這對銀色夫妻又簡稱「布裘」)成立了一個叫作「布裘慈善基金會」的組織。透過該基金會,他們已捐出數百萬美元幫助窮人。其中一個例子便是捐一百萬美元給「無國界醫生組織」提供 2010 年海地大地震的受難災民緊急援助。布裘也領養了一些來自於貧窮國家包括衣索比亞和越南的孩子。這對夫妻有一家八口,其中有三個是他們親生的孩子。最近布裘全家對外宣稱將會在即將上映的電影《埃及豔后》中演出。 |
- Dec 01 Mon 2014 17:13
Martin Luther King (民運領袖)
Martin Luther King (民運領袖) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/2014/03/martin-luther-king-5/ “The time is always right to do what is right.” – Martin Luther King, Civil Rights Leader 「做對的事永遠都是時候。」– 馬丁‧路德 (民運領袖) 馬丁‧路德 (1929-1968) 以非暴力方式領導黑人抗爭美國種族歧視,在 35 歲成為史上最年輕的諾貝爾和平獎得主。他在華盛頓遊行的「我有一個夢想」演說,奠定了他在歷史上的演說家地位。 |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:18
American Woman Follows God to Africa 凱蒂媽咪:愛無止境,永不保留
American Woman Follows God to Africa 凱蒂媽咪:愛無止境,永不保留 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/ In late 2006, Katie Davis made a trip that would change her life. As an 18-year-old, Davis decided to travel to Uganda. The next year, the young American woman returned to the East African country. The second time, she was more than just a tourist because she taught kindergarten at an orphanage. During that time, Davis became very aware of the incredible poverty in the country. Davis learned that many families could not afford to send their kids to school in Uganda because they did not have the money for the tuition fees. A deeply religious person, Davis felt that God wanted her to help the Ugandan children. As a result , she chose to begin a program that encourages people all over the world to give money to help the African children. Her program now provides education and three hot meals a day for more than 600 children. Davis has also adopted 13 girls and written a popular book, Kisses from Katie, about her experience. 凱蒂•戴維斯在 2006 年末去了一趟旅行因而改變她的人生。十八歲時,凱蒂決定要到烏干達旅行。隔年,這位年輕的美國女子返回東非。第二次來訪時,凱蒂不只是一名觀光客,因為她在孤兒院中教幼稚園兒童。在那段期間,凱蒂非常瞭解這個國家令人難以相信的貧窮狀況。 凱蒂知道許多烏干達的家庭負擔不起送小孩上學,因為他們沒有錢支付學費。凱蒂信仰非常虔誠,她覺得上帝希望她能幫助烏干達的小孩。因此,她選擇開展一個計劃來鼓勵全球人士捐錢幫助非洲兒童。現在,她的這項計劃提供六百多名兒童受教育和一天熱騰騰的三餐。凱蒂也領養了十三位女孩並寫了一本有關她人生經歷的暢銷書 ──《凱蒂之愛》。 |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:17
Zig Ziglar (勵志演說家)
Zig Ziglar (勵志演說家) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “Success is not a destination: It is a journey. The happiest people I know are those who are busy working toward specific objectives. The most bored and miserable people I know are those who are drifting along with no worthwhile objectives in mind.” – Zig Ziglar, Motivational Speaker 「成功不是一個終點:它是一個旅程。我所認識最快樂的人,他們為特定目標忙碌。我所認識最無聊、最不愉快的人,他們缺乏有意義的目標且隨波逐流。」– 吉格‧金克拉 (勵志演說家) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:17
China on the lookout for Putin’s roaming tiger 中國尋找普廷的流浪老虎
China on the lookout for Putin’s roaming tiger 中國尋找普廷的流浪老虎 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.ltn.com.tw/ China is on the hunt for a Siberian tiger released into the wild by Russian President Vladimir Putin, state media said on Thursday, after the animal roamed across the border, likely in search of food. 國營媒體週四表示,中國正在追捕被俄羅斯總統普廷野放的一隻西伯利亞虎,牠可能為找食物而跨越中俄邊境。 The tiger, named Kuzia, was one of three of the rare wild cats that Putin helped release into Russia’s remote Amur region in eastern Siberia in May. |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:17
Henry David Thoreau (哲學家)
