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中英對照讀新聞》Seductive rubbish: Swedish dustbins scream with pleasure誘人的垃圾:瑞典垃圾桶愉悅喊叫
2022/06/20 05:30
"Aaah that was really good", "come back soon and do it again" and "Mmmm, thank you".

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2022/06/16 05:30



An elusive Indonesian crocodile with a motorcycle tyre stuck around its neck for six years, has finally been freed by an animal lover on the island of Sulawesi.


  • 印尼一隻鱷魚的脖子被輪胎纏繞6年後終於獲救。(美聯社檔案照)





The roughly four-metre crocodile had generated sympathy among some residents in the city of Palu who feared the tyre might eventually choke the reptile as it grew in size.

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2022/06/15 05:30


The Pulitzer prizes have honoured the journalists of Ukraine with a special citation hailing the country’s reporters for the “courage, endurance and commitment to truthful reporting” that they have shown since the Russian invasion.


  • 戰地記者3月29日檢視基輔郊區布洛瓦利一處被炸毀的糧食倉庫。(美聯社資料照)




"The Pulitzer prize board is pleased to award a special citation to the journalists of Ukraine for their courage, endurance and commitment to truthful reporting during Vladimir Putin’s ruthless invasion of their country and his propaganda war in Russia," said prize administrator Marjorie Miller.


The Pulitzer board wrote: "Despite bombardment, abductions, occupation, and even deaths in their ranks, they have persisted in their effort to provide an accurate picture of a terrible reality, doing honour to Ukraine and to journalists around the world."

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2022/06/12 05:30



Some players meditate, other medicate but for Daria Kasatkina the recipe for winning matches is simple: French fries.


The Russian, who beat Viktoria Kudermetova in straight sets to cruise into her first ever Grand Slam semi-final on Wednesday, has not dropped a single set so far in the tournament.


"French fries make a lot of difference, I must say, and here they are good in France," the Russian said.


"If you play good, you have to treat yourself. Even if you are not playing good it’s not bad to treat yourself." (Reuters)


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2022/06/09 05:30



A letter written to a 12-year old girl in Lithuania was delivered in December, almost 51 years after it was sent by a pen pal in Poland.


  • 立陶宛郵局終於寄出藏在通風管50年的信件。(路透檔案照)





"I thought that someone was pranking me", said Genovefa Klonovska after being handed the letter, which included a handmade colored rose and two paper dolls.

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2022/06/08 05:30


Greece on Thursday accused its neighbour Turkey of undermining NATO unity by violating its airspace with fighter jets, prompting an angry Turkish response that blamed Athens for "provocative" violations of its own airspace.

  • 希臘總理米佐塔基斯5月3日出席亞歷山德魯波利(Alexandroupoli)的浮式液化天然氣站計畫啟動儀式。(彭博資料照)



Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said he had informed NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg of the issue.


"It undermines European security as well as the unity ... of NATO", he said.


In a statement responding to Greece’s remarks, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Athens’ comments did not reflect reality, that Greece was instigating tensions, and that the Turkish Air Force had responded to the "provocations" in accordance with engagement rules. (Reuters)

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2022/06/06 05:30



A dentist claims that smooching is excellent for dental health as it boosts saliva production and clears the mouth of bacteria and acids that cause decay.


  • 研究發現,接吻有益牙齒健康。示意圖。(法新社檔案照)





Orthodontist Khaled Kasem thinks that people should spend four minutes a day locking lips on top of the traditional brushing and flossing.

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2022/06/02 05:30


The Rhode Island farmhouse that inspired the 2013 horror movie "The Conjuring" has been sold to a Boston developer who plans to keep it open to the public.

  • 恐怖電影《厲陰宅》取材的房舍。(美聯社)



The 18th century home was sold for $1.525 million, far higher than the $1.2 million asking price.


"This purchase is personal for me," said buyer Jacqueline Nunez, owner of WonderGroup LLC. "It’s not a real estate development. It’s around my own beliefs."


Nunez plans to continue the paranormal business. Guests will be able to continue the nightly paranormal investigations, day tours will resume and there will be livestreamed events.

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2022/06/01 05:30


A stowaway cat who was flown ashore from a North Sea platform has been reunited with his owner - five years after going missing.

  • 獲救的「獨眼貓喬」。(取自蘇格蘭防止虐待動物協會官網https://www.scottishspca.org/)



The one-eyed cat was discovered on Thursday inside a shipping container that had been shipped from Peterhead.


The crew of the offshore platform fed their unexpected visitor on chicken from the canteen and called in the Scottish SPCA.


On Friday morning he was flown by helicopter into Aberdeen and handed over to the charity.

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2022/05/30 05:30



Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk said on Wednesday that while he voted for Democrats in the past, he will now vote for Republicans.


  • 馬斯克稱不再支持民主黨,將改投共和黨。(路透)





"In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican," he tweeted.


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2022/05/26 05:30


A small brewery in Finland has launched a NATO-themed beer to mark the Nordic country’s bid to join the Western military alliance.

  • 芬蘭一家釀酒廠推出「北約啤酒」。(美聯社)



Olaf Brewing’s OTAN lager features a blue label with a cartoon version of a beer-drinking medieval knight in metal armor emblazoned with NATO’s compass symbol.


The beer’s name is a play on the Finnish expression "Otan olutta," which means "I’ll have a beer," and the French abbreviation for NATO, which is "OTAN." The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has two official languages, English and French.


CEO Petteri Vanttinen described the new lager as having "a taste of security, with a hint of freedom."(AP)

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2022/05/25 05:30


Plans for Pope Francis to meet in June with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, who has backed Russia’s war in Ukraine, have been suspended, the pope has told an Argentine newspaper.

