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2024-02-19 Locust outbreaks could get worse as global temperatures continue to climb 全球氣溫持續攀升 可能加劇蝗災 (0) (0)
2024-02-16 中英對照讀新聞》Ryokan pulls no punches when it comes to guests with disabilities 日式旅館接待身障客人不遺餘力 (0) (0)
2024-02-15 中英對照讀新聞》Restaurant charges extra 50 dollars to "adults unable to parent their children" 餐廳向「未能管教自家孩子的成年人」額外收取50美元 (2) (0)
2024-02-07 中英對照讀新聞》Uranium price hits highest level in almost 17 years鈾價達到幾乎17年內的最高點 (1) (0)
2024-02-06 中英對照讀新聞》Inert Cold War-era missile found in garage of Washington state home 冷戰時期的惰性飛彈在華盛頓州一戶住家車庫被發現 (0) (0)
2024-02-05 中英對照讀新聞》Kentucky city beams message into space inviting extraterrestrial visitors 邀請外星訪客 肯塔基州城市向太空發射訊息 (0) (0)
2024-01-31 中英對照讀新聞》Big E3 videogame expo calls it quits 大規模電玩展覽「電子娛樂展」停辦 (1) (0)
2024-01-30 中英對照讀新聞》6-legged spaniel undergoes surgery to remove extra limbs and adjusts to life on 4 paws 6足西班牙獵犬接受手術切除多餘肢體,並適應4隻腳爪的生活 (0) (0)
2024-01-29 中英對照讀新聞》Germany to send Ukraine six ’Sea King’ helicopters for air 德國將向烏克蘭派遣6架「海王」直升機用於防空 (0) (0)
2024-01-24 中英對照讀新聞》“Back on track”: Biden unveils plan for first US high-speed train 「回到正軌」:拜登公布美國第一條高速鐵路計畫 (0) (0)
2024-01-23 中英對照讀新聞》South Korea passes bill to ban consumption of dog meat南韓通過法案,禁止食用狗肉 (0) (0)
2024-01-17 中英對照讀新聞》Brazilian city enacts an ordinance that was secretly written by ChatGPT 巴西城市通過實施一項偷偷用ChatGPT寫的法令 (0) (0)
2024-01-16 中英對照讀新聞》A man who claimed to be selling Queen Elizabeth II’s walking stick is sentenced for fraud一名聲稱出售伊莉莎白二世女王手杖的男子因詐欺被判刑 (0) (0)
2024-01-15 中英對照讀新聞》Unsold Christmas trees are on the menu for elephants and bison at the Berlin Zoo 柏林動物園大象和野牛菜單上有未售出的耶誕樹 (0) (0)
2024-01-11 中英對照讀新聞》 World’s largest toothpaste collection includes whiskey, wasabi flavors 世界上規模最大的牙膏藏品 威士忌、芥末口味在列 (6) (0)
2024-01-09 中英對照讀新聞》Strays land in animal shelter after causing an estimated $350K in damage 流浪狗在造成估計35萬美元損失後,落腳動動收容所 (1) (0)
2024-01-08 中英對照讀新聞》Thailand sends 3 orangutans rescued from illicit wildlife trade back to Indonesia 泰國將3隻從非法野生動物貿易中獲救的紅毛猩猩送回印尼 (0) (0)
2024-01-05 中英對照讀新聞》Railway firms turn to AI to shake up lost property search 鐵路公司靠人工智慧將失物招領改頭換面 (0) (0)
2024-01-04 中英對照讀新聞》PepsiCo sued by New York state over plastic pollution 百事公司因塑膠污染被紐約州起訴 (0) (0)
2024-01-03 中英對照讀新聞》Alabama woman with rare double uterus gives birth to two children 擁有罕見雙子宮的阿拉巴馬州婦女產下2名小孩 (0) (0)
2023-12-28 中英對照讀新聞》Peru doctors save toddler who swallowed eight medical needles 祕魯醫生救回吞下8根醫療針頭的幼童 (21) (0)
2023-12-27 中英對照讀新聞》Samsung to add real-time translation to smartphone model 三星將在智慧手機中加入即時翻譯功能 (0) (0)
2023-12-26 中英對照讀新聞》Vatican approves blessings for same-sex couples under certain conditions 梵蒂岡批准在特定情況下給予同性伴侶祝福 (0) (0)
2023-12-21 中英對照讀新聞》Bodybuilding chef chops cucumber blindfolded for world record 健美廚師蒙眼切黃瓜 創下世界紀錄 (1) (0)
2023-12-19 中英對照讀新聞》Californian passes state bar exam at age 17 and is sworn in as an attorney 17歲加州人通過州律師考試並宣誓成為律師 (0) (0)