Henry David Thoreau (哲學家) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “Men are born to succeed – not to fail.” – Henry David Thoreau, Philosopher 「人們天生適合成功 – 不是失敗。」– 亨利‧大衛‧梭羅 (哲學家) born to be/do something (n.) 天生適合做某事。例:He is born to be a solider. (他是天生的軍人。) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:16
Daniel Webster (政治家)
Daniel Webster (政治家) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “If we work marble, it will perish; if we work upon brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds and instill into them just principles, we are then engraving upon tablets which no time will efface, but will brighten and brighten to all eternity.” – Daniel Webster, Statesman 「我們若在大理石動工,它會自然損壞;我們若在銅器動工,時間也會將之抹去;我們若建造廟宇,它也會崩裂為塵土。我們若在不死的心靈動工,並灌輸公平的原則,這如同在石板上雕刻,它不會被時間抹去,且將永遠發光發亮。」– 丹尼爾‧韋伯斯特 (政治家) perish (v.) 損壞,腐爛。rear (v.) 養育,建立。例:It’s not a good place to rear children. (這不是撫養小孩的好地方。) crumble (v.) 崩潰,碎裂。例:The cracker crumbled in my hand. (餅乾在我手裡碎裂。) instill (v.) 逐漸灌輸、教導。例:It is the coach’s job to instill confidence into his players. (給予選手自信是教練的任務。) engrave (v.) 雕刻。The Gods’ names were engraved on a stone tablet. (神明的名字已刻在石板上。) eternity (n.) 永恆。例:a shell preserved for all eternity as a fossil (貝殼因成為化石而永遠保存)。 |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:16
Istanbul in an Instant 浪漫綺麗異國風 漫遊伊斯坦堡
Istanbul in an Instant 浪漫綺麗異國風 漫遊伊斯坦堡 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/ Turkey is a country that has seen many empires come and go. The influences of these past empires can be seen from the varied architecture of Istanbul. Speaking of this, look no further than the Hagia Sofia. Once a church, then a mosque, it is now a museum. Completed in the year 537, its towers and huge dome make it one of the finest examples of Byzantine architecture anywhere in the world. For a taste of Istanbul as a great center of trade, head to the Grand Bazaar. This is one of the oldest and largest covered markets. No visit to Istanbul would be complete without seeing the Bosphorus River. Take a boat trip, or enjoy some famous Turkish seafood in one of the many restaurants on the riverbank. Don’t forget to try the kabab, a delicious Turkish street food. All this and more awaits in this city of treasure. 土耳其是一個見證許多帝國盛衰興亡的國家。昔日這些帝國的影響力可由伊斯坦堡各式各樣的建築看出。說到這點,只要看看聖索菲亞大教堂就行。聖索菲亞大教堂曾是座教堂,然後轉成清真寺,而今是座博物館。在西元 537 年完工,它的尖塔和巨大的圓頂使它成為世上最傑出的拜占庭式建築典範之一。 想體驗一下做為重要貿易中心的伊斯坦堡,就去大市集逛逛吧。這是最古老、最大的有遮蓋的市場之一。到伊斯坦堡旅行一定也要看一看他們的博斯普魯斯河。坐船遊河或是在河岸邊的眾多餐廳之一大啖一些有名的土耳其海鮮。別忘了嚐嚐烤羊肉串,這是一種美味的土耳其街頭小吃。不僅僅是這些,這座瑰寶之城還有更多更精采的事物等著你去探索呢。 |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:16
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (哲學家)
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (哲學家) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Philosopher 「克服困難的條件一直都很簡單。我們只需要努力一會兒、堅持一會兒、永遠保持信念,且絕不折返。」– 塞內卡 (哲學家) conquest (n.) 克服,征服 (艱難、危險事物)。toil (v.) 長時間辛勞工作。endure (v.) 忍耐,堅持。例:There are limits to what the human body can endure. (人體的耐力是有限度的。) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:16
Shailene Woodley (演員)
Shailene Woodley (演員) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “Worry is the product of a future that we cannot guarantee and guilt is the product of a past we cannot change.” – Shailene Woodley, Actress 「無法保證的未來帶來憂慮,無法改變的過去帶來罪惡感。」– 雪琳‧伍德莉 (演員) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:15
Instead of ticket, officer buys girl booster seat 與其開罰單,員警為女童買安全座椅