  • 天主教教宗方濟各4月6日在每週公開接見活動上,拿著一面來自烏克蘭布查鎮的烏克蘭國旗。(法新社)



A Vatican source said on Friday that it had been at an advanced stage, with even the location for the meeting chosen.


Francis told La Nacion in an interview that he regretted that the plan had to be "suspended" because Vatican diplomats advised that such a meeting "could lend itself to much confusion at this moment".


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2022/05/23 05:30


The emperor penguin, which roams Antarctica’s frozen tundra and chilly seas, is at severe risk of extinction in the next 30 to 40 years as a result of climate change, an expert from the Argentine Antarctic Institute (IAA) warned.

  • 氣候變遷加劇,皇帝企鵝面臨絕種嚴重風險。(法新社)



The emperor, the world’s largest penguin and one of only two penguin species endemic to Antarctica, gives birth during the Antarctic winter and requires solid sea ice from April through December to nest fledgling chicks.


If the sea freezes later or melts prematurely, the emperor family cannot complete its reproductive cycle.


"If the water reaches the newborn penguins, which are not ready to swim and do not have waterproof plumage, they die of the cold and drown," said biologist Marcela Libertelli, who has studied 15,000 penguins across two colonies in Antarctica at the IAA.

阿根廷南極研究所生物學家利伯泰利(Marcela Libertelli)對南極洲2個棲息地總計1萬5000隻企鵝進行研究。她說:「如果海水觸及還不會游泳且尚未長出防水羽毛的新生企鵝,牠們就會被凍死或溺死。」

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2022/05/19 05:30


n a deal that one Instagram user called "peak San Francisco," a 120-year-old home sold in mid-January for just shy of $2 million.


  • 舊金山「最佳地段的最糟房屋」以近200萬美元售出。(美聯社檔案照)




According to its listing, the property has one bathroom, and a kitchen that appears to date to World War II, but zero bedrooms.


It is "the worst house on the best block making it a fantastic opportunity," the real-estate agents Todd and Kim Wiley wrote.

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中英對照讀新聞》Why Koreans could soon become a year younger 為什麼韓國人可能即將年輕1歲
2022/05/18 05:30
"How old are you"? It’s a simple question with a clear answer. But for those in South Korea, answering this question is anything but straightforward.

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2022/05/16 05:30



Hundreds of people around the world are applying for a coveted job to run the world’s most remote post office. The position is in Antarctica and one of the key specifications is the ability to count penguins.


  • 棲息在南極洲的皇帝企鵝。(法新社檔案照)





Four candidates will be chosen to fill the five-month role at Port Lockroy – affectionately dubbed the “Penguin Post Office”. The nearly-80-year-old building is on British-owned Goudier Island, which is about the size of a football field and is populated by hundreds of penguins

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2022/05/12 05:30


Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after the end of their military service so that the next group of recruits can use them.

  • 去年6月,時任挪威總理索柏格(Erna Solberg)對阿富汗歸國官兵發表談話。(路透資料照)

    去年6月,時任挪威總理索柏格(Erna Solberg)對阿富汗歸國官兵發表談話。(路透資料照)


The Norwegian military said that it is struggling with dwindling supplies, in part due to the pandemic.


Until recently, the roughly 8,000 young men and women who every year do their military service returned their outer clothing but were allowed to leave barracks with the underwear and socks they were issued.


Military service is mandatory for both men and women in Norway and lasts between 12 and 19 months.

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2022/05/11 05:30


Alexei Navalny has called for an “information front” against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


  • 布拉格的俄裔人士拿著印有俄國反對派領袖納瓦尼肖像的海報,參與反對俄國入侵烏克蘭的抗議活動。(路透資料照)




Navalny called on western leaders to support a massive social media ad campaign in order to break through Kremlin propaganda regarding the invasion.


"A huge national anti-war campaign will start with an advertising campaign. Two hundred million impressions a day to reach every Russian internet user twice," wrote Navalny.

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2022/05/08 05:30


Robots in Japan are found on factory floors carrying out simple tasks or delivering food to restaurant patrons but researchers have now unveiled a robot capable of executing the delicate task of peeling a banana without squashing the fruit inside.

  • 日本東京大學的研究人員展示雙臂機器人如何剝掉香蕉皮。(路透)



While the dual-armed machine is only successful 57% of the time, banana peeling points to a future where machines undertake more subtle operations than moving metal parts or delivering coffee.


Video from researchers at the University of Tokyo showed the robot pick up and peel a banana with both hands in about three minutes.


Researchers Heecheol Kim, Yoshiyuki Ohmura and Yasuo Kuniyoshi trained the robot using a "deep imitation learning" process where they demonstrated the banana-peeling action hundreds of times to produce sufficient data for the robot to learn the actions and replicate it.


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2022/05/06 05:30


Traveling around the world while staying in other people’s homes for free might sound too good to be true. But a semi-retired couple from Norfolk, England have managed to do just that.

  • 一對英國中年夫婦環遊世界時,靠幫人照顧房子與寵物換取免費住宿。圖為2人在澳洲雪梨幫人照顧房子與寵物。(取自臉書社團The Global Pet Sitters)

    一對英國中年夫婦環遊世界時,靠幫人照顧房子與寵物換取免費住宿。圖為2人在澳洲雪梨幫人照顧房子與寵物。(取自臉書社團The Global Pet Sitters)


Jonathan and Julie Ashworth, who are both in their 50s, sold their home back in 2017 and now spend their days globetrotting while looking after other people’s houses, and pets, in exchange for free accommodation.


The couple’s house sitting adventures have taken them to destinations such as France, Thailand, Australia, Spain and California, as well as around much of the UK.


They’ve stayed in an array of homes, including villas and country houses, and have cared for numerous cats and dogs, as well as horses, chickens, hamsters, rabbits, a kunekune pig and even a tortoise.

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