| 英式英文 | 美式英文 |
P | Pageboy (hotel) | Bellhop |
Pal | Buddy | |
Pancake | Flapjack | |
Panties | Scanties | |
Paraffin | Kerosene | |
Paraffin wax | Paraffin | |
parcel | Package | |
Parking | Standing | |
Party | Shebang | |
Patience | Solitaire | |
Paunch | Bay window | |
Pavement | Sidewalk | |
Pelmet | Valance | |
persevere | Hang in there | |
Persuade | Buffalo | |
Petrol | Gas, gasoline | |
Petrol station | Filling station | |
Phone in | Call in | |
Piece of land | Lot | |
Pillar box | Mail box, mail drop | |
Playsuit (child’s) | Jump suit | |
Plimsolls | Deck shoes, sneakers | |
Plus fours | Knickers | |
Police dog | German shepherd dog | |
Policeman | Patrolman | |
Police patrol car | Prowl car | |
Porter | Bellhop | |
Post | ||
Postal code | Zip code | |
Postman | Mailman | |
Postponement | Raincheck | |
Pouffe | Hassock | |
Pram | Baby buggy | |
Pregnant(to make) | Knock up | |
Preserve(food) | Can | |
Person who leaves |
| |
a group | Maverick | |
Personal call | Person to person | |
Primary school | Grade school | |
Prison | Penitentiary | |
Professional student |
| |
working to gain |
| |
experience | Intern | |
Public school | Private school | |
Puritanical laws |
| |
on alcohol… | Blue laws | |
Pyjamas | Jammies | |
Q | Quay | Wharf, pier |
Queue | Line up | |
Quilt | Comforter |
- Nov 14 Wed 2012 19:26