Instead of ticket, officer buys girl booster seat 與其開罰單,員警為女童買安全座椅 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.ltn.com.tw/ A Michigan officer who pulled over a vehicle because a 5-year-old girl wasn’t secured in a booster seat decided a ticket wouldn’t cut it. 美國密西根州一名以車內有未坐在安全座椅上的5歲女童為由、要求駕駛人路邊停車的警員,認為開罰單無法解決問題。 Instead, Emmett Township public safety officer Ben Hall bought her a seat. |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:15
Dwight Eisenhower (美國第 34 任總統)
Dwight Eisenhower (美國第 34 任總統) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “You do not lead by hitting people over the head — that’s assault, not leadership.” – Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States 「領導不是敲打別人的頭 – 那是攻擊,不是領導。」– 德懷特‧艾森豪 (美國第 34 任總統) assault (n.) 攻擊。例:He was charged with assault. (他被控訴攻擊他人。) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:15
Ralph Waldo Emerson (詩人)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (詩人) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “A hero is no braver than anyone else; he is only brave five minutes longer.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet 「英雄沒有比別人勇敢;他只是多勇敢五分鐘而已。」– 拉爾夫‧愛默生 (詩人) 拉爾夫‧愛默生 (1803-1882) 為美國思想家、演說家、作家及詩人,在 19 世紀領導美國的「超驗主義」運動,主張一種理想的精神狀態會超越人的肉體經驗,對美國文化有深遠的影響。 |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:14
Cirque du Soleil:A Circus Like No Other 獨一無二的視覺饗宴-太陽劇團
Cirque du Soleil:A Circus Like No Other 獨一無二的視覺饗宴-太陽劇團 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/ Cirque du Soleil, which in English means Circus of the Sun, is a show unlike any other. While most circuses feature animals, there are none to be found in Cirque du Soleil. The Cirque also does not have a ring in which the acts take place. Instead, these highly creative shows present acrobats performing fantastic stunts along with powerful,dramatic music. There are numerous Cirque du Soleil shows based on various themes. One show, named Love, is built around the music of The Beatles, for example. Another Cirque show features Michael Jackson's hits as well as his looks from different stages of his career. Cirque du Soleil 在英文裡的意思為太陽的馬戲表演,是一種與眾不同的表演。雖然大部分的馬戲表演都是以動物為主要特色,但是在太陽劇團裡連一隻動物都看不到。這個劇團也沒有表演節目的環狀場地。這些極具創意的表演呈現給觀眾的反而是雜技演員伴隨強而有力且戲劇效果十足的音樂來表演驚人的特技。太陽劇團有許多表演是以各種不同的主題為依據的。比如說,一場名為「愛」的表演就是以披頭四的音樂為基礎打造的。另外一場太陽劇團的表演是以麥可•傑克森的暢銷歌曲以及他生涯不同階段的造型為主要特色。 |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:14
B.C. Forbes (雜誌創辦人)
B.C. Forbes (雜誌創辦人) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “Sudden rises are sometimes followed by equally sudden falls. I have most faith in the individual or enterprise that advances step by step.” – B.C. Forbes, Founder of Forbes Magazine 「快速崛起有時伴隨的是同樣快速的衰敗,我對一步步向上提升的個人及企業最有信心。」– 富比士 (雜誌創辦人) equally (adv.) 相等的,等同的。例:She is equally competent. (她的能力也是一樣的好。) faith (n.) 信心,信念。例:I have faith in you. (我對你有信心。) advance (v.) 前進,進步。例:The army advanced across the field. (軍隊越過了田野。) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:14
Tryon Edwards (神學家)
Tryon Edwards (神學家) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ “There is nothing so elastic as the human mind. The more we are obliged to do, the more we are able to accomplish.” – Tryon Edwards, Theologian 「人的心智比什麼都有彈性,我們被要求的愈多,可以完成的就愈多。」– 泰倫.愛德華茲 (神學家) elastic (adj.) 彈性的,有伸縮性的。oblige (v.) 迫使,使 (某人) 非做不可。例:Many parents feel obliged to pay for part of the wedding. (許多家長認為他們必須支付孩子部份的婚禮費用。) |