| 美式英文 | 英式英文 |
A | Acey-deucy | Vague |
Adhesive tape | Sticking plaster | |
Aerosol bomb | Insecticide spray | |
Alligator pear | Avocado | |
American plan | Hotel rate including meals | |
Angel cake | Lights, fluffy, plain cake | |
Annie Oakley | Free ticket to a show or an event Named after the markswoman-these tickets sometimes have a hole in them like a bullet hole. | |
Ante | Stake or wager To ante up – put down one’s stake. | |
| Penny ante – cheap, small time. | |
Antsy | Jittery, restless – ants in his pants | |
Apartment | Flat | |
Apartment hotel | Service flats | |
Apartment building | Block of flats | |
Ape-to go ape | Very excited or angry | |
Apple pie order (in) | In good order. ship shape | |
Apple polisher | Flatter – from the custom of taking an apple for the teacher | |
Ascot | Cravat, scarf worn instead of a tie | |
Ash can | Dustbin used for refuse | |
Assignment | Homework | |
B | Baby buggy/ carriage | Carry cot, pram |
Backlog | Surplus work/ orders – a satisfactory situation | |
Back-up lights | Reversing lights on a car | |
Bad-mouth | To criticize (to slag off) | |
Bag job | Burglary by police or officials | |
Bag lady | Homeless woman who carries her goods in a bag | |
Bag-man | Collector for an illegal organization | |
Bags | Suitcases | |
Ballsy | Tough | |
Barkeep | Barman, bartender | |
Barnstorm | To tour with a theatrical group/ to tour rural areas as part of a political campaign | |
Barrel along | To travel at speed | |
Baseboard | Skirting board | |
Bathe / Bathing | To bath (not swim, although Americans use the Term, bathing suit) | |
Bathrobe | Dressing gown | |
Bawl out | To reprimand, to tell off | |
Bay window | A paunch, fat stomach | |
Bazoom | Breasts | |
Bellhop | Bellboy/page boy / porter | |
Bills | Currency e.g. a dollar bill | |
Billfold | Wallet/ notecase | |
Billy | Truncheon | |
Bird Dog | Retriever, gun dog | |
Biscuit | Small cake like a scone | |
Bleachers | Cheap, open air stands in a sports stadium | |
Blooper | Error/ bloomer | |
Blotter | Official daily record, especially at a police station | |
Bluebook | Book recording the names of important families | |
Bluejacket | Us Naval rating | |
Blue laws | Strict laws curbing drink, Sunday entertainment, sex … | |
Bobby pin | Hair grip, hairpin | |
Bobby sox | Ankle length socks (Bobby soxers were teenagers) | |
Boiled shirt | Stiff dress shirt/ evening shirt | |
Boner | Mistake | |
Boob tube | Television | |
Boot camp | Basic training camp for the US Navy or Marines | |
Booth (telephone) | Kiosk | |
Brakeman | Train guard | |
Broad | Woman | |
Broil | Grill | |
Buck | A dollar | |
Buddy | Pal or mate | |
Buffalo | To persuade, confuse someone for gain | |
Bug | Insect/ to annoy /irritate | |
Bullhorn | Megaphone | |
Bummer | A failure, unsuccessful person | |
Bureau | Chest of drawers | |
Bus boy | Apprentice waiter | |
Business suit | Lounge suit | |
Butt | Cigarette | |
| Bottom/bum | |
Buzz | Telephone call | |
| Under the influence of drink or drugs | |
C | Cabana | Beach hut |
Caddy | Shopping trolley | |
Call-in | Phone-in | |
Can | Sacked, to shut off, to preserve food | |
Candy store/ apple | Sweet shop, toffee apple | |
Caravan | Convoy | |
Centennial | Centenary | |
Chaps | Leather leggings worn when riding a horse. | |
Check | Bill for food or drink | |
| Cheque | |
Checkers | Game of draughts/ draughts | |
Checking account | Current bank account | |
Check room | Left luggage office | |
Chintzy | Cheap, of little value | |
Chips(potato) | Crisps | |
Closet | Cupboard, wardrobe | |
Clothes pin | Clothes peg | |
Club soda | Soda water | |
Clunker | Old, decrepit car, a banger | |
Cockamany/ cockamannie | Ridiculous, incredible | |
Comer | Someone who is expected to do well | |
Comforter | Quilt, eiderdown | |
Comfort station | Public convenience, rest room | |
Commuter ticket | Season ticket | |
Concert master | Leader of an orchestra or band | |
Condominium/ condo | Owner-occupied flat | |
Conductor | Guard-train | |
Confectioner’s sugar | Icing sugar | |
Cookie | Biscuit( sweet) | |
Cookie sheet | Baking tray | |
Cook in | Self catering at a camp site or holiday location | |
Copy-reader | Sub-editor | |
Corn | Maize | |
Corned beef | Salt beef | |
Cornstarch | Corn flour | |
Cot | Camp bed | |
Cotton | Cotton wool | |
Cotton candy | Candy floss | |
Cracker | Biscuit(unsweetened) | |
Cracker jack | Superior, excellent | |
Crazy bone | Funny bone | |
Cross walk | Pedestrian crossing | |
Cruller | A small cake, ring doughnut | |
Cuffs(pants) | Turn-ups (trousers) | |
Cured ham | Gammon | |
Custom made | Bespoke/ made to measure |
- Nov 14 Wed 2012 18:21
英式英文和美式英文的區分 (A-C)