| 英式英文 | 美式英文 |
D | Daily record | Blotter |
Dance(school, university) | Prom | |
Dangerous | Hairy | |
Death duties | Estate tax | |
Debt(to pay) | Pony up | |
Desiccated coconut | Shredded coconut | |
Desk diary | Date book | |
Detective | Dick, gumshoe | |
Diamanté | Rhinestone | |
Directory enquiries |
| |
(telephone) | Information | |
Dishpan | Washing up bowl | |
Dismissal (often |
| |
Rude/ abrupt) | Kiss off | |
District | Precinct | |
Docker | Longshoreman | |
Dog | Pooch | |
Dollar | Buck | |
Door made of mesh | Screen door | |
Drain (indoors) | Sewer | |
Draper | Dry goods store | |
Draughts | Checkers | |
Drawing pin | Thumb task | |
Dress circle | Mezzanine, loge | |
Dressing gown | Bathrobe | |
Drunk | Loaded | |
Dual carriageway | Divided highway | |
Dungarees | Overalls | |
Dust bin | Ash, garbage, trash can | |
Earth (wire) | Ground wire | |
Eccentric | Goof ball, kook, kooky | |
| off the wall | |
Egg flip | Eggnog | |
Eiderdown | Comforter | |
Electric point | Outlet | |
Error | Blooper | |
Estate agent | Realtor | |
Europe | Yarrup | |
Evening classes | Night school | |
Evening shirt | Boiled shirt | |
Everything | Shebang | |
Excellent | Dandy | |
Excited | To go ape | |
Extension |
| |
(telephone) | Station | |
F | Facts(basic) | Nitty gritty |
Failure | Bummer | |
Farewell | Kiss off | |
Fat person | Lard ass, lard bucket | |
Favour (to do) | Log roll | |
Field hockey | Hockey | |
Film | Movie | |
Fine | Dandy | |
Fire hydrant | Fire plug | |
Firework | Firecracker | |
First floor | Ground floor | |
Fish slice | Pancake turner | |
Five cent coin | Nickel | |
Flannel | Wash cloth | |
Flat | Apartment | |
Flat(owner occupied) | Condominium, condo | |
Flatterer | Apple polisher | |
Floor | Deck | |
Flyerover | Overpass | |
Foot and mouth |
| |
disease | Hoof and mouth disease | |
Forbid | Enjoin | |
Forbidden | No, no | |
Form/ class | Grade | |
Fourth Thursday |
| |
in November | Thanksgiving | |
Foyer | Lobby | |
Frying pan | Skillet | |
Full stop | Period (punctuation) | |
Funny bone | Crazy bone |
- Nov 14 Wed 2012 19:19