2023-12-18 中英對照讀新聞》Extremely rare white alligator is born at a Florida reptile park 極為罕見的白色短吻鱷誕生於佛羅里達爬行動物公園 (1) (0)
2023-12-15 中英對照讀新聞》No Johnny’s stars get the call for NHK’s music year-end show 無傑尼斯藝人受邀參加NHK年終音樂秀 (1) (0)
2023-12-14 中英對照讀新聞》Parents warned after cracking eggs on toddlers’ heads in TikTok trend 跟隨抖音流行在幼兒頭上敲蛋的父母遭到警告 (4) (0)
2023-12-12 中英對照讀新聞》Paraguay official sacked after dealings with fictitious country 與虛構國家打交道,巴拉圭官員遭革職 (0) (0)
2023-12-08 中英對照讀新聞》Australians add coffee to cement 澳洲人把咖啡加到水泥裡 (0) (0)
2023-12-06 中英對照讀新聞》Transition trouble: German car suppliers struggle with electric shift 轉型困難:德國汽車零件供應商掙扎於電動車轉型 (0) (0)
2023-12-05 中英對照讀新聞》Italian officials secure 12th Century leaning tower in Bologna to prevent collapse義大利官員保護波隆那12世紀斜塔以防倒塌 (0) (0)
2023-12-01 中英對照讀新聞》China group tours return to Japan but ‘explosive spending’ unlikely 中客團重返日本 但「爆買」不太可能再現 (0) (0)
2023-11-30 中英對照讀新聞》Yoga enthusiasts master the cat pose at kitten yoga session 瑜伽愛好者在小貓瑜伽課中掌握貓式 (3) (0)
2023-11-29 中英對照讀新聞》Actor Tom Hanks warns of ad with AI imposter 演員湯姆漢克警告 注意用人工智慧冒名頂替的廣告 (0) (0)
2023-11-23 中英對照讀新聞》Italy earmarks 2.9 million euros to tackle blue crab invasion 義大利撥款290萬歐元應對藍蟹入侵 (0) (0)
2023-11-22 中英對照讀新聞》Wisconsin snubs bourbon by elevating the brandy old fashioned to state cocktail status 威斯康辛州藉由將老式白蘭地提升為州雞尾酒地位 來冷落波本威士忌 (0) (0)
2023-11-20 中英對照讀新聞》A new RSV shot for infants is in short supply 嬰兒呼吸道融合病毒新疫苗供應短缺 (2) (0)
2023-11-16 中英對照讀新聞》California company turns recycled shower, sink water into beer 加州企業將回收的洗澡水、洗手台水再製成啤酒 (2) (0)
2023-11-15 中英對照讀新聞》Nobel chemistry winner flunked first college chemistry exam諾貝爾化學獎得主大學第一次化學考試不及格 (2) (0)
2023-11-13 中英對照讀新聞》Japan train hits bear, leaving passengers stranded overnight 日本火車撞熊致旅客滯留過夜 (2) (0)
2023-11-09 中英對照讀新聞》Silkworm sashimi, cricket curry on menu as bugs make a comeback in Japan蠶生魚片和蟋蟀咖哩 蟲蟲菜單重返日本 (2) (0)
2023-11-08 中英對照讀新聞》India space chief unfazed by Moon mission’s apparent end 印度太空首長對探月任務顯然告終泰然自若 (0) (0)
2023-11-07 中英對照讀新聞》Greek army destroys World War II bomb found during excavation for luxury development near Athens 希臘陸軍銷毀雅典附近豪宅開發案挖掘過程中發現的二戰炸彈 (1) (0)
2023-11-01 中英對照讀新聞》Israeli poll finds 49% support for holding off on Gaza invasion以色列民調發現,49%受訪者支持暫緩加薩入侵行動 (0) (0)
2023-10-31 中英對照讀新聞》Bobi, world’s oldest dog, dies in Portugal aged 31世界最老狗狗波比,以31歲高齡在葡萄牙辭世 (0) (0)
2023-10-30 中英對照讀新聞》US adds another option for fall COVID vaccination with updated Novavax shots 美國透過更新的Novavax疫苗 為秋季COVID疫苗接種新增另一種選擇 (0) (0)
2023-10-26 中英對照讀新聞》Extremely overdue book returned to Massachusetts library 119 years late 嚴重逾期119年的書籍重回麻薩諸塞州的圖書館 (1) (0)
2023-10-25 中英對照讀新聞》Meta, Google balk as Canada spells out new online news law加拿大說明新網路新聞法細節,元宇宙、Google拒絕 (0) (0)
2023-10-24 中英對照讀新聞》Vikings had windows, another shift away from their image as barbaric Norsemen, Danish museum says丹麥博物館稱,維京人有窗戶,這是他們擺脫野蠻諾曼人形象的另一個轉變 (2) (0)