| 美式英文 | 英式英文 |
J | Jacklight | Portable lantern |
Jam | Thick conserve with pieces of fruit in it | |
| (British jam is called jelly) | |
Jammies | Pyjamas | |
Janitor | Caretaker | |
Jelly | Jam | |
Jelly roll | Swiss roll | |
Jerk | Slow-witted person | |
Jimmy | Jemmy | |
John | Toilet | |
Juice | Influence, authority | |
Jump suit | One-piece garment/child’s playsuit | |
Jump rope | Skipping rope | |
| |
K | Kerosene | Paraffin |
Key punch | Card punch | |
Kickback | Money paid illegally in a business deal | |
Kiss-off | Abrupt dismissal, often rude | |
Knee pants | Short trousers | |
Knickers | Plus-fours | |
Knock up | To make pregnant | |
Kook/kooky | Eccentric | |
L | Labor union | Trade union |
Ladybug | Ladybird | |
Lard-ass/lard-bucket | Fat individual | |
Lawyer/attorney | Solicitor | |
Leatherneck | Us marine | |
Legal holiday | Bank holiday | |
Levee | Structure built on the side of a river to prevent flooding | |
Licence plate | Number plate | |
Life preserver | Life buoy | |
Lightening bug | Glow worm | |
Lima bean | Broad bean | |
Line-up | Queue | |
Line-up(in prison) | Identification parade | |
Liquor store | Off licence/ wine merchant | |
Liverwurst | Liver sausage | |
Loaded | Rich, drunk | |
Lobby | Foyer | |
Locate | To settle in a home, to relocate | |
Loft | To raise or hoist | |
Loge | Front of the dress circle at a theatre | |
Log roll | To do a good turn in return for a favour | |
Long distance | Trunk call | |
Longshoreman | Docker who loads and unloads ships | |
Lost and found | Lost property | |
Lot | A piece of land | |
Lounge jacket | Smoking jacket | |
Love seat | Settee | |
Lox | Smoked salmon | |
Lumber room | Box room, store room |
- Nov 14 Wed 2012 18:29
美式英文和英式英文的區分 (J-